COMS3200 – Assignment Two


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Part A (6%)
Q1 [1%]
Find the performance of the selective-repeat protocol working under the
following assumptions:
 frames are 800 bytes long
 data rate is 10 Mbps
 propagation delay is 5 µsec/km
 3 bits are allocated for the frame sequence number
 the distance is 5 km
Assume that no frames are lost. Assume that transmission time for ACK is negligible. Show your
working by including all the drawings and calculations used to arrive at the solution.
Q2 [1%].
Find the performance of the Go-back-n protocol working under the
following assumptions:
 frames are 800 bytes long
 data rate is 10 Mbps
 propagation delay is 5 µsec/km
 3 bits are allocated for the frame sequence number
 the distance is 100 km
Assume that no frames are lost. Assume that transmission time for ACK is negligible. Show
your working by including all the drawings and calculations used to arrive at the solution.
Q3 [1%]
Repeat the performance calculation from Q1 and Q2 with the assumption that 7 bits (not 3) are
allocated for the frame sequence number.
Q4 [3%]
Consider the following internetwork, representing a subset of the network:
Hosts have the names, IP addresses and (simplified) MAC addresses shown. Host ns serves as the
authoritative DNS server for Each host is aware of its subnet mask, the IP address of the
gateway (i.e. the particular router interface address), and the IP address of the DNS server. Assume
that at the beginning of the communication exchange described below no host has ARP or DNS
information cached (other than Host ns knowing DNS information for the whole domain), however
once it acquires such information it will be cached. You may assume that the routers have complete
ARP caches – i.e. they know the MAC addresses for all of the network interfaces on the networks
they are directly connected to.
Consider a client process on host B sending a request to Server 1. The address
( is given to the client process as an argument. Assume that TCP is used at
the transport layer for communication with the server. Please also note that communication with the
DNS server uses UDP. Write down the sequence of frames that are received by Router 1 (on any
Router 1
Router 2
Switch Switch
Host A
Host B Server 1 Host ns
Server 2
MAC Addr: m1
MAC Addr: m2
MAC Addr: m3
MAC Addr: m4
MAC Addr: m5
MAC Addr: m6
MAC Addr: m7
MAC Addr: m8
MAC Addr: m9
MAC Addr: m11
MAC Addr: m10
To Internet
interface) as this request is met. Do not show any other frames. Do not show frames transmitted by
Router 1.
You should clearly specify the source and destination MAC addresses and, if the frame contains an
IP packet, the source and destination IP addresses (or equivalent host name). You should specify the
protocol(s) transmitted within the frame and give a brief description of the contents of the packet.
For TCP segments, indicate if any TCP flags are set (SYN etc). You may assume that no transport
or IP level fragmentation is necessary and that no packets are lost. You may also assume that the
client request will be successful and a response will come from the server.
As an example of the level of detail required, the first 3 frames received by Router 1 are provided
for you. Your answer should be a table with the columns shown below. You do not need to repeat
the frames given below.
Source IP
(or host)
Dest. IP
(or host)
Protocol(s) Contents
m2 *
ARP Who owns
m2 m3 B ns DNS / UDP
/ IP
What’s the IP address for
m6 m4 ns B DNS / UDP
/ IP
IP address is

Assessment Criteria for Part A
Provided your assignment is submitted using the submission instructions it will be marked as indicated in the
assignment questions. The marks are allocated for correctness. Partial marks will be allocated for answers
that are partially correct.
Part B (10%) – 100 marks
The aim of Part B of the assignment is for students to gain experience in network programming
using socket level primitives for the UDP protocol. In this part of the assignment students are
required to develop the networked application with the functionality described in Assignment 1 but
this time using UDP for communication between the application’s components. As UDP is
connectionless you should scan the Assignment 1 specification for anything related to connections
(e.g. requests to print message about “listening on a port” or ‘unable to connect”) and ignore them
in Assignment 2. To this end, you are required to implement the Name Server, two clients
(QueryClient) and two servers (LoansServer, CatalogServer) in a library loans system. The
QueryClient send requests to the LoansServer and the CatalogServer.
You must implement all the components in Java using socket level primitives. All communication
is to be UDP based.
Java Requirements
Your implementation must consist of four classes: L o a n s S e r v e r , C a t a l o g S e r v e r ,
NameServer and Q u e r y C l i e n t which will be in the files,, and . Each of these
classes will contain a p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d m a i n ( S t r i n g a r g s [ ] ) method. You may
use additional classes and Java files as needed but at a minimum your solution must include all of
these files. Your Java classes should not be part of any package.
