COMP2404B  -“Introduction to Software Engineering” Assignment 1 of 4


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2 Learning Outcomes
In this tutorial you will learn the basics of Classes in C++. You will make a few simple classes, populate the
members, and use functions and constructors in a meaningful and appropriate way. You will learn how to provide a
working Makefile and do some rudimentary testing.
3 Overview
The Carleton Library has rooms that students may book and use. In this assignment you will make a room booking
application. A student may request a certain room at a certain day and time. Or search for rooms that match certain
criteria (such as maximum capacity, computers and whiteboards) and check their availability.
4 Classes Overview
This application will consist of 5 classes. A brief description of each class follows.
1. Student – name and student number
2. Room – name and other criteria
3. Date – year, month, day, hour and duration
4. Reservation – a Student, a Room, and a Date object representing the who, where and when of a Reservation.
5. Library – a collection of Students, Rooms and Reservations along with some functions for managing them
(add, find, isFree etc).
5 Instructions
Download the starting code from Brightspace. It includes some global functions that you are to use for testing. All
member variables are private unless otherwise noted. All member functions are public unless otherwise noted.
Some return values are not explicitly given. You should use your best judgment (they will often be void, but not
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday October 3rd, 11:59 pm
5.1 The Student Class
Make a student class. This will be a simple data class with 2 data members and a bool lessThan method for sorting.
1. Make two member variables:
(a) name: a string
(b) number: a string
2. Make a no argument constructor that initializes name and number to suitable default values. Make a second
constructor that takes two strings as arguments. The first string should be used to initialize name and the
second string should used to intialize number.
3. Make a copy constructor.
4. Make getters and setters for the member variables.
5. Make a function bool lessThan(Student& s). Return true if this->number comes before s.number alphabetically, return false otherwise.
5.2 The Room Class
Make a Room class. This room has certain features that we will track using member variables. Instead of using room
numbers, to make the rooms more distinct we will give them names. Each room has a capacity of at least 1 person.
There is no practical maximum for the capacity (at some point in the future the library could have an auditorium).
Each room has a number of computers from 0 to infinity. And each room has a whiteboard or does not. When a
student makes a room request they will request certain criteria which we will try and match (though this will be
done in the Library class).
1. Give your room class the following member variables: string name, int capacity, int computers, bool
2. Make a constructor with parameters in the same order given above. Make a copy constructor.
3. Make getters and setters for the member variables. The getter for whiteboard should be bool hasWhiteboard().
4. Make a function bool meetsCriteria(int capacity, int computers, bool whiteboard). This function
should return true if the capacity, computers, and whiteboard parameters of the Room meets or exceeds the
parameters given. For example, if you ask for a capacity 2 a Room with capacity 3 and any number of computers
and a whiteboard is acceptable. Give the parameters have appropriate default values. So, for instance, someone
could call bool meetsCriteria(3) if they wanted a room with capacity of 3, regardless of whether there are
computers or a whiteboard.
5. Make a function bool lessThan(Room& r). Return true if this->name comes before alphabetically,
and return false otherwise.
5.3 The Date Class
Modify the Date class that we saw in class. We want to modify it so that, in addition to year, month and day, it
keeps track of the hour and duration of when we are to reserve and / or use a room.
1. Add a global integer constant1
to the header file to indicate the maximum allowable duration and set it to 3.
In future assignments we will get away from using constants since they are bad practice. But as a C++ programmer it is still
necessary that you understand how they function.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday October 3rd, 11:59 pm
2. Add two new integer member variables, one for hour and one for duration.
(a) Make setters for both of these member variables that do appropriate checks on the values. We will use a
24-hour clock, so the hour should be an integer from 0 to 23. The duration should be an integer from 1
to the maximum allowable duration defined above. If the values fall outside of the allowed range, set the
member variables to the nearest allowable value.
3. Adjust the 3-argument constructor to accept two more integer arguments. It should now look like
Date(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int duration)
4. Make any required changes to the copy constructor, the no-argument constructor, the print() function, the
setters, getters, and any other relevant functions.
5. Change the lessThan(Date&) method to also compare the hour members. The purpose of this method is to
sort the reservations. As such, we should NOT compare durations in this method. We only compare when the
Dates begin.
