Create a program that keeps track of the items that a wizard can carry.
The Wizard Inventory program
show – Show all items
grab – Grab an item
edit – Edit an item
drop – Drop an item
exit – Exit program
Command: show
1. wooden staff
2. wizard hat
3. cloth shoes
Command: grab
Name: potion of invisibility
potion of invisibility was added.
Command: grab
You can’t carry any more items. Drop something first.
Command: show
1. wooden staff
2. wizard hat
3. cloth shoes
4. potion of invisibility
Command: edit
Number: 1
Updated name: magic wooden staff
Item number 1 was updated.
Command: drop
Number: 3
cloth shoes was dropped.
Command: exit
Use a list to store the items. Provide three starting items.
The wizard can only carry four items at a time.
For the edit and drop commands, display an error message if the user enters an invalid number.
When you exit the program, all changes that you made to the contact list are lost.
Store the rest of the code that gets input and displays output in the main function.
Save the file with the filename where XXX is either your initials or your
last name.