Computational Statistics Homework 2 solved


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Problem1. The file Utility.dat contains a monthly record of
telephone, electricity, and fuel costs for several years. Naming the
5 columns as Month ,Year, Telephone, Electricity and Fuel.
(a) Write a SAS program to read the above data set into SAS using
the INFILE statement, print out the first ten observations of
the dataset, i.e the first ten rows of the whole data table.
(b) Create a new variable, named Total, which is the sum of
Telephone, Electricity and Fuel. Print the first ten observation
of Month,Year, and Total.
(c) Given the dataset from (b), first run the PROC SORT BY Year
Month ; You will find out that within Year, Month is in the
ridiculous initial-letter-order rather than calendar month order.
By both orders I mean, for example, suppose we have three
months to sort within a year: {Jan, Feb, Mar}, the calendar
monthly order is (Jan, Feb, Mar), and the initial-letter-order is
(Feb, Jan, Mar). Suppose we want to sort the dataset by year
and calendar month order using PROC SORT by two
variables, how do we achieve it ? And once detest sorted by
year and calendar month order please print Month, Year and
Telephone ,when Year = 88 and 92. (Hint: Since SAS don’t
quite understand what the variable Month mean, so we should
Problem2. The file China.dat contains export and import
information (in dollars) by year. Naming four columns as Years
Total, Exports and Imports.
(a) Read the above data set into SAS using the INFILE statement,
print out the first ten observations of the dataset.
(b)Create a new variable TradeBalance = Exports − Imports. Print
TradeBalance and Years in 50s(Years =1950, 1951,…,1959).
(c) Using PROC MEAN to find the mean and s.d. of TradeBalance
for 50s and 80s, respectively. Report your result.
Problem3. The file Handinj.dat contains the costs (in Irish pounds)
and lost work days due to hand injuries for workers in Dublin,
Ireland. Naming the four columns as ID,Type, Days and Cost.
(a)Read the above data set into SAS using the INFILE statement,
print out the first ten observations of the dataset.
(b)Cost is in Irish pounds. Now change it to U.S. dollars (1 Irish
pound = 1.54 U.S. dollars). Print the new data set for the first ten
(c)Sort the whole data set by Days in decreasing order. Then print
ID and Days when Type = ‘sport’ .