Computer Science 115 Assignment 2 – Part I Linked List


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• Practice with Linked List
• Learn to follow a specification
• Understand limitations of representing decimal numbers using double
• Exposure to javadoc commenting
• Exposure to more complete testing
You’ve been provided with an interface which defines a list of double values. You can find a
description of the interface here:
It is your responsibility to provide an implementation of the interface that uses a linked list to store the
1. Provide an implementation of the interface in a class called
2. You must create your own Node class that has at least an element and a next reference. Create
this in a file called
3. You must implement all the operations yourself – you cannot use any Java API functions
4. Your list must provide a constant time implementation of addBack and addFront. In practice,
this means you must have a tail reference in addition to a head reference.
You’ve been provided with a test program which should help you in making sure your code works. If
you fail a test case, it is likely you will fail all subsequent test cases – fix your errors one at a time.
Note that your assignment will be graded with additional test cases – just because you pass all the tests
in the supplied tester does not mean you get a perfect score.
Submit your and files using Connex. If you
name your files differently or your code does not compile, you will receive 0 for this assignment.