COMP9319 Assignment 1: Huffman Coding


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Your task in this assignment is to implement the original, static Huffman coding algorithm. Your C/C++
program, called huffman, will encode a file (that may be ASCII or binary); decode the encoded file; and
search an encoded file (with the search term limited to 7-bit ASCII).
huffman accepts a commandline option of either:
1. -e for encoding, or
2. -d for decoding, or
3. -s for search.
1. huffman -e [input-src-path] [output-src-path]
[input-src-path] is the path to an existing source file;
[output-src-path] is the path to the encoded file (to be created). If the encoded file already exists, it will
be overwritten.
wagner> huffman -e ~cs9319/tmp/data/file.txt ~/data/output.huffman
2. huffman -d [input-src-path] [output-src-path]
[input-src-path] is the path to an existing encoded file;
[output-src-path] is the path to the decoded file (to be created). If the decoded file already exists, it will
be overwritten.
wagner> huffman -d ~/data/output.huffman original.txt
3. huffman -s [query-string] [file-path]
[query-string] is the search term. The search term can be up to 256 characters and will not be empty.
To make the assignment easier, we assume that the search is case sensitive.
[file-path] is the path to an existing encoded file.
wagner> huffman -s “apple” ~/data/output.huffman
Any statistics (such as frequencies) of the source file or any extra information can be stored as a header of
the encoded file. The header must be 1024 bytes long. You may not use more than 1024 bytes for statistics or
any overhead information. If your program uses fewer than 1024 bytes, you must still allocate exactly 1024
bytes as the header of your encoded files.
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Consider a file containing the text: aaaabbcd. Using Huffman encoding, it will be encoded into 14 bits,
which will fit into 2 bytes. Combining this with the overhead of the header information, the size of the
encoded file will be 1026 bytes.
For search, your program is only required to output the number of matches. For a file containing the text:
aaaabbcd, if the search term is “aa”, your program will output 3.
Your encoder and decoder shall work properly even when the file is empty or contains only a few characters,
i.e., Decoding the encoded file should produce an identical source file. We will not verify and test the
correctness of your encoded file when the encoded file (excluding the header overhead) is fewer than or
equal to 8 bits.
We will use the make command below to compile your solution. Please provide a makefile and ensure that
the code you submit can be compiled on a CSE Linux machine, e.g., wagner. Solutions that have compilation
errors will receive zero points for the entire assignment.
Your solution is not allowed to write out any external files other than the output file specified in the
commandline arguments. Any solution that writes out external files (even temporarily) other than the
specified output file will receive zero points for the entire assignment.
Consider a file called test1.txt consists of 30 a’s, 30 b’s, 20 c’s, 10 d’s and 10 e’s (without any other characters
such as newline etc); and another file called test2.txt as follows:
(According to Lecture 1, excluding the space for the header, the encoded test1.txt will be in total 220 bits and
encoded test2.txt will be 14 bits.)
Some examples:
wagner % cd data
wagner % ls -l *.txt
-rw-r—– 1 cs9319 cs9319 100 Jun 15 02:46 test1.txt
-rw-r—– 1 cs9319 cs9319 8 Aug 8 20:36 test2.txt
wagner %
wagner % wc test1.txt
0 1 100 test1.txt
wagner % wc test2.txt
0 1 8 test2.txt
wagner % cd ..
wagner % huffman -e ~/a1/data/test1.txt data/test1.huff
wagner % huffman -d data/test1.huff data/test1.output
wagner % huffman -e data/test2.txt data/test2.huff
wagner % huffman -d data/test2.huff data/test2.output
wagner %
wagner % diff data/test1.txt data/test1.output
wagner %
wagner % diff data/test2.txt data/test2.output
wagner %
wagner % cd data
wagner % rm *.output
wagner % ls -l test*
-rw-r—– 1 cs9319 cs9319 1052 Aug 8 20:39 test1.huff
-rw-r—– 1 cs9319 cs9319 100 Jun 15 02:46 test1.txt
-rw-r—– 1 cs9319 cs9319 1026 Aug 8 20:39 test2.huff
-rw-r—– 1 cs9319 cs9319 8 Aug 8 20:36 test2.txt
wagner % ../huffman -s “abc” test2.huff
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wagner % ../huffman -s “baba” test2.huff
wagner % ../huffman -s “aba” test2.huff
wagner % ../huffman -s “a” test2.huff
Your solution will be marked based on space and runtime performance. Your soluton will not be tested
against any files that are larger than 100MB.
Runtime memory is assumed to be always less than 20MB. Runtime memory consumption will be measured
by valgrind massif with the option –pages-as-heap=yes, i.e., all the memory used by your program will
be measured. Any solution that violates this memory requirement will receive zero points for that test. Any
solution that runs for more than 60 seconds on a machine with similar specification as wagner for a test be
killed, and will receive zero points for that test. We will use the time command and count both the user and
system time as runtime measurement.
You will be marked on your descriptions in README.txt of the design of your Huffman tree, the header and
how your search works. Your source code will be also inspected and marked based on readability and ease of
1. The input filename is a path to the given source file. Please open the file as read-only in case you do
not have the write permission.
2. Marks will be deducted for output of any extra text, other than the required, correct answers (in the
right order). This extra information includes (but not limited to) debugging messages, line numbers
and so on.
3. You can assume that the input query string will not be an empty string (i.e., “”).
This assignment is worth 100 points. Below is an indicative marking scheme:
Component Points
Auto marking (encoding, decoding) 45
Auto marking (search) 50
Documentation 5
Bonus marks (up to 10 points) will be awarded for the solution that achieves 100 points and runs the fastest
overall (i.e., the shortest total time to finish all the tests). This solution will be shared with the class. Note:
regardless of the bonus marks you receive in this assignment, the maximum final mark for the subject is
capped at 100.
Deadline: Friday 24th August 23:59. Late submissions will have marks deducted from the maximum
achievable mark at the rate of roughly 1% of the total mark per hour that they are late (i.e., 24% per day),
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and no submissions will be accepted after 3 days late. Use the give command below to submit the
give cs9319 a1 makefile *.h *.c *.cpp README.txt
Please use “classrun” to check your submission to make sure that you have submitted all the necessary files.
The work you submit must be your own work. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any
other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted. The penalties for such an offence may
include negative marks, automatic failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment
submissions will be examined both automatically and manually for such submissions.
Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are involved in an incident
of plagiarism or other misconduct.
Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person – apart from the teaching staff of this
subject. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work
derived from it is submitted you may be penalized, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge
or consent. This may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you.