Problem 1.** (10 points) Create a personal web page using your CUNIX account. Your page should contain at least 1 image and 5 links. These pages should be rated “G”. You do not need to submit your HTML code for this part of the assignment. Be sure to name your page index.html so that its address is\[your_UNI_here\]
**Problem 2.** (10 points) Create an application in Java that asks a user for a number of days, weeks, and years and computes the equivalent number of hours (ignoring leap years). Edit the file file included here.
**Problem 3.** (20 points) Do programming project P4.2 in ***Big Java: Early Objects 7th Edition***. Edit the file included here. Your edited file must work the tester file I have provided. Do not modify the tester.
**Problem 4.** (20 points) Do programming project P5.9 in ***Big Java: Early Objects 7th Edition***. Edit the file included here.
***Recommended: (not for credit):*** Programming exercises and projects P4.5, P4.10, E5.12, E5.16, P5.1, P5.10 in the 7th Edition of ***Big Java Early Objects***.
**What to hand in**:
Templates for the four source files are located in the Project 1 workspace on Codio. In addition to the source files include a text file named readMe.txt with an explanation of how your program works. That is, write in plain English, simple instructions for using your software, explanations for how and why you chose to design your code the way you did and any other classmates you may have discussed your work with. The readMe.txt file is also an opportunity for you to get partial credit when certain requirements of the assignment are not met.
**Submitting your problem set:**
Please submit your program source files on Canvas. We will go over how to do this in class. You must export them from Codio, compress them into a single zip file, and submit them on Canvas. Make sure you include all four source files,,,, and in your compressed submission.
Webpage: Place your webpage on your CUNIX account in your public_html directory. Make sure the file is named index.html and that it is world readable. That is, make sure your page is viewable online.