COP 2002 Project 6-1: Wizard Inventory


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Create a program that keeps track of the items that a wizard can carry.
The Wizard Inventory program
show – Show all items
grab – Grab an item
edit – Edit an item
drop – Drop an item
exit – Exit program
Command: show
1. wooden staff
2. wizard hat
3. cloth shoes
Command: grab
Name: potion of invisibility
potion of invisibility was added.
Command: grab
You can’t carry any more items. Drop something first.
Command: show
1. wooden staff
2. wizard hat
3. cloth shoes
4. potion of invisibility
Command: edit
Number: 1
Updated name: magic wooden staff
Item number 1 was updated.
Command: drop
Number: 3
cloth shoes was dropped.
Command: exit
 Use a list to store the items. Provide three starting items.
 The wizard can only carry four items at a time.
 For the edit and drop commands, display an error message if the user enters an invalid number.
 When you exit the program, all changes that you made to the contact list are lost.
 Store the rest of the code that gets input and displays output in the main function.
 Save the file with the filename where XXX is either your initials or your
last name.