COP 3223 Program #2: Rent Money


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You need to try to decide whether or not you have enough money for rent this month. In
order to make this decision you need the following information:
a) How many hours you work each week
b) Your hourly pay
c) Your grocery bill
d) Your utility bills
e) Your entertainment/other expenses
f) Rent
Assume there are four weeks during the month. Assume that overtime pay is 50% more
than regular pay and that you get paid overtime for each hour over 40 that you work a
week. Since groceries, utilities and entertainment take precedence over rent, you’ll ONLY
be able to pay the rent if the sum of the costs of c through f are less than or equal to the
total money you make at your job.
If you can pay rent, print out the following:
Great, you can pay your rent!
Otherwise, print out:
Sorry, you can’t pay your rent.
Sample Run (User input in bold and italics)
How many hours do you work a week?
What is your hourly pay in dollars?
What is your grocery bill for the month?
What are your utility bills for the month?
What are your entertainment/other expenses for the month?
What is your rent for the month?
Great, you can pay your rent!
Please submit your solution to this problem as a single file named, over
WebCourses by the designated due date.