COMP202 Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment 5


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This assignment requires you to implement various sorting algorithms. These algorithms include insertion
sort, heap-sort, quick-sort, merge-sort and counting sort. In addition, you are given the chance to submit
another sorting algorithm to enter a sorting competition for bonus points.
The files provided to you have comments that will help you with implementation. In addition, keep
the slides handy as they include the pseudo-codes for the algorithms. The file descriptions are below.
Bold ones are the ones you need to modify and they are placed under the code folder, with the rest under
• This file describes the abstract sorting class which the other sorting algorithms extend. It defines the sort method which is the primary function you should overwrite. It
also has the swap and compare methods that you need to call in the concrete classes whereever
applicable. Hint; not all algorithms utilize swap. It also has other utility methods which might be
of use in debugging.
• A wrapper class for the Java’s default sorting method. You can take a look if
• Implement the insertion sort algorithm in this file. Remember to use the
swap and compare methods from the abstract parent class whereever applicable.
• Implement the heap-sort algorithm in this file. Remember to use the swap and
compare methods from the abstract parent class whereever applicable. Make sure to fill out the
heapify method which will also be graded.
• Implement the quick-sort algorithm in this file. Remember to use the swap and
compare methods from the abstract parent class whereever applicable. Make sure to fill out the
partition method which will also be graded. You have two options for this, either version which
returns an indexPair object to return two indices or comment this out and uncomment the version
which returns an integer.
• Implement the merge-sort algorithm in this file. Remember to use the swap
and compare methods from the abstract parent class whereever applicable. Make sure to fill out
the merge method which will also be graded.
• Implement the counting sort algorithm in this file. Note that you need to
do this only for integers. You do not have to use any function from its parent in this class.
• This file has a smaller main function which you can use to debug individual sorting
algorithms. We suggest that you test your implementations here first.
• This file grades your sorting implementations with different data distributions and
data sizes. It checks aforementioned methods for certain algorithm and tests whether your implementations sort the data correctly. In addition to integers, doubles and strings are also utilizied.
The code also checks for number of swaps and compares for three algorithms. Small implementation details might result in slightly different numbers and we might update the autograder to
reflect this so do not spend too much time on this and come back to it after you are getting an 88.
• This file has the code to generate data to test your implementations. Take a
look at it if interested but you do not need to worry about it.
Bonus: Sorting Spree!
This homework includes a bonus component where your sorting algorithm will compete with the rest of
the class to receive a bonus up to 30 points. Your bonus grade will depend on how well you do in the
benchmarking as compared to other submissions. The exact grading scheme will be announced later. The
files you need to look at for this part are below. You are free to submit any one of the implementations
you have already done but we suggest to try at least one of the hybrid algorithms we have seen.
• This file should have your competition entry sorting algorithm. You do
not need to use anything from the parent class apart from overriding the sort method. You are
not allowed to use an existing sorting library such as Java’s own method.
• This file benchmarks the given algorithms. We are going to use something
similar but will also add doubles and strings. Your score will depend on a weighted average of your
sorting times, smaller the better. If you are interested in the bonus, go over this file.
• This file stores the benchmark performances and calculates statistics.
Your assignment will be graded through an autograder. Make sure to implement the code as instructed,
use the same variable and method names. A version of the autograder is eleased to you. Our version
will more or less be similar, potentially including more tests.
Run the main program in the to get the autograder output and your grade.
In case the autograder fails or gives you 0 when you think you should get more credit, do not panic.
Let us know. We can go over everything even after your submission. Make sure that your code compiles!
You are going to submit a compressed archive through the blackboard site. The file should extract to a
folder with your student ID without the leading zeros. This folder should only contain files that were in
boldface in the previous section. Other files will be deleted and/or overwritten.
Important: Make sure to download your submission to make sure it is not corrupted and it has
your latest code. You are only going to be graded by your blackboard submission.
Submission Instructions
• You are going to submit a compressed archive through the blackboard site. The file can have zip,
tar, rar, tar.gz or 7z format.
• This compressed file should extract to a folder with your student identification number with the two
leading zeros removed which should have 5 digits. Multiple folders (apart from operating system
ones such as MACOSX or DS Store) greatly slows us down and as such will result in penalties
• Code that does not compile will be penalized and may receive no credits.
• Do not trust the way that your operating system extracts your file. They will mostly put the
contents inside a folder with the same name as the compressed file. We are going to call a program
(based on your file extension) from the command line. The safest way is to put everyting inside a
folder with your ID, then compress the folder and give it your ID as its name.
• One advice is after creating the compressed file, move it to your desktop and extract it. Then
check if all the above criteria is met.
• Once you are sure about your assignment and the compressed file, submit it through Blackboard.
• After you submit your code, download it and check if it the one you intended to submit.
Let us know if you need any help with setting up your compressed file. This is very important. We
will put all of your compressed files into a folder and run multiple scripts to extract, cleanup, grade and
do plagiarism checking. If you do not follow the above instructions, then scripts might fail. This will
lead you to get a 0. Such structured submissions greatly help manual grading as well.