Part I
Question 1
a) Given an array of integers of any size, n≥1, and a number m, develop an algorithm as
a pseudo code (not a program!) that would move all numbers with value m to beginning
of the array keeping order of remaining elements in the array same.
You must perform
this operation in place i.e., without creating an additional array and keeping the number
of operations as small as possible. For example, given an array [1, 3, 2, 7, 2, 4, 2], and
a number 2, the algorithm will return [2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 7, 4].
Finally, your algorithm must
not use any auxiliary/additional storage to perform what is needed.
b) What is the time complexity of your algorithm, in terms of Big-O?
c) What is the space complexity of your algorithm, in terms of Big-O?
Question 2
Given a string of random length and random contents of characters, that do not include
special characters, write an algorithm, using pseudo code that will swap every (i+1)th
character with the (i-1)th character, starting from the second character.
For instance,
given a string “assignment1” the algorithm should return the string: “signment1sa”.
a) What is the time complexity of your algorithm, in terms of Big-O?
b) What is the space complexity of your algorithm, in terms of Big-O?
Question 3
i) Develop a well-documented pseudo code that finds two farthest elements in the array
with the difference of their digit sum equal to 1, and two consecutive elements with the
largest difference in their digit sum. The code must display values and indices of these
For instance, given the following array [20, 52, 400, 3, 30, 70, 72, 47, 28, 38,
41, 53, 20] your code should find and display something like the following (notice that
this is just an example. Your solution must not refer to this example.)
Two farthest elements with difference of their digit sum equal to 1 are 52 and 53 which
have 9 elements between them. Two consecutive elements with the largest difference in
their digit sum are 20 and 52. In case of multiple occurrences of the pairs with farthest
distance or largest difference, your code must display the first found pair.
ii) Briefly justify the motive(s) behind your design.
iii) What is the time complexity of your solution? You must specify such complexity
using the Big-O notation. Explain clearly how you obtained such complexity.
iv) What is the maximum size of stack growth of your algorithm? Explain clearly
Part II
Purpose: Practically, this part of the assignment can be considered as Programming
Assignment # 0! The purpose of this assignment is to help you review some of the
main topics covered in previous courses, including classes, loops, arrays, arrays of
objects, static attributes, and static methods.
General Guidelines When Writing Programs:
– Include the following comments at the top of your source codes
// Assignment (include number)
// © Your Name
// Written by: (include your name and student id)
– In a comment, give a general explanation of what your program does. As the
programming questions get more complex, the explanations will get lengthier.
– Include comments in your program describing the main steps in your program.
– Display clear prompts for users when you are expecting the user to enter data from
the keyboard.
– All output should be displayed with clear messages and in an easy-to-read format.
– End your program with a closing message so that the user knows that the program
has terminated.
Part II A
For this part, you are required to design and implement the Vaccine class according to
the following specifications:
A Vaccine object has five attributes, a vaccine brand (Enum), vaccine dose (double),
vaccine expiry_date (String), vaccine id (long), and a price tag (double).
Upon the creation of a Vaccine object, the object must immediately be initialized
with valid default values for all the attributes. (Hint: use constructors.).
The design must allow enough flexibility so that value of any of these attributes
can be modified later except the id. For example, one should be able to create a
Vaccine object with a given price then change its price later. The design should
also allow the user to obtain value of any of the attributes. (Hint: use accessors
& mutators.)
The design must also allow all information of an object to be displayed at once
through the System.out.print() method. (Hint: use toString() method).
It is required to know how many Vaccine objects have been created so far at any
time. For that, you must have a method called findNumberOfCreatedVaccines(),
in the Vaccine class. This method must return number of Vaccine objects prior
to the time this method is called. The method would return 0 if no vaccines have
been created by the time the method is called. (Hint: use Static – You can add
other attributes to the class.).
It is required to compare two Vaccine objects for equality. Two Vaccine objects
are considered equal if they have the same brand and dose. (Hint: use equals()
Part II B
You are hired by a pharmacy to write a software application that helps their staff (users)
in keeping track of the vaccines at the store.
Write a driver program that will contain the main() method and will perform following:
(Note: You can have the main method in a separate driver file, or in the same file)
Display a welcome message.
Prompt the user for the maximum number of vaccines (maxVaccines) his/her store
can contain. Create an empty array, called inventory, that will have the potential
of keeping track of all the created Vaccine objects.
