In this homework, you are a data scientist working with the New York City data division. Your task is to develop a dashboard allowing city leaders to explore the discrepancy in service across zipcodes. You’ll be using a derivate of the following dataset: – NOTE: The original dataset is very large and therefore we have provided a subset of it.
For the purpose of this assignment: 1. Download nyc_311.csv.tgz from MyCourses. 2. Trim it down to only include the incidents that occurred in 2020 (for an added challenge, see if you can trim the dataset down using exactly one call to the grep command line tool). For the remainder of this assignment, you should only work with the trimmed down dataset.
Task 1: CLI investigation tool
Build a python-based command line tool that uses argparse to provide a UNIX-style command which outputs the number of each complaint type per borough for a given (creation) date range. The command should take arguments in this way: -i -s -e [-o