COSC 3360 – 6310 Assignment 3 The multithreaded Database Management System


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This project will familiarize you with the use of pthreads,
pthread mutex semaphores, and pthread condition
A multithreaded database management system receives
requests from multiple users to access a database with
ten data records. The DBMS must use concurrency
mechanisms to guarantee consistency when multiples
requests try to access the same data record at the same
time. One of the features of the DBMS is an accounting
module that prints all the information regarding how the
requests from the clients are being processed by the
DBMS. The goal of the assignment is to simulate the
operation of the DBMS using POSIX threads, POSIX
semaphores, and condition variables.
Your program should consist of:
1. The main thread: it creates the database and the
request threads according to the input specifications.
2. One request thread per line in the input file (without
including the first line): it simulates the request from
a user to access a particular position of the
Your program must read the input using I/O redirection.
The input file format is shown below:
1 // Starting group (1 or 2)
1 3 0 5 // User 1 from Group 1 requesting position 3 at time 0 for 5 sec.
2 3 2 5 // User 2 from Group 2 requesting position 3 at time 2 for 5 sec.
1 3 1 5 // User 3 from Group 1 requesting position 3 at time 3 for 5 sec.
2 1 3 1 // User 4 from Group 2 requesting position 1 at time 6 for 1 sec.
The value in the first line of the input file represents the
group that will have access to the database first. Each
user will belong to group 1 or group 2. The following
lines represent the request from the users to access the
database. Each request has the following format:
User group: 1 or 2
Database position: from 1 to 10
Request arrival time: it represents the elapsed amount of
time (seconds) since the arrival of the previous request
(use the sleep function to simulate this time).
Request time: it is the request’s duration in seconds (use
the sleep function to simulate this time).
Your program will terminate when all requests have
been processed by the multithreaded DBMS.
Your program should keep track of all the requests
generated using the information from the input file. Each
user request (handled by a thread) should print a
message each time its status changes: (a) arrives at the
DBMS; (b) uses the requested database position; and
(c) finish its execution. It must also print a message
when the request needs to wait due to: (a) the user does
not belong to the initial group; (b) the requested position
is being used by another user. Based on the previous
input, we have the following output:
User 1 from Group 1 arrives to the DBMS
User 1 is accessing the position 3 of the database for 5 second(s)
User 2 from Group 2 arrives to the DBMS
User 2 is waiting due to its group
User 3 from Group 1 arrives to the DBMS
User 3 is waiting: position 3 of the database is being used by user 1
User 1 finished its execution
User 3 is accessing the position 3 of the database for 5 second(s)
User 4 from Group 2 arrives to the DBMS
User 4 is waiting due to its group
User 3 finished its execution
All users from Group 1 finished their execution
The users from Group 2 start their execution
User 2 is accessing the position 3 of the database for 5 second(s)
User 4 is accessing the position 1 of the database for 1 second(s)
User 4 finished its execution
User 2 finished its execution
At the end of the simulation, your main thread should
print a summary with:
1. The total number of requests (classified by group);
2. The total number of requests that waited due to their
3. The total number of requests that waited because the
position was being used by another user.
This summary could look like:
Total Requests:
Group 1: 2
Group 2: 2
Requests that waited:
Due to its group: 2
Due to a locked position: 1
Note: Your program must use I/O redirection. You can
safely assume that the input files will always be in the
proper format.