Display a main menu (figure 1) with the following choices and keep prompting the
user until they enter a number between 1 and 5 inclusive:
Figure 1. Main menu
When option 1 is entered:
Prompt the user for his/her password. (Make sure you have a constant variable
containing the password “password” – do not use any other password as it will
be easier for the marker to check your assignments). The user has a maximum
of 3 attempts to enter the correct password. After the 3rd wrong attempt entry,
the main menu in figure 1 is re-displayed.
Additionally, after this is repeated 4
times (i.e., after total 12 consecutive failed attempts), the program must display
following message:
“Program detected suspicious activities and will terminate immediately!”, then
the program must exit.
If correct password is entered, ask the user how many vaccines he/she wants
to enter. Check to make sure that there is enough space in the store (array of
Vaccines) to add that many vaccines. If so, add them; otherwise inform the user
that he/she can only add the number of remaining places in the array. (How the
vaccine information will be inputted/entered by the user, is up to you).
When option 2 is entered:
Prompt the user for a password. (Make sure you have a constant containing the
password “password” as a constant – do not use another password). Again, the
user has 3 attempts to enter the correct password. However, after the 3rd wrong
attempt, the main menu in figure 1 is simply re-displayed. (Notice the different
behaviour in that case from the previous one above).
Once the correct password was entered, the user is asked which vaccine number
he/she wishes to update. Vaccine number is the index in the array inventory. If
there is no Vaccine object at specified index location, display a message asking
the user if he/she wishes to re-enter another vaccine, or quit this operation and
What do you want to do?
1. Enter new vaccines (password required)
2. Change information of a vaccine (password required)
3. Display all vaccines by a specific brand
4. Display all vaccines under a certain a price.
5. Quit
Please enter your choice >
go back to the main menu. If the entered index has a valid vaccine, display the
current information of that vaccine in the following format:
Vaccine: # x (index of the vaccine in the inventory array)
ID: ID of the vaccine
Brand: Brand of the vaccine
Dose: Dosage amount of the vaccine
Expiry: Expiry date of the vaccine
Price: $ price
Then ask the user which attribute they wish to change by displaying following
Figure 2. Update menu
Once the user has entered a correct choice, make the changes to the attribute
then display again all the attributes on the screen to show that the attribute has
been changed. Keep prompting the user for additional changes until choice 5 is
selected. Each time the user is prompted for a choice make sure that a number
from 1 to 5 is entered, otherwise keep prompting until a valid number is entered.
(Ensure that the user can change any of the choice 1 to 4 on figure 2).
When option 3 (in the main menu shown in figure. 1) is entered, prompt the user
to enter a brand name. You then need to display the information of all vaccines by
that requested brand. (Hint: You may use a static method called findVaccinesBy,
which accepts an Enum for a brand name name then performs the needed search).
When option 4 (in the main menu shown in figure. 1) is entered, prompt the user
to enter a value (representing a price). You then need to display all vaccines that
have a value smaller than that entered value. (Hint: You may use a static method,
for instance called findCheaperThan, which accepts a double value, for a price,
then performs the needed search).
When option 5 (in the main menu shown in figure. 1) is entered, display a closing
message, and end the driver.
Submission format: All assignment-related submissions must be adequately archived
in a ZIP file using your ID and last name as file name. The submission itself must also
contain your name(s) and student ID. Use your “official” name only – no abbreviations
or nick names; capitalize your “last” name. Inappropriate submissions will be heavily
IMPORTANT: For Part II of the assignment, a demo for about 5 to 10 minutes will take
place with the marker. You must attend the demo and be able to explain their program
to the marker. The schedule of the demos will be determined and announced by the
markers, and students must reserve a time slot for the demo.
What information would you like to change?
1. Brand
2. Dose
3. Expiry
4. Price
5. Quit
Enter your choice >
Now, please read very carefully:
If you fail to demo, a zero mark is assigned regardless of your submission.
If you book a demo time, and do not show up, for whatever reason, you will be
allowed to reschedule a second demo but a penalty of 50% will be applied.
Failing to demo at the second appointment will result in zero marks and no
more chances will be given under any conditions.
IMPORTANT: Part I must fully be submitted. Failure to submit that part will cost 50%
of the total marks of the assignment!
Part II.A (Class Vaccine) 4 pts
Default & copy constructors 1 pt
Accessor/mutator method for static attribute 1 pt
equals, toString and static attributes/methods 2 pts
Part II.B (Driver & other static methods) 6 pts
Handling of password 1 pt
Handling of option 1 1 pt
Handling of option 2 1 pt
Handling of option 3 1 pt
Handling of option 4 1 pt
Handling of option 5 1 pt