COP 2002 Project 7-1: Contact Manager


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Create a program that a user can use to manage the primary email address and phone
number for a contact. To get you started, download and use the file named contacts.csv
which is in the Module 7 area. You do not need to upload the contacts.csv file with your
homework submission.
Contact Manager
list – Display all contacts
view – View a contact
add – Add a contact
del – Delete a contact
exit – Exit program
Command: list
1. Guido van Rossum
2. Eric Idle
3. Lizard Duck
4. Morris Feline
Command: add
Name: Alice Carroll
Phone: 352-555-9876
Alice Carroll was added.
Command: list
1. Guido van Rossum
2. Eric Idle
3. Lizard Duck
4. Morris Feline
5. Alice Carroll
Command: exit
 For the view and del commands, display an error message if the user enters an invalid contact
 Use the contacts.csv file to store the data for the program.
 When you start the program, it should read the contacts from the CSV file.
 When you add or delete a contact, the change should be saved to the CSV file immediately. That way,
no changes are lost, even if the program crashes later.
 Note: you must close the CSV file before running the program or it will not work.
 Save the file with the filename where XXX is either your initials or your last name.