Prior to commencing the lab in Week 2, we assume that you have configured your lab
environment and to have completed Ch. 2 of the 2020.1 Vivado HLS Tutorial.
During Week 2, you are expected to complete the indicated sections of Chapters 3 & 4 of
the 2020.1 Vivado HLS Tutorial and to carry out selected exercises from Ch. 2 of the text.
Completing the exercises below should take 2 – 3 hours after you have completed Chs 2 – 4
of the Vivado HLS Tutorial.
You will be assessed on your ability to respond concisely to questions. As a rough guide, we
are expecting you to submit no more than about 5 pages. Please do not include printouts of
raw synthesis reports or schedules unless explicitly asked to do so. Rather, tabulate
comparative results and discuss the trends across multiple solutions.
Please note that the virtual machines in the CSE labs are NON-PERSISTENT. This means that
any work you have stored locally – on the C:\ drive, say – will not be saved when you close
the machine, or if your session exits abnormally. You therefore need to save any files you
have created locally to a removable device or to your CSE home before you power down the
1. Complete the exercise at the end of Sec 2.5 on page 38 of the text.
The code from Figure 2.1 is contained in the design file fir11_initial.c1
recommended method for completing the exercise follows:
a. Copy fir11_initial.c to fir11_sec2_5.cpp in a project directory on your
C: drive, C:\comp4601\lab2, say. Note that the file type needs to be changed
to C++ in order to be able to include and use the ap_int.h header file.
b. Create a new Vivado HLS project named sec2_5 in C:\comp4601\lab2, add
the fir11_sec2_5.cpp file and top function fir; set the target clock period
to 1 ns and select the part xqzu5ev-ffrb900-1-i, which is identical to the
device you have access to in the course.
c. Synthesize the design (Run C synthesis) to obtain the synthesis results.
1 The design files from the text are included in a zip file that can be accessed from the Overview section of the
Lectures page of the course website.
d. Create a new solution for each target clock frequency, copying all other
design criteria over from solution1 (the previous solution) and incrementing
the target clock period.
e. Re-synthesize the design.
f. Repeat steps d. and e. until all 10 solutions have been created.
g. Compare the solutions and examine the schedule for any designs you find
interesting by setting the active solution in the Project menu and selecting
the analysis perspective.
h. Note that there are options to export individual or compared synthesis
results for printing at the bottom of each report.
i. Hand in:
i. Tabulate the timing results and utilization for all solutions. (You may
extract the table from a comparison report.)
ii. Discuss trends and notable features of the results you have obtained
in your hand-in for this week’s lab.
iii. In terms of latency and utilization, which solutions would you regard
as best?
iv. Considering the number of resources of each type available on the
FPGA you used, what would you consider to be a “significant” change
in the utilization of those resources that is worth factoring into
choosing the best solution?
v. Describe the factors influencing the estimated clock period as the
target clock period is varied.
vi. Why do you think the iteration latency is 4 – 13 cycles when the
target period is 1 ns?
2. Complete the exercise at the end of Sec 2.6 on page 38 of the text.
Create a copy of fir11_initial.c to fir11_sec2_6.cpp in C:\comp4601\lab2.
Note that the creation of a project for this exercise can be streamlined once you
have completed Exercise 1. above. You will find a file named script.tcl in
C:\comp4601\lab2\sec2_5\solution1 – this file can be edited to create a .tcl file
like you have already used in the Vivado Tutorial. Copy script.tcl to
C:\comp4601\lab2 and edit it to change the name of the project to sec2_6, the
name of the file to be added to fir11_sec2_6.cpp, and the clock period to 10 ns.
Comment out the synthesis and export commands and add an exit command to the
end of the file.
This .tcl file can now be run in the Vivado HLS command prompt using the command
vivado_hls -f script.tcl from the C:\comp4601\lab2 directory. This
command can even be run while the Vivado HLS Tool is open. Once you have run the
script in the command window, you can File→Close Project and Open the project
sec2_6 in the Vivado HLS Tool in a streamlined manner.
To reiterate the steps for carrying out the exercise:
a. Open the source code when you enter the project
b. Synthesize the design to obtain baseline results
c. Create a new solution
d. Replace the Shift_Accum_Loop code with the code from fir11_ifelse.c
e. Resynthesize the design
f. Compare the synthesis results
g. Check the schedules for both designs
h. Hand in:
i. Briefly describe and explain the results you have obtained in your
hand-in for this week’s lab.
ii. Compare the estimated latency of the designs.
iii. Explain how the multiplication was computed after loop hoisting.
3. Complete the exercise in the middle of Sec 2.7 on page 39 of the text.
Follow a similar method as described for Ex. 2 steps a – h above. Since you will be
editing the code, create a fresh copy of fir11_initial.c named
fir11_sec2_7.cpp. Edit script.tcl to set up the new project for this exercise.
Instead of the instructions in step 2.d, replace the Shift_Accum_Loop code with the
code from fir11_partition.c.
In your hand-in for this week’s lab, briefly compare the implementations before and
after loop fission. Explain the difference in performance. How does the resource
utilization change, and why?
4. Complete the exercise on unrolling the TDL loop in the middle of page 41 of the text.
This exercise makes use of the modified copy of fir11_sec2_7.cpp that results
after the Shift_Accum_Loop code has been replaced with the code from
fir11_partition.c. You may wish to name this copy fir11_sec2_8.cpp
Synthesize the baseline solution, and then create three new solutions, using unroll
factors of 4, 8 and complete on the TDL loop. Add the unroll directive to the
directive file, not the source file.
Create another solution that unrolls the TDL loop completely and adds an
array_partition directive with complete partitioning of variable shift_reg.
Hand in: Check the schedules for each solution and include a brief description and
explanation of your 5 solutions in your hand-in for this week’s lab.
5. In the spirit of the exercise at the end of Sec 2.8 on page 43, create a new solution
for the code from Ex. 4 above. Unroll the MAC loop completely and observe the
synthesis results and the schedule.
Hand in: What is the impact on the resource utilization vis-à-vis the baseline case
from Ex 4? How does the performance change? Briefly describe and explain your
observations in the hand-in for this week’s lab.
6. Complete the exercise on loop pipelining described on page 45. You may wish to
copy fir11_sec2_8.cpp to create fir11_sec2_9.cpp. Obtain a baseline without
directives before pipelining successive solutions with increasing iteration intervals.
Hand in: Check the estimated loop latency for each solution in the synthesis report.
Tabulate your latency and utilization results. Report your answers to the exercise on
p. 45 in the hand-in for this week’s lab.