CPSC 121 Assignment 5 – Loops


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Your task is to finish the starter code given, performing various mathematical tasks.
You are not allowed to use any math libraries (built-in math functions) from C++, you
must do all the calculations yourself.
Case 1: Calculate the nth Fibonacci number
Fibonacci numbers are found everywhere in nature.
They are a series of numbers such that the next number
in the sequence is the sum of the previous two.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …
It can be expressed by the following:
𝑓𝑖𝑏(0) =
𝑓𝑖𝑏(1) = 1
𝑓𝑖𝑏(𝑛) = (𝑛 βˆ’ 1) + (𝑛 βˆ’ 2)
Case 1 Details:
Prompt the user for an integer n, then calculate the nth fibonacci number and print to the
If the user enters 0, print 0
If the user enters 1, print 1
If the user enters 2, print 1
If the user enters 3, print 2
If the user enters 4, print 3
If the user enters 10, print 55
Case 2: Prime number printer
Prompt the user for a number, then print all the prime numbers up to and including that number.
If the user enters 10, the program prints 2, 3, 5, 7
If the user enters 23, the program prints 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23
And so on…
Case 3: Random number tester
Count how long it takes for the computer to generate two of the same random numbers.
Prompt the user for an upper bound, then calculate a random number [0, upper bound].
The program will then repeatedly generate another random number within the same range, and
count how many generations it takes to produce the same random number again.
This case will then output the count to the user.
1. The user enters 100
2. The program then generates a random number between 0 and 100 inclusive, for
example the number 73.
3. The program will then repeatedly generate random numbers between 0 and 100
inclusive, until it generates the same random number as in step 2, in our example 73.
4. The program will then display how many numbers were generated before repeating the
same number twice (73 and 73)
srand has been provided already, seeding the random number generator with time(NULL). You
must use rand() for this case
Case 4: Exponent Calculator
This case will have you implement the pow function by hand. Prompt the user for a base and an
exponent, then output the result to the console. Inputs will be integers.
Enter a base: 2
Enter an exponent: 3
Answer: 8
Case 5: Approximate pi
This case will have you approximate pi with varying accuracy. You can approximate pi with the
following equation:
Ο€ β‰ˆ
1 βˆ’
3 +
5 βˆ’
7 +
9 βˆ’ …
The more terms you calculate the closer you will get to the value pi.
Prompt the user for a value n, then calculate the approximate value of pi to the n
term using
the formula above. Output the approximate value of pi to the console.
Case 6: Exit the program
This case exits the program gracefully.
Additional Notes:
Write your code between the comments for each case, do not modify the code other than
adding to the cases provided.
Rubric: 60 Points total
Code compiles without errors or warnings 0 Points max score if program doesn’t
-5 points if there are any warnings
Case 1 10 Points
Case 2 10 Points
Case 3 10 Points
Case 4 10 Points
Case 5 10 Points
Case 6 5 Points
Comments 5 points – Use appropriate comments
throughout the code. Every 5-10 lines of code
should have at least one comment explaining
what the code is doing.
Submit the completed LoopPractice.cpp file and Makefile in a .zip folder to blackboard by the
due date. Name your .zip folder β€œlastname_firstname_assignment5.zip”