COP 4020 Homework 1 SOLVED


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Implement the function

computePolygonArea :: [(Double,Double)] -> Double

that computes the area of the polygon. The formula
for the area of the polygon is given at:

You should report an error when the list is empty or contains
only one point.

You should implement the function

det :: (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double

that computes the determinate of the 2 x 2 matrix whose
columns are given by the first and second arguments, respectively.

You should use the det function in your computation of the
polygon area.

Problem 2:

See for more details
We only consider the situation where there is only a single
piece on the board

Given the definitions

type File = Char — column index
— valid files are ‘a’,’b’,…,’h’
type Rank = Int — row index
— valid ranks are 1,2,…8
type Position = (File,Rank)

data Color =
Black | White
deriving (Eq,Show)

data Piece =
King | Queen | Rook | Bishop | Knight | Pawn
deriving (Eq,Show)

implement the functions

isLegalPosition :: Position -> Bool
isLegalMove :: Color -> Piece -> Position -> Position -> Bool

that check whether a position is a legal board position and whether a
move is legal.