COMP133 Assign # 4


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Write a C program that reads an unspecified number of integers from a file called nums.txt ( up to a maximum of 100 numbers ) and stores those numbers in an array. Your program should then print to the screen the number with the maximum sum of divisors as well as its position in the array in main.
Your program should include and use the following two functions:
1. function sum_of_divs which takes any integer and returns the sum of its divisors ( e.g. for the number 20 the function should return the value 42 which is 1+2+4+5+10+20).
2. function max_sum_and_pos which takes the array of integers as input and returns both the number (not the sum) with the maximum sum of divisors as well as its position in the array.
Example of a Sample Run :
Assume that the file nums.txt has the following 6 numbers ( nums.txt can have up to a 100 numbers which means your array size should be defined as 100):
53 61 40 83 49 44
your program should print the following to the screen:
The number with max sum of divisors is 40 at position 2 in the array.

1. Turn in your assignment by replying to the course coordinator’s message on Ritaj and attaching your code file (main.c). You should NOT include the file nums.txt.

2. DO NOT SEND a MESSAGE To YOUR INSTRUCTOR WITH YOUR ASSIGNMENT. DOING so will RESULT in RECEIVING a GRADE of ZERO for the assignment even if YOU TURN it in by the due date and time.

3. You must include your full name, student id number, and lab section number in a comment at the beginning of your main.c code file.