COP 3337 Assignment 1


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Assignment: Write an algorithm (pseudocode) and program to compute e. The
calculation of the important mathematical constant e will be done as the sum of
an infinite series:

e = ∑ 1/n!

See for details.

Output: Output will include your computed value for e, the math library constant
“expected value” for e and the number of iterations (loop executions) it took to
reach sixteen-decimal-place accuracy (2.7182818284590450). Make your output clean,
labeled, and easy to read for comparing results. No computational rounding is
allowed. Acceptable output would look something like:

Computed value of e : 2.7182818284590450
Expected value of e : 2.7182818284590450
Required iterations : 30

Note: # of iterations above is not correct.

Input: No user input.

Requirements: Use only material covered in the first six chapters. Style
requirements as discussed in class expected. No graphics.

Efficiency should always be considered. Always choose the most appropriate
loop/decision structures and variable types. No computational rounding is allowed.
Use of appropriate constants expected – e.g. for expected value, desired delta.

You may NOT use the math library constant in your computation – directly or indirectly.
Use ONLY the “delta” (difference) of your running computation to determine
when to stop your loop. [Hint: consider when the difference between
subsequent computations ceases to “meaningfully” affect your computation.]

Submission: Your program must be able to compile and execute on FIU SCIS,
using the “java” compiler. Test it there before you submit!

Name your source code file: . Only one source code file.

Refer to the Moodle documents: “How to Develop a Simple Java Program” and “Style
Guide” for details on expected program format and documentation. Review both
documents carefully!

Algorithm (pseudocode) should be submitted in a separate text (or .pdf) file and
included with the Moodle posting and class submission. Refer to pages 18-22 in
the text for assistance with pseudocode requirements.

Print out a copy of your source code and pseudocode and submit in class – signed,
stapled and collated in the specified sequence: primary source code (w/main) file
(on top) and then the pseudocode text file. Submit in class NO LATER THAN the first
15 minutes of class.

Post a .zip file — with all source code (.java) and pseudocode files — on the Moodle
web site. Do NOT include any extraneous (IDE) files in the Moodle submission. Post
NO LATER THAN the start time of class – no exceptions!

Program documentation must include the required signed disclaimer (comment) in
the heading – no grade will be assigned to programs that omit the disclaimer or