6. Make a method bool overlaps(Date& d). This function should return true if two Dates overlap and false if
they do not overlap. Two dates, Date d1 and d2, overlap if they start on the same date and at the same hour.
They also overlap if d1 and d2 are on the same date and, for example, d1.hour == 13 and d2.hour == 14
and d1.duration > 1. Essentially both Dates define a range of time, and if those ranges overlap this function
should return true. You may assume that different days do not overlap regardless of duration, that is, you may
ignore the case where a Date starts at hour 23 on one day with a duration of 2 and another Date starts at hour
0 the next day.
5.4 The Reservation Class
The Reservation class’s main function is to group together a Student, a Room and a Date. It also provides functions
to be used to order the Reservation and check if it overlaps with another Reservation. However, much of this
functionality has already been implemented in the Date class, so these functions will utilize the Date functions.
1. Your Reservation class should have 3 members, a Student pointer, a Room pointer, and a Date pointer.
2. Make a 3 argument constructor with parameters Student*, Room*, Date& in that order. Initialize the member
3. Make a destructor. Consider carefully which of its 3 member variables the Reservation class should be responsible for deallocating.
4. Make getters for the 3 members. We do not want setters; the members are initialized in the constructor. If we
need to change the members we make a new Reservation.
5. Make a lessThan(Reservation& res) function. It should return true if the this->date is before,
false otherwise.
6. Make an bool overlaps(string r, Date& d) function. This function returns true if the r argument matches
the name of the room member variable and this->date overlaps d, and false otherwise.
7. Make a print function. This function may call on the print functions of the Student, Date, and Room classes,
however there should some additional output mentioning that these are part of a Reservation.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday October 3rd, 11:59 pm
5.5 The Library Class
The Library class will maintain a collection of Students, a collection of Rooms, and a collection of Reservations.
There will also be functions related to making Reservations.
1. Member variables: There are 3 collections in the Library class, all implemented as arrays.
(a) Make a dynamically allocated array of Student pointers. The Library is responsible for allocating and
deallocating this array and the objects it contains pointers to. Students should be stored increasing order
in the order defined by their lessThan function.
(b) Make a statically allocated array of Room pointers. The Library is responsible for allocating and deallocating the objects it contains pointers to. Rooms should be stored in increasing order in the order defined
by their lessThan function.
(c) Make a dynamically allocated array of Reservation pointers. The Library is responsible for allocating and
deallocating this array and the objects it contains pointers to. Reservations should be stored in increasing
order in the order defined by their lessThan function.
(d) Make sure you track the number of elements in each of the above arrays.
2. Make a default (no-argument) constructor that initializes member variables.
3. Make a destructor that deletes all memory allocated in the Library.
4. Make a bool addStudent(const string& name, const string& number) function to add a Student to the
array. If there is no room in the array return false. Otherwise make a new Student object, add it to the proper
array and return true. Be sure that the Student is added to the array in the proper sorted order.
5. Make a bool addRoom function whose parameters are the same as those in the 4 argument constructor in the
Room class. Give each parameter, except for the name parameter, a default value. The room capacity should
be default 1, the number of computers should be default 0, and there should be no whiteboard. If there is no
space left in the Room array return false. Otherwise make a new Room object using the supplied parameters,
add it to the Room array and return true. Be sure the Room is added to the array in the proper sorted order.
6. Make a bool getStudent(const string& name, Student** student) function. If there is a Student named
student in the Library it should be stored in Student** student and the function should return true. Otherwise the function should return false.
7. Make a bool getRoom(const string& roomName, Room** room) function. If there is a Room named roomName
in the Library it should be stored in Room** room and the function should return true. Otherwise the function
should return false.
8. Make a bool isFree(const string& room, Date&) method. If the room doesn’t exist in the Library return
false. Otherwise return true if there is currently no Reservation for the given Room that overlaps the given
Date, and false otherwise.
9. Make a bool makeReservation(const string& student, const string& room, Date&) method. If either
the room or student does not exist return false. Otherwise this method should check if the room is free on the
given Date. If it is not free, or the Reservation array is full, return false and make no other changes. If the
room is free, make a new Reservation object and add it to the Reservation array in the correct location (sorted
using compare)and return true.