Other requirements
All communication is to be UDP based. All the communication has to be reliable and the reliability
should be ensured by the communicating processes (at the application layer), i.e. the sender process
needs to set timeout for an ACK arrival and retransmit the message if the timeout expires. The
receiver has to acknowledge received messages. You are only allowed to use one port for sending
and receiving UDP messages (one port per process), i.e. you cannot let the client contact the server
on the server’s UDP port, get the server to create a new UDP port and send a message back to the
client. The port number should be allocated by the system, i.e. the process should not specify the
port number (except for the Name Server). Multi-threading is allowed for implementation of the
communication reliability, i.e. the sending process may create a separate thread that reacts to
timeout expiry and retransmits the required packet. The thread uses the same port as the process that
instantiated the thread.
As the local area network on which you test your application is reliable and does not lose packets it
is necessary to simulate packet loss to test introduced reliability. Please simulate the packet loss by
using a random number generator and deciding based on the generated value whether the packet is
sent or not. The following pseudo-code shows how packet loss can be simulated:
generate uniform random number x from 0 to1;
if(x>=0.5) transmit packet;
set timeout
 You may wish to start from the UDP based client/server example available on Blackboard. You
are free to use this code however you like.
Penalties that may be applied
 Code must be modified by marker to permit compilation and/or marking (-1 to -50 depending
on the severity of the change required. Deduction is at the discretion of the course coordinator
whose decision is final.)
Assessment Criteria
Provided your assignment is submitted following the instructions below, it will be marked
according to the following criteria. You must pay careful attention to the details of any required
behaviour. Part marks may be awarded for a given criteria if the specification is partially met. All
marking will be performed in a UNIX environment, specifically and it is
expected that your code will work in this environment. Note that some criteria can only be tested for
if other criteria are met. You will need to demonstrate Part B if requested by the tutor.
QueryClient (22 marks)
 Code compiles successfully (2 marks)
 Coding style (neat code layout and code is commented) (2 marks)
 Client correctly deals with invalid command line arguments (1 marks)
 Client correctly prints out error message and exits with the correct status when unable to
contact Name Server (2 marks)
 QC correctly looks up required Server information from the Name Server (2 marks)
 There are two (or more) QCs running in the application (4 marks)
 QC correctly sends requests to the LoanServer (3 marks)
 QC correctly sends requests to the CatalogServer (3 marks)
 QC correctly prints responses (3 marks)
Name Server (18 marks)
 Code compiles successfully (2 marks)
 Coding style (neat code layout and code is commented) (2 marks)
 Server correctly deals with invalid command line arguments (1 marks)
 Server correctly handles invalid messages (2 mark)
 Server correctly sends error messages when process is not registered (2 marks)
 Server correctly stores valid information without any error (2 marks)
 Server correctly responds to registration and lookup requests (5 marks)
 Server doesn’t crash for communication cases (2 marks)
LoansServer (30 marks)
 Code compiles successfully (2 marks)
 Coding style (neat code layout and code is commented) (2 marks)
 Server correctly deals with invalid command line arguments (1 marks)
 Server correctly handles invalid messages (2 mark)
 Server correctly prints out error message and exits with the correct status when unable to
contact Name Server (2 marks)
 Server correctly handles valid requests (12 mark)
 Server correctly prints messages to standard error (7 marks)
 Server doesn’t crash for communication cases (2 marks)
CatalogServer (30 marks)
 Code compiles successfully (2 marks)
 Coding style (neat code layout and code is commented) (2 marks)
 Server correctly deals with invalid command line arguments (1 marks)
 Server correctly handles invalid messages (2 mark)
 Server correctly prints out error message and exits with the correct status when unable to
contact Name Server (2 marks)
 Server correctly handles valid requests (12 marks)
 Server correctly prints messages to standard error (7 marks)
 Server doesn’t crash for communication cases (2 marks)
Submission Instructions
The assignment (Part A and Part B) is due at 2pm on Tuesday May 23 and should be submitted as a
zipped file through Blackboard. You are advised to keep a copy of your assignment.
Late Submission
Late submission will be penalized by the loss of 10% of your assignment mark per working day late
(or part thereof). In the event of exceptional personal or medical circumstances that prevent on-time
hand-in, you should contact the lecturer and be prepared to supply appropriate documentary
evidence (e.g. medical certificate). Late submissions must be submitted by email to the lecturer or
tutor (Blackboard submission will be unsuccessful, i.e., will not be recorded properly).
Modifications to Part A and Part B Requirements
Note: it is possible that there are inconsistencies in the above requirements and/or that not all details
have been specified. Please ask if you unsure of the requirements. Please monitor your email, the
course newsgroup, or the course website for clarifications and/or corrections to the above
information. It will be assumed that students see such email or postings by the end of the next
business day. Requirements changes/clarifications emailed and/or posted by one of the teaching
staff before 4 pm Monday May 19 are considered to be part of the assignment requirements.
Academic Merit, Plagiarism, Collusion and Other Misconduct
You should read and understand the statement on academic merit, plagiarism, collusion and other
misconduct contained within the course profile and the School website. You should note that this is
an individual assignment. All submitted source code will be subject to plagiarism and/or
collusion detection. Work without academic merit will be awarded a mark of 0.
Assignment Return: Assignment feedback arrangements will be advised later.