COMP 1510 Object oriented programming 1 Assignment #2: More Dungeons and Dragons!


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For your second assignment I’d like you to build upon some of the code you wrote for lab 5. Now that we
know all the important control structures – sequence, selection, repetition, and indirection – we can start
building interesting collections of functions that work together. Programs!
Developing software is often a highly iterative process. Iterative software development involves repeated
cycles of designing, coding, testing, and integrating small sections or increments of a program. We build
a little, test it, make adjustments, and continue.
By deconstructing a large project into smaller, more manageable tasks, we can abstract away portions of
the application and focus on separate, solvable problems. The knowledge we gain from developing and
testing these smaller modules can be applied to the development of other parts of the project. Ultimately
we generate correct, working, and maintainable software efficiently and quickly.
1 Submission Requirements
1. This take home assignment is due no later than Saturday October 19th at or before 15:59:59.
2. Late assignments will not be accepted for any reason. This assignment is due in the middle of the
afternoon so you can focus on your exams.
3. This is an individual assignment. I strongly encourage you to share ideas and concepts, but sharing
code or submitting someone else’s work is not allowed.
2 Project Setup
Please complete the following:
1. Open the PyCharm project you created for the first assignment. Recall we made folders called A1,
A2, …, A5. Recall we will use this project for ALL of our assignments this term.
2. For your second assignment, all of your code must go into the A2 folder. After you complete each
function, commit and push your change to version control. In order to earn full marks, you must
commit and push after each function is complete.
3. When you are finished, you do not need to add me as a collaborator, because you already invited me
to collaborate for A1.
3 Style Requirements
1. Your source code must all be placed inside a file called
2. You may not use global variables. All variables must be local, i.e., they must be inside functions.
3. Functions must be short and must only do one thing. If a function does more than one thing, break
it down into two or more functions that work together. Remember that helper functions can help
more than one function, so we want to use generic names as much as possible.
4. You must comment each function you implement with correctly formatted docstrings.
5. Include informative doctests where necessary to demonstrate to the user how the function is
meant to be used, and what the expected output will be when input is provided.
6. Ensure that the docstring for each function you write has the following components (in this order):
(a) Short one-sentence description that begins with a verb in imperative tense
(b) One blank line
(c) Additional comments if the single line description is not sufficient (this is a good place to describe in detail how the function is meant to be used)
(d) One blank line
(e) PARAM statement for each parameter which describes what the user should pass to the function.
(f) PRECONDITION statement for each precondition which the user promises to meet before using
the function
(g) POSTCONDITION statement for each postcondition which the function promises to meet if the
precondition is met
(h) RETURN statement which describes what will be returned from the function if the preconditions
are met
(i) One blank line
(j) And finally, the doctests. Here is an example:
def my_factorial(number):
“””Calculate factorial.
A simple function that demonstrates good comment construction.
:param number: a positive integer
:precondition: number must be a positive integer
:postcondition: calculates the correct factorial
:return: factorial of number
>>> my_factorial(0)
>>> my_factorial(1)
>>> my_factorial(5)
return math.factorial(number)
7. Each function must also be tested in a separate unit test file by a separate collection of unit tests.
Ensure your test cases and functions have descriptive, meaningful names, and ensure that every
possible valid input is tested for each function. Remember we want to create disjointed equivalency
partitions out of all possible output, and test a representative from each partition.
4 Functions
Please implement the following functions. For some functions, you may wish to (and perhaps even should)
create helper functions:
1. Start by copying the following functions (and their helper functions) from the Lab05 package in your
labs project to
(a) roll_die
(b) create_name
(c) choose_inventory
(d) create_character
(e) print_character.
2. Let’s modify the create_character function:
(a) Instead of creating a list, modify the create_character function so it creates a dictionary to store
the character. The contents should be modified as follows:
i. The first key:value pair should be ‘Name’ (key) and the character’s name (value).
ii. The next six items should be key:value pairs for the six attributes (the keys are strings, and
the values are ints).
iii. Then inventory should be a key:value pair too. The key should be the word ‘Inventory’, and
the value should be a list of inventory items. A brand new player who has not acquired any
items must have an empty list for an inventory.
(b) Every character has experience points. Players gain experience points by solving problems,
killing monsters, etc. Let’s add experience points to the dictionary that represents a character.