10. (Bonus) Make a void update(Date&) function. This should remove all Reservations from the array that are
on or before the Date given. Be sure to manage the memory properly and to close all gaps in the array.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday October 3rd, 11:59 pm
5.6 The main Function
1. In the file there is a function testDates(Date& d1, Date& d2, bool shouldOverlap) for
testing the overlaps function of the Date class. To use testDates, supply two Dates and a boolean indicating
whether the Dates should overlap. For instance, for the first test you may use
Date d1(2020,1,24,11,3);
Date d2(2020,1,23,11,3);
Since d1 and d2 are on different days they should not overlap, hence we supply false to the boolean
shouldOverlap parameter. At the top of your main function add at minimum the test cases described below.
(a) This is the example test above, which you may use. Make two Dates that are on different days.
They should not overlap.
(b) Make two Dates on the same Year, Month and Day. The difference in the hour member should be at least
3. They should not overlap.
(c) Make two Dates on the same Year, Month and Day. The difference in the hour member should be 1. The
duration of the earlier Date should be 1 and the duration of the later Date should be 3. They should
not overlap.
(d) Make two Dates on the same Year, Month and Day. The hour members for each Date should be 1 or 2
hours apart, and the durations should cause them to overlap.
(e) Make two Dates on the same Year, Month and Day and hour. They should overlap.
2. Make a new Library object (it can be statically or dynamically allocated).
3. Call the populate(Library&) global function given to you in the file to add Rooms and Students
to your Library.
4. Call the testReservations(Library&) function given to you in the file.
5. Correct any errors you see.
6 Constraints
Your program must comply with all of the rules of correct software engineering that we have learned during the
lectures, including but not restricted to:
1. The code must be written in C++98 and it must compile and execute in the default course VM provided. It
must NOT require any additional libraries, packages, or software besides what is available in the standard VM.
2. Your program must not use any classes, containers, or algorithms from the standard template library (STL)
unless expressly permitted.
3. Your program must be written in Object-Oriented C++ (do not substitute C functions where C++ functions
exist). To wit:
(a) Do not use any global functions or variables other than the main function and those functions expressly
permitted or provided for initialization and testing purposes.
(b) Do not use structs. Use classes instead.
(c) Input and output should be done using cin and cout objects – don’t use printf.
(d) Pass objects by reference or by pointer. Do not pass by value.
(e) Reuse existing functions wherever possible.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday October 3rd, 11:59 pm
(f) Basic error checking must be performed.
(g) All dynamically allocated memory must be deallocated. Every time you use the new keyword to allocate
memory, you should know exactly when and where this memory gets deleted. Use valgrind to ensure
there are no memory leaks.
4. All classes should be reasonably documented (remember the best documentation is expressive variable and
function names, and clear purposes for each class).
7 Grading
7.1 Marking Components
• 10 marks: Student
• 10 marks: Room
• 12 marks: Date
• 14 marks: Reservation
• 20 marks: Library
• 4 marks: main function
• 10 marks: Date class testing
Total: 80 marks
7.2 Execution and Testing Requirements
1. All marking components must be called and execute successfully to earn marks.
2. All data handled must be printed to the screen to earn marks (make sure print prints useful information).
7.3 Deductions
7.3.1 Packaging errors:
1. 10 marks: Missing Makefile
2. 5 marks: Missing README
3. up to 10 marks: Failure to separate code into header and source files.
4. up to 10 marks: Readability – bad style, missing documentation.
7.3.2 Major design and programming errors:
1. 50% of a marking component that uses unauthorized global variables or structs.
2. 50% of a marking component that consistently fails to use correct design principles.
3. 50% of a marking component that uses prohibited library classes or functions.
4. up to 10 marks: memory leaks reported by valgrind.
COMP2404B (Fall 21) -“Introduction to Software Engineering”
Assignment 1 of 4 – Due Sunday October 3rd, 11:59 pm
7.3.3 Execution errors:
1. 100% of any marking component that cannot be tested because it doesn’t compile or execute in the course
VM, or the feature is not used in the code, or data cannot be printed to the screen. In short: your program
must convince the TA that it works and works properly without the TA having to fix or modify your code.
TAs are not required to debug, inspect, or fix non-working code after an assignment has been submitted.