COMP3522 Lab 08: Factory


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In today’s lab, you will:
1. Implement the Factory Pattern
2. Re-visit some old code you wrote and improve it with all the new knowledge you have
This lab and all future labs will be marked out of 10
For full marks this week, you must:
1. (6 points) Implement the factory pattern correctly
2. (4 point) Improve the quality of your old code.
3. Optional: Draw a UML Class Diagram representing the system.
For this lab we are going to re-visit old code that we wrote all the way back in Week 3.
Yep, the library / catalogue system.
Part 1: Make-Over
Open up PyCharm and take a look at the Library Lab. It can be hard reading old code (hopefully
you commented it well!). Duplicate the modules and move them over to the Lab 8 folder
I want you to improve the code you have written. The scope and ways you could improve will
vary for each student. Some ways you could improve the code are:
• Using better data types
• Adding in properties and removing unnecessary getters and setters
• Comprehensions
• Using built in methods
• Refactor existing methods and classes.
• **kwargs and *args
Every time you have finished improving a part of your code commit it using Git and add in the
improvement as the commit message. I will be going through your git commits to see what
improvements have been made. Re-visit your feedback for some tips on where to get started.
NOTE: Avoid improving the LibraryItemGenerator. We are going to re-write the whole class.
Part 2: Item Factories
For the second task, you need to implement the Factory Pattern. You should have your Item
Product hierarchy already set up. If this isn’t an ABC, make it one now.
Each factory should be responsible for getting the right input from the user and generating the
item with that input. Proper use of **kwargs in the Item hierarchy can help you re-use code in
the factory classes.
If you didn’t have a menu, then add one now. If you already had a menu then you might need to
re-structure the Add Item section.
After you submit your Lab to GitHub, send the marker a private message on Discord telling them
you finished, along with your student number, gitName, and collaboration url.
• ie: “I uploaded my work to gitHub. My student number is A00XXXXXX and my
gitName is YYYYY, my git collaboration url is: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ”