Create a program that a user can use to manage the primary email address and phone
number for a contact. To get you started, download and use the file named contacts.csv
which is in the Module 7 area. You do not need to upload the contacts.csv file with your
homework submission.
Contact Manager
list – Display all contacts
view – View a contact
add – Add a contact
del – Delete a contact
exit – Exit program
Command: list
1. Guido van Rossum
2. Eric Idle
3. Lizard Duck
4. Morris Feline
Command: add
Name: Alice Carroll
Phone: 352-555-9876
Alice Carroll was added.
Command: list
1. Guido van Rossum
2. Eric Idle
3. Lizard Duck
4. Morris Feline
5. Alice Carroll
Command: exit
For the view and del commands, display an error message if the user enters an invalid contact
Use the contacts.csv file to store the data for the program.
When you start the program, it should read the contacts from the CSV file.
When you add or delete a contact, the change should be saved to the CSV file immediately. That way,
no changes are lost, even if the program crashes later.
Note: you must close the CSV file before running the program or it will not work.
Save the file with the filename where XXX is either your initials or your last name.