COMP90041 Programming and Software Development Project C


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1 Background
Note: If you are unsuccessful in Project B, you can choose to develop your Project C based
on your Project A code. However, in this case, the full mark is lower and you are not allowed
for the optional bonus task. See Section 5 of the document for the details.
This project is the final of three projects developing the Tic Tac Toe game system. In Project B, we extended our Tic Tac Toe code to develop a player management system, which allows multiple players to be
recorded simultaneously, and for any two players to play against each other.
The aim of this project is to continue to extend this system by adding:
• Handling of invalid input via Exceptions
• Write (read) the game statistics into (from) a file, i.e., one which is stored on the hard disk between
executions of TicTacToe
• A new type of player – an AI (Artificial Intelligence) player, whose moves are automatically determined
by the computer rather than a human game user
• (optional) A victory guaranteed strategy for the AI player
The system should still operate as specified in Project B (refer to projB.pdf for details), but with additional functionality, due to the addition of the aforementioned features. Thus, it is advised that you use
your Project B solution as a starting point for implementing Project C.
Key knowledge points covered in this project are:
• Polymorphism, using inheritance (Week 8)
• Exceptions (Week 9)
• File I/O operations (Week 10)
2 Your Task
In this project you will extend your Tic Tac Toe “game system” with improved player management functionalities, and the ability to include AI players in the system. The sections below will walk you through
the steps you should follow to complete this project.
2.1 Exception Handling (3 marks)
The system should check inputs for validity. For this task, you will not be required to implement exception
handling for all possible invalid inputs – just a subset of them. The range of potential invalid inputs you are
required to address by Exceptions are listed below, along with the required behaviour of your program.
You need to implement your own Exception class for each of the two types of invalid input listed below.
The invalid input handling cases described in Project B do not need modification.
• Invalid command: The user enters a command which is not a valid Tic Tac Toe command. Here,
invalid command suggests the input command is not among the specified commands, i.e., addplayer,
editplayer, removeplayer, displayplayer, resetstats, rankings, playgame, and exit.
>createplayer jdawson,Dawson,Jack
‘createplayer’ is not a valid command.
Note: you should type the error message into your code instead of copying from this PDF file because
copying from PDF may bring non-English characters into your program which may fail the compilation
at submission.
• Invalid number of arguments: The user enters a valid Tic Tac Toe command, but does not provide
the correct number of arguments. Note: You only need to check for too few arguments, and simply
ignore any extra arguments, i.e., too few arguments will generate an Exception while too many will not.
Different commands may have different number of arguments; your program will only need to check
the commands that required at least one argument, i.e., addplayer, addaiplayer (will be introduced
below), editplayer, and playgame.
>addplayer jdawson
Incorrect number of arguments supplied to command.
After implementing the invalid input checking, your code should continue as specified in Project B.
You may assume that, aside from the cases explicitly mentioned above or in Project B, the input to
your program will be valid.
2.2 Player Statistics Recording (3 marks)
In Project B, no program data are stored to disk; all played data are lost when exiting the program. In
this task you are required to store those data upon exiting the program, and to restore them on subsequent
executions. Thus, if one was to exit your program (using the ‘exit’ command), and then start it again (by
running ‘java TicTacToe’ at the command prompt), your program should be restored to the state it was
in immediately before exiting. That is, it should be as if the program never exited at all.
This can be achieved by storing your player data in a file. At the beginning of the execution of your program,
if the file exists, it is opened and its contents loaded into the system. When your program exits, this file
will be updated with new/modified players, and then closed. If the file does not already exist, it will need
to be created. It is up to you to decide the most appropriate format, e.g., text or binary, of this file. The
name of the file should be players.dat, and it should be stored in the same directory as your program.
All player information should be stored in this file, i.e., usernames, given and family names, and number of
games played, drawn and won. Note that you do not need to store information about games in progress,
since a game should never be in progress when the program exits properly via the ‘exit’ command.
This code should all be contained in the PlayerManager class, which should read all the player information
from players.dat when it is created, and write all the player data when the ‘exit’ command is entered. Be
sure to use appropriate object-oriented design; you will lose marks if this code is not properly abstracted.
2.3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Player (4 marks)
The next task is to add an AIPlayer class to compete within Tic Tac Toe. There are several steps required
to achieve this, as given below.
