COMS W1004 Problem Set 2


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Do the following Review Questions and Practice Exercises in Horstmann’s Big Java Early Objects 7th edition**

**Chapter 3:** (20 points ) E3.4, E3.5, E3.7, E3.13
**Chapter 5:** (15 points) R5.1, R5.2, R5.12
**Chapter 6:** (15 points) R6.6, E6.3

***Recommended:*** (not for credit): R3.3, R3.4, R3.19, R3.23, E3.1, E3.2, E3.12, E3.14, E3.16, R5.4, R5.5, R5.9, R5.10, R5.13, E5.9, R6.10, R6.2, R6.3, E6.1, E6.2,E6.12.


**What to hand in:**
Chapter 3: Write Java programs for each of these problems. For E3.4 and E3.5 provide a single class for each. For problem E3.7 use the BankAccount class from lecture (posted on Courseworks and in included on Codio) and include it with your submission. For problem E3.13 you will be creating two classes, each one in it’s own file.

Chapter 5: Do not write code for these. Submit a single pdf file for these problems (and problem R6.6). Name the file ReviewExercises.pdf and include it with your submission.

Chapter 6: Include problem R6.6 in your pdf file for Chapter 5 Review Exercises. For E6.3, write five one-class Java program. Name them,,,, and . No object-oriented structure is required here just an exercise in loops and string maniuplation.


**Submitting your problem set:**
Please develop your programs on Codio but submit all of your work on Canvas. You must export source code from codio, then together with your pdf for chapter 5 review exercises compress the files into a single zip file, and submit it on Canvas. The compressed file you submit should be called [your UNI] so for example my submission would be called