We want to design a data management application on the electoral process. We assumed
that the data covers only one election.
All eligible citizens must be identified and we want to be able to find for each citizen’s
social insurance number (SIN), name (name) and telephone number (telephone). Each
citizen is identified by its social insurance number.
For every citizen, we want to retrieve the electoral pole where he has to exercise its
voting rights (one and only one per citizen). The electoral map divides the territory into
counties and each county is divided into poles.
A county is identified by the county
(county_id) and we want to find the name of the county (county_name). A pole is
identified by the county (county_id) which is added to the identifier of the pole (pole_id)
generated to distinguish the different poles of the same county. The pole identifier can be
used in different counties. We want to find the address of each pole (pole_address).
Each citizen votes for a candidate for deputy in his county. A candidate can appear in one
county. We want to be able to find for each candidate, his social insurance number (SIN),
name (name), telephone number (telephone), age (age), gender (gender), his party and
the county where he reports to the deputy.
We also want to preserve the following
information about recognized party: name of the party (party_name), address of the
official local (party_address) and telephone number (party_telephone).
For each party, we want to know who their leader should be a candidate officially
recognized. For the leader of the party, we want to preserve, in addition to the
information relating to the status of a candidate on deputy, the date of his election as
party leader (leader_date_elected).
Every citizen can make one or more monetary contributions to one or more parties. For
every citizen, we want to preserve, if applicable, the total amount (amount) that
contributed to each party.
1) Provide an entity-relationship conceptual diagram that models the above case. Specify
cardinalities and use a verb to represent relationships between entities (or tables). (20
2) Provide the logical diagram of your conceptual diagram. Specify integrity constraints
by mentioning the primary keys and foreign keys for each table. (20 points)
3) Provide a relational diagram of your logical diagram. For each entity or relationship
set in the model (design), determine which attribute(s) form the key. (10 points)
Submitting Assignment #1
– Naming convention file: Create one file .pdf, containing all diagrams of your
solution using the following naming convention:
The pdf file should be called A1_TeamName, where TeamName is your
student group name.
– Submit your pdf file in the appropriate assignment folder via ENCS Website. The
deadline is not respected would be discarded and no replacement submission will
be allowed.
– Submit only ONE version per team of the assignment. It is not an individual
submission. If more than one version is submitted the last one, before the deadline
date, will be graded and all others will be disregarded.
Evaluation Criteria of Assignment #1 (50 points)
Activities Points
– Provide an entity-relationship conceptual diagram: 10 pts.
– Specify cardinalities and use a verb to represent a relationship
between entities: 10 pts.
20 pts.
– Provide the logical diagram of your conceptual diagram: 10 pts.
– Specify integrity constraints by mentioning the primary keys and
foreign keys, NOT NULL … for each table: 10 pts.
20 pts.
– Provide a relational diagram of your logical diagram: 5 pts.
– For each entity or relationship set in the model (design), determine
which attribute(s) form the key: 5 pts.
10 pts.