2.3.1 The Move Class (0.5 marks)
Add a Move class to represent a single move made by a player. This class just need to have the following
• Row number of move
• Column number of move
You should add proper accessors and mutators to the class as well.
2.3.2 The Abstract “Player” Class (0.5 marks)
Add a new abstract base Player class, which will be used to represent the behaviour/attributes common
to both Human and AI players. This class should have the following information, plus accessor/mutator
methods and other supporting methods to be used in both human and AI players:
• A username
• A family name
• A given name
• Number of games played
• Number of games drawn
• Number of games won
• An abstract method makeMove(char[][] gameBoard) that returns an object of the Move class
Here, the makeMove method will be used by objects of the classes that extend Player to make a move (i.e.,
decide where to place a mark on the game board). Note: in this method, a two-dimensional char array
named gameBoard is used to to represent the game board. If you have used a different representation for the
game board in the previous projects, such as a two-dimensional int array, or an array of String’s, you can
still use it for up to Stage 3 (Section 2.3) of this project. However, if you aim to complete Stage 4 (Section
2.4, the bonus stage) as well, you need to define the makeMove exactly like the above. This is required so
that auto-test can be performed for Stage 4.
2.3.3 The HumanPlayer Class (0.5 mark)
Modify your original Player class used in Project B to be the new HumanPlayer class, which extends the
abstract Player class. This class should now implement the makeMove method, which uses a Scanner object
to get input from a human player and returns it as the human player’s move.
2.3.4 The AIPlayer Class (0.5 mark)
Add an AIPlayer class that extends the abstract Player class. This class should implement the makeMove
method, which uses a dummy approach to make a move and returns it. This dummy approach will scan the
game board from top-left to bottom-right row by row until an empty cell is found, and place a mark there.
2.3.5 Modify the Command Interface (1 marks)
Now modify the TicTacToe class and the PlayerManager class to allow for AI players to be added to the
system. You should add a new command to the game system – ‘addaiplayer’. This command should
operate in exactly the same way as ‘addplayer’ (refer to Project B for details). The only difference is that
the resulting player is an AI player. Note that all other player management and game playing commands,
e.g., ‘removeplayer’ and ‘playgame’, should work for both human players and AI players. You should store
both human players and AI players in the same player array, not in two ararays.
Syntax: addaiplayer username,family_name,given_name
>addaiplayer alphaTicTacToe,Alpha,TicTacToe
2.3.6 Modify the GameManager Class (1 mark)
Modify the GameManager class to make use of the new player representation. Instead of getting input directly from a human user, it should now make use of the makeMove method defined for both HumanPlayer
and AIPlayer classes. All other game-play is identical to that in Project B.
After implementing all of these steps, the ‘playgame’ command should allow games to be started with one
or both players being AI players. The game should proceed exactly as per Project B, except that when it
comes to an AI player’s turn, there should be no reading of input from standard input – instead, the move
should be immediately made by the AI. Provided below is an example execution. Here, Jack is a human
player, and Alpha is an AI player:
>playgame jdawson,alphaTicTacToe
| |
| |
| |
Jack’s move:
1 1
| |
| |
Alpha’s move:
X| |
| |
Jack’s move:
1 2
X| |
| |
Alpha’s move:
| |
Jack’s move:
1 0
| |
Game Over. Jack won!
2.4 [Optional Bonus Task] A Victory Guaranteed AI Player
For a challenge, implement a game-play strategy for the AI Player that can always make the “correct” move
in every round. The correct move will always result in either a tie, or victory for the AI. Note that there
are no extra marks for this task. If you are successful in this task, you can earn back 1 lost
mark in other parts of this project if you lose any. However, the total mark of this project
cannot exceed 10.
Game playing algorithms for Tic Tac Toe are readily available online; we will not provide resources for this,
but you are free to look them up yourself. Your implemented AI player will play against ours in ten games.
In order to receive bonus marks, your AI Player must defeat ours for at least two games and cannot lose in
any game.
