COMP 304- Operating Systems: Assignment 1


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Problem 1 – Process creation (5 x 3 pts)
In Unix/Linux, new processes are created using the fork()system call. Calling fork()
creates copy of the current process (in which fork() is called) and the new process starts
executing immediately. After the fork() call, both parent and child process start executing the
same code.
● Part (a) Write a C program, which calls fork() 4 times consecutively. Then each of the
forked processes prints its ID, its parent’s ID and its level in the process tree (The level
of the main process is 0). Sample output for 3 forks is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
● Part (b) As mentioned previously, the child process is the copy of the parent process
when created with fork() system call. However, it is possible to replace the contents of
the child process with a new process. This is made possible through exec()family of
system calls. Write a C program that forks a child process which executes “ps f”
command. The “ps f” command will display a process tree. While the child process
executes the command, the parent should wait for the child to finish. When the child
finishes, the parent should print a message “Child finished execution”.
● Part (c) Write a C program that forks a child process that immediately becomes a
zombie process. This zombie process must remain in the system for at least 5 seconds.
A zombie process is created when a process terminates but its parent does not invoke
wait() immediately. By not invoking wait(), the child maintains its PID and an entry in the
process entry table.
○ Use the sleep() system call API for the time requirement.
○ Run the program in the background (using the & parameter) and then run the
command ps -l to determine whether the child is a zombie process.
○ The process states are shown below the S column; processes with a state of Z
are zombies in the ps command output.
○ The process identifier (PID) of the child process is listed in the PID column, and
that of the parent is listed in the PPID column.
○ You don’t want to create too many zombies. If you need, you can kill the parent
process with kill -9 PID.
○ Provide the source code (only .c) and the screenshots of the ps commands.
Problem 2 – Ordinary pipes (15 pts)
In parallel and distributed computing, one of the important strategies is to use multiple
processes cooperating with each other to solve a bigger problem. For this purpose, the
processes need to exchange data among themselves. In Unix/Linux, one of the options is to use
ordinary pipes for inter-process communication.
Base Process ID: 30511, level: 0
Process ID: 30512, Parent ID: 30511, level: 1
Process ID: 30513, Parent ID: 30511, level: 1
Process ID: 30514, Parent ID: 30511, level: 1
Process ID: 30515, Parent ID: 30512, level: 2
Process ID: 30517, Parent ID: 30512, level: 2
Process ID: 30516, Parent ID: 30513, level: 2
Process ID: 30518, Parent ID: 30515, level: 3
In this problem, you will use ordinary pipes to find the maximum of a list of M integers by
distributing them among a set of N children processes. The parent process will create N children
processes and evenly distribute the list elements among its children. Each child will then
calculate the maximum in their sublist it received from the parent and send the local max to the
parent. After the parent receives the local max of each child, it finds the global maximum and
displays it in standard output. The program should work under the following constraints:
● The program receives M and N as command line parameters
● If M is less than N, the program prints an error message and then terminates.
● Parent process randomly generates M numbers between 0-100.
● The program should handle the case when M is not exactly divisible by the number of
processes (N).
Here is a sample output:
Parent: N = 4, M = 15
Sending sublist to process 1
Sending sublist to process 2
Sending sublist to process 3
Sending sublist to process 4
Max value in Process 1 is 55
Max value in Process 2 is 21
Max value in Process 3 is 78
Max value in Process 4 is 54
Global Maximum is 78
Problem 3 Shared memory communication (20 pts)
Chinese whispers (kulaktan kulağa) is a popular children’s game in which the first player comes
up with a message, whispers in the ear of the second player, who then whispers the message
into the ear of the third player and so on. This carries on until the last player receives the
message who then reads the message aloud. Most often than not, the message that is read is
different than the original message by the first player.
In this problem, you will write a code that will simulate the Chinese whispers game using shared
memory. You are required to implement two C programs; the first will be a shared-memory
consumer-producer program while the second one will be a driver program. These two
programs need to function as follows:
The driver program
● This is the program that simulates the Chinese whisper by creating N processes.
● The program accepts three command line arguments; the executable name of the
“consumer-producer program”, an integer N (number of processes), and a string
● The program then forks N many children, each of which executes the consumerproducer program with necessary arguments to play the game.
● The number of processes should be at least 2. Otherwise, the program should
● Note that the driver program must create a new child only after the current child
terminates to prevent concurrent writes to the shared memory.
The consumer-producer program
● If this program is run by the first child of the driver program, then it creates a shared
memory segment and writes the original message into it.
● Otherwise, the program reads the message in the shared segment, randomly chooses
two characters in the message, swaps those two characters and then writes back the
distorted message in the shared segment. If it is run by the last child, then it also unlinks
the segment.
Here is a sample output:
Parent: Playing Chinese whisper with 4 processes.
Child 1: The OS assignment deadline is approaching.
Child 2: Tae OS hssignment deadline is approaching.
Child 3: Tae OS hssignment aeadline is approdching.
Child 4: Tae iS hssignment aeadline Os approdching.
Parent terminating…
To get started for this problem, refer to the producer and consumer shared memory example
codes on Blackboard for Lecture 4.