COMP 6231 ASSIGNMENT 3 Distributed Course Registration System (DCRS)


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In this assignment, you are going to implement the Distributed Course Registration
System (DCRS) from Assignment 2 as a web service. Specifically, design the service from
Assignment 2 (using the same functions and exceptions) by doing the following:

• Extract the Java client-server implementation by removing the CORBA specific
code from your Assignment 2.

• Properly annotate your Java implementation to adapt it as a web service.
• Build the end point files using the wsgen command before publishing the service.
• Import the wsdl files using the wsimport command.

Your server design should maximize the concurrency in the application. In other words,
use proper synchronization that allows multiple guests/managers perform the operations
at the same time.

Marking Scheme
[30%] Design Documentation: Describe the techniques you use and your architecture,
including the data structures. Design proper and sufficient test scenarios and
explain what you want to test. Describe the most important/difficult part in this
assignment. You can use UML and text description, but limit the document to 10
pages. Submit the documentation and code by the due date; print the
documentation and bring it to your demo.

[70%] Demo in the Lab: You have to register for a 5–10 minute demo. Please come to the
lab session and choose your preferred demo time in advance. You cannot demo
without registering, so if you did not register before the demo week, you will lose
40% of the marks. Your demo should focus on the following.

[50%] Correctness of code: Demo your designed test scenarios to illustrate the
correctness of your design. If your test scenarios do not cover all possible
issues, you’ll lose part of mark up to 40%.

[20%] Questions: You need to answer some simple questions (like what we’ve
discussed during lab tutorials) during the demo. They can be theoretical
related directly to your implementation of the assignment.