In today’s lab, you will:
1. Implement a simple dictionary program that reads and writes data to a file.
2. Demonstrate proficiency writing code that is efficient, easy to understand, and correct.
3. Identify crucial functions and write meaningful unit tests
4. Continue to bask in the joy of programming. Because you do love it, don’t you!
This lab and all future labs will be marked out of 10
For full marks this week, you must:
1. (2 point) Correctly use git/GitHub and the project you created in lab 0 so I can grade your
2. (6 points) Generate a correct solution to the problem(s) in this lab
3. (2 point) Follow PEP-8 standards to correctly format and comment your code. This also
includes best practices such as meaningful identifier names, breaking down code into reusable functions, etc.
Please complete the following:
1. Download data.json from the course page on the Learning Hub. This is a JSON file that
contains (perhaps) all the words in the english dictionary. If not all, then definitely a lot.
Each word may have more than one definition associated with it. Open up the file in a
text editor and take a look at the data. Does this remind you of a container data structure?
2. This lab onwards I’m going to be picky about how your modules are arranged. So, just for
this lab I’m going to specify the module structure:
o – This module is responsible for housing the dictionary class
(alongside any custom exceptions that apply to the dictionary) and any driver
methods that run the program.
o – This module is responsible for housing any classes and/or
structures that are responsible for reading and writing to files. This includes any
custom exceptions.
3. You are going to write a dictionary program that is going to demonstrate the following:
1. Loading definitions from a JSON file.
2. Querying the user for an input (a word) and returning any definitions that match
with the given input. Your program should not be case sensitive. That is, Rain,
RAin, and rain should all return the same definition.
3. The program should save all the words and definitions queried to a text file.
4. Your ability to handle any errors and edge cases gracefully.
4. In true Object Oriented fashion, we are going to encapsulate all file behaviors in a
seperate entity. Your program should support 2 file types: .txt and .json . A good way
to implement this is to create an enum type. You can look at the python documentation for
enums to see how they are used and implemented.
5. Implement a FileExtensions Enum that has 2 valid states, TXT and JSON.
6. Implement a FileHandler class that has the following methods and features:
o A load_data(path, file_extension) static method. This method is
responsible for checking the file extension and reading the file accordingly. This
method is also responsible for raising any exceptions if they occur. You might
need to look up the pathlib module to be able to check if the file exists.
o A write_lines(path, lines) static method. This method is responsible for
writing the given lines to a Text file. The text file should be appended to and not
o Anything else you deem relevant and necessary.
7. The should also house a InvalidFileTypeError class. This
exception should be raised if the user attempts to read a file that is not a .json or a .txt
file (or in other words, if the user attempts to read a file that is not a supported by the
FileExtensions enum).
8. Your dictionary should implement the following methods and features:
o A dictionary needs to be loaded. Implement a load_dictionary(self,
filepath) method that is responsible for loading data into a dictionary
o A dictionary needs to be able to look up the definition of a word. Implement a
query_definition(self, word) method that returns the definition(s) of a given
o A way to keep track of whether the dictionary has been loaded or not. This will be
useful when testing your applications.
Optional: Use the difflib library to suggest similar words in case the user enters an
incorrect word and it isn’t found in the dictionary. Remember, the program should not be
case sensitive! RAInn should return rain as a suggestion.
9. Remember to raise and handle any exceptions appropriately. Declare custom exceptions
if you think it is necessary.
10. Write meaningful unit tests for your program. Make sure you write unit tests that test
with both correct and incorrect input. Ensure you test the following:
o Loading data into a dictionary.
o Writing data to a text file. What assertion can you use to test this?
o Querying a word.
o Anything else you deem necessary
11. Your program should load the dictionary and provide the user with the option to keep
querying definitions until the user has entered exitprogram as their input. Remember to
format your output and any definitions nicely.
12. Don’t forget, your program should use the try-except-else-finally or any variation
of it to handle any errors that your code might encounter.Where and when you raise and
handle errors will depend on the architecture of your code and how your functions are
logically laid out.
13. Also don’t forget to save the definitions and words that the user queries to a text file.
After you submit your Lab to GitHub, send the marker a private message on Discord telling them
you finished, along with your student number, gitName, and collaboration url.
• ie: “I uploaded my work to gitHub. My student number is A00XXXXXX and my
gitName is YYYYY, my git collaboration url is: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ”
That’s it. Good luck, and have fun!