To support auto-testing of this stage, you need to implement your game-play strategy in a class named
AdvancedAIPlayer by adding code to the following skeleton:
public class AdvancedAIPlayer extends Player {
public AdvancedAIPlayer() {
/* do not change this method, make sure to add
public Player() {} to Player class as well
public Move makeMove(char[][] gameBoard) {
/* add code here to implement your game-play strategy */
/* add supporting methods/variables here */
The auto-test will call AdvancedAIPlayer() to construct an object of AdvancedAIPlayer, and test your
game-play strategy by calling the makeMove() method of the object. When your makeMove() method is
called, a 3 x 3 two-dimensional char array gameBoard representing the game board will be passed into the
method, where gameBoard[0][0] represents the top left cell and gameBoard[2][2] represents the bottom
right cell. Each cell has a value of ‘O’, ‘X’, or ‘ ’, representing a mark placed by player O, player X, and
an empty cell, respectively. Based on gameBoard, you need to figure out whether your AdvancedAIPlayer
object is player O or player X, and make a proper move by returning an object of the class Move. For our
auto-test to understand the move you made, your Move class needs to be in the following form:
public class Move {
public int getRow() {
/* add code here to return the row of a move */
public int getColumn() {
/* add code here to return the column of a move */
/* add supporting methods/variables here */
2.5 Checklist for the Implementation
• You will be given a sample test input file test0.txt and the corresponding sample output file
test0-output.txt. When you run your program by the following command in a terminal (or Windows
command line):
java TicTacToe < test0.txt > my-output.txt
your program should produce a file named my-output.txt which should be exactly the same as
test0-output.txt. In this command, “< test0.txt” and “> my-output.txt” are called “input
redirection” and “output redirection.” They use the content in test0.txt as the command line input,
and print the program output into my-output.txt.
• Tests will be conducted on your program by automatically compiling, running, and comparing your
outputs for several test cases with generated expected outputs. These test cases used will be
different from the sample test file given. The automatic test will deem your output wrong
if your output does not match the expected output, even if the difference is just having an extra
space. Therefore, it is crucial that you generate your own test files and test your program
• The syntax import is available for you to use standard Java packages. However, please DO NOT
use any package statement at the top of your code. The automatic test system cannot deal with the
package statements. If you are using Netbeans as the IDE, please be aware that the project name
may automatically be used as the package name. Please remove any lines of the form
package ProjC;
at the beginning of the source files before you submit them to the system.
• Please use ONLY ONE Scanner object throughout your program. Otherwise the automatic test will
cause your program to generate exceptions and terminate. The reason is that in the automatic test,
multiple lines of test inputs are sent all together to the program. As the program receives the inputs,
it will pass them all to the currently active Scanner object, leaving any remaining Scanner objects
with nothing to read, causing a run-time exception. Therefore it is crucial that your program has
only one Scanner object. Arguments such as “It runs correctly when I do manual test, but fails
under automatic test” will not be accepted.
You may declare an object keyboard of the Scanner class as a public static variable of the
TicTacToe class. Then you can use this object throughout your program by “TicTacToe.keyboard.”
3 Assessment
This project is worth 10% of the total marks for the subject. Remember that there is a 50% hurdle requirement (i.e., 20/40) for the three projects in total.
Your Java program will be assessed based on correctness of the output as well as quality of code implementation. See LMS for a detailed marking scheme.
4 Submission
Your Java program should be contained within a number of well structured and documented Java classes.
The entry point of your program should be in a class named TicTacToe (in a file named
You should upload all the relevant Java code files to the Engineering School student server. Then, you can
submit your work using the following command at once:
submit 90041 C *.java
Note that you must submit all your Java files, not just If you have changed any
of your Java source files after a submission, you need to submit all of your source files again, not just the
modified one.
You should then verify your submission using the following command:
verify 90041 C > feedback.txt
This will store the verification information in the file feedback.txt, which you can view using the following
more feedback.txt
You should issue the above commands from within the same directory as where the files are stored (to get
there you may need to use the cd “Change Directory” command). Note that you can submit as many times
as you like before the deadline.
How you edit, compile and run your Java program is up to you. You are free to use any editor or development environment. However, you need to ensure that your program compiles and runs correctly
on the Engineering School student server, using build 1.8.0 of Oracle’s (as Sun Microsystems has
been acquired by Oracle in 2010) Java Compiler and Runtime Environment, i.e., javac and java programs.
Submit your program to the server a couple of days before the deadline to ensure that they work (you can
still improve your program). “I can’t get my code to work on the student server but it worked
on my Windows machine” is not an acceptable excuse for late submissions.
The deadline for the project is 4pm Friday 27th May, 2016. The allowed time is more than enough for
completing the project. Penalties will apply on late submissions at 2 marks per day. Late submissions after
4pm Sunday 29th May, 2016 will NOT be accepted.
5 For Submission Built Upon Project A
5.1 Exception Handling (3 marks)
If you build upon your code in Project A, your first task is to create three Exception classes to handle the
following three errors:
Placing a mark at an already occupied cell.
Error message: Invalid move. The cell has been occupied.
Follow-up operation: Prompt for the same player to place a mark again.
Placing a mark at a cell outside the valid game board range.
Error message: Invalid move. You must place at a cell within {0,1,2} {0,1,2}.
Follow-up operation: Prompt for the same player to place a mark again.
Player X having the same name as Player O.
Error message: The player name has been used already.
Follow-up operation: Prompt for Player X to input name again.
5.2 Player Name Recording (2.5 marks)
Your second task is to change your program so that it stores the player names and the number of games they
have played in a file named players.dat. Every time your program starts (by running ‘java TicTacToe’
at the command prompt), it should first check the existence of the file. If the file already exists, then it
should read in the player names from the file, and use them to start a game. If the file does not exist, then
it should prompt for user input of the two player names, and initialise the number of games played as 0. At
the end of the game, it should increase the number of games played by 1, write the player names as well as
the updated number of games played into the file players.dat.
5.3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Player (2.5 marks)
1. If you have not done so, change your code to use an array to represent the game board.
2. Add a Move class to represent a single move made by a player. This class just needs to have the
following information:
• Row number of move
• Column number of move
You should add proper accessors and mutators to the class as well.
3. Now modify your TicTacToe class and add a method:
private Move makeMoveHuman()
This method will use the Scanner object and prompt a user to input two integers to form a move.
4. Add another method to your TicTacToe class:
private Move makeMoveAI()
This method will scan the game board from top-left to bottom-right row by row until an empty cell
is found, and return the coordinates of that cell as a move.
5. Modify the run() method, such that when human players are playing the game, the makeMoveHuman()
method is called to get a player’s move.
6. Further modify the run() method, such that when a player named “alphaTicTacToe” is added to the
system, and it is its turn to make a move, the makeMoveAI() method is called to create a move for it.
Submission: Your Java program should be contained within a number of well structured and documented
Java classes. The entry point of your program should be in a class named TicTacToe (in a file named You should upload all the relevant Java code files to the Engineering School student
server. Then, you can submit your work using the following command at once:
submit 90041 CA *.java
Note that you must submit all your Java files, not just If you have changed any
of your Java source files after a submission, you need to submit all of your source files again, not just the
modified one.
You should then verify your submission using the following command:
verify 90041 CA > feedback.txt
This will store the verification information in the file feedback.txt, which you can view using the following
more feedback.txt
You should issue the above commands from within the same directory as where the files are stored (to get
there you may need to use the cd “Change Directory” command). Note that you can submit as many times
as you like before the deadline.
How you edit, compile and run your Java program is up to you. You are free to use any editor or development environment. However, you need to ensure that your program compiles and runs correctly
on the Engineering School student server, using build 1.8.0 of Oracle’s (as Sun Microsystems has
been acquired by Oracle in 2010) Java Compiler and Runtime Environment, i.e., javac and java programs.
Submit your program to the server a couple of days before the deadline to ensure that they work (you can
still improve your program). “I can’t get my code to work on the student server but it worked
on my Windows machine” is not an acceptable excuse for late submissions.
The deadline for the project is 4pm Friday 27th May, 2016. The allowed time is more than enough for
completing the project. Penalties will apply on late submissions at 2 marks per day. Late submissions after
4pm Sunday 29th May, 2016 will NOT be accepted.
6 Individual Work
Note well that this project is part of your final assessment, so cheating is not acceptable. Any form of
material exchange, whether written, electronic or any other medium is considered cheating, and so is the
soliciting of help from electronic newsgroups. Providing undue assistance is considered as serious as receiving
it, and in the case of similarities that indicate exchange of more than basic ideas, formal disciplinary action
will be taken for all involved parties.