Implement the following 2d transformations using HTML Canvas/Javascript. You can use Canvas
primitives to draw shapes only. The transformation should be applied using rubber banding. Define
appropriate event handlers to do the transformations and rubberbanding.
• Translation
• Scaling
• Rotation
Apply the transformations to the following shapes:
• Line
• Circle
• Rectangle
• Triangle
• Polygon
• Source files
• Sample Input/output – if appropriate
• 1 page report : Write about issues faced, lessons learned, any remaining bugs etc.
Extra Credit
• any other functionality …. – please document in report and code.
Deadline and Late Submissions
• The assignment is due on the date specified above at 11:59:59 PM
• Each day late will incur a penalty of 5% of the grade for the assignment; for example, if the
assignment is 3 days late, the maximum grade will be 85 out of 100—15 will be subtracted
from whatever grade is assigned.