CPE/EE/AAI 695 Applied Machine Learning Homework 4


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Question 1 (6 points)
Prove Bayes’ Theorem. Briefly explain why it is useful for machine learning problems.

Question 2 (8 points):
Consider again the example application of Bayes rule in Section 6.2.1 of Tom Mitchell’s

Suppose the doctor decides to order a second laboratory test for the same patient
and suppose the second test returns a positive result as well. What are the posterior
probabilities of cancer and ¬cancer respectively following these two tests? Assume that the
two tests are independent.

Question 3 (8 points):
Section 6.9.1 of Tom Mitchell’s textbook demonstrates an example using the Naïve Bayes
Algorithm to predict a new instance based on a dataset with 14 examples from Table 3.2 of
Chapter 3 of the book. If we only have 12 examples as shown below, what is the prediction
results for the same new instance? Show your calculation.

New instance: <Outlook=sun, Temperature=cool, Humidity=high, Wind=strong>

Question 4 (14 points): Answer question 4.7 (page 125) of Tom Mitchell’s textbook as quoted

Question 5 – Programming (40 points):

In this programming problem, you will get familiar with building a neural network using

You are supposed to implement the following steps:

Step 1: use our “titanic” dataset in homework #3, and split data in the same way you did in
homework #3 – 80% as training and 20% test sets;

Step 2: Fit a neural network using independent variables ‘pclass + sex + age + sibsp’ and
dependent variable ‘survived’. Fill in n/a attributes with the average of the same attributes
from other training examples.

Use 2 hidden layers and set the activation functions for both the
hidden and output layer to be the sigmoid function. Set “solver” parameter as either SGD
(stochastic gradient descend) or Adam (similar to SGD but optimized performance with mini

You can adjust parameter “alpha” for regularization (to control overfitting) and other
parameters such as “learning rate” and “momentum” as needed.

Step 3: Check the performance of the model with out-of- sample accuracy, defined as
out-of-sample percent survivors correctly predicted (on test set)
out-of-sample percent fatalities correctly predicted (on test set)

Please try two different network structures (i.e., number of neurons at each hidden layer) and
show their respective accuracy.

Step 4: Compare the out-of-sample accuracy (as defined in step 3) with the random forest
obtained in homework #3. (You can either use a table or plot the results of the two algorithms
in one figure). Explain any difference in accuracy.

Note: There are two options to implement the neural network:
Option 1: use scikit-learn library;
Here is the tutorial: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/neural_networks_supervised.html

Option 2 (bonus: 2 points): implement backpropagation yourself; in your implementation, you
better set the following:
(1) the initial weights to be uniformly between [-0.1, +0.1]
(2) the number of iterations to be around 5000 or more (but not tens of thousand)

You can choose either option for this homework. You will get 5 bonus points if you choose
option 2. No matter what you choose, make sure you know how to update the weights.