Let’s insert it right after the six attributes, before the inventory. A new character starts with 0
experience points, or ‘XP’ as we will call them.
(c) When we create a new character, we should select a class. Create a function called select_class
which prints out a list of classes to the user, and asks the user to select the class they want to
play. Classes to choose from include fighter, wizard, cleric, rogue, ranger, etc. A full list of the
twelve (12) main classes in D&D can be found at
classes. You can invoke this function from inside generate_character, and use the player’s
response to populate the character.
(d) Let’s decide to insert the character’s class right after the character’s name in the character
dictionary. Store it as a key:value pair. The key is the string ‘Class’ and the value is the class
name (all lower case please).
(e) We can select our race in D&D too. There are nine (9) basic races available to players, including
such favourites as elf, halfling, and tiefling. Create a function called select_race which prints
out a list of races to the user, and asks the user to select the race they want to play. A full list of
the races in D&D can be found at You can
invoke this function from inside generate_character, and use the player’s response to populate
the character.
(f) Let’s decide to insert the character’s race right after the character’s name in the character dictionary, before the class. Store it as a key:value pair. The key is the string ‘Race’ and the value
is the race name (all lower case please).
(g) Every character needs some health, or as we call it in D&D, hit points. The number of hit points
depends on the character’s class.
(h) Each new character gets to roll a die once to determine their initial HP. A barbarian can roll
a d12 once, for example. You can find the initial die to roll HP on the same page: https:
(i) Ensure HP is placed after the class in the character dictionary object. It makes sense that the
name, class, and remaining health are near the top. When you store the HP, you need to store
two values: the maximum HP, and the current HP. Store these as a key:value pair where the
key is ‘HP’ and the value is a list of length two, where the first element is the maximum HP,
and the second element is the current HP.
3. What about outfitting our character with weaponry and supplies? Modify the choose_inventory
(a) The choose_inventory function must print a list of goods to the screen and ask the player what
they want to buy. The list of goods should be printed like this:
Welcome to the Olde Tyme Merchant!
Here is what we have for sale:
1. sword
2. dagger
3. chalice of becoming
4. orb of discovery
5. and so on and so on…
What would you like to buy (-1 to finish):
(b) If the user enters a number that corresponds to a number on the list, add that item to a temporary local list and then print the menu again and wait for the user to respond
(c) If the user enters a -1, exit the function by returning the temporary local list of purchases
(d) If the user enters anything else, print a helpful message that tells the user what they can enter,
and print the menu again.
4. What about combat? Let’s create a simple function called combat_round that represents a single
round of combat.
(a) In order for combat to take place, we need two combatants. The combat function accepts two
character dictionary objects as parameters, opponent_one and opponent_two. This function
has a precondition – it will not work unless both parameters are well-formed dictionaries each
containing a correct character. We are not responsible for what happens if the user of this
function passes anything else to it.
(b) Each character starts by rolling 1d20. Whoever rolls the highest number strikes first. If the
characters roll the same number, roll again to get a winner. Keep rolling until someone rolls a
higher value.
(c) The first attacker rolls a 1d20 and compares the rolled number to the other character’s dexterity.
If the attacker rolled a number higher than the victim’s dexterity, the attacker has successfully
struck their opponent!
(d) Of course IRL damage depends on the attacker’s strength, armour, and weapon, but let’s begin
with something simple. Let’s assume that the damage a character inflicts is equivalent to their
hit dice. That is, if we rolled a 1d10 to determine a character’s hit points (HP), that character
will roll a 1d10 when metering out damage. Reduce the other character’s HP by that amount.
(e) Print a meaningful message to the screen. If the other combatant was killed, that’s definitely
some information we should know.
(f) If the second combatant is still alive, they must roll 1d20 and try to get a value greater than
the other player’s dexterity. If they do, roll the die they used to determine their HP to find out
how much damage they inflicted.
(g) The function must print useful, interesting information during the round. Make me fear for my
life! Make my blood sing in my ears! Most importantly, tell me how much damage was inflicted,
and if someone dies, that’s useful too.
(h) The function returns nothing.
5. Create an if __name__ == “__main__” block in and add code that invokes
a main function.
6. In the main function, create a short interactive program for me that demonstrates how your code
works. Every function must be showcased. Ensure the functions roll_die and print_character are
used. They may need to be modified too.
7. That’s it. Not so hard, was it?
5 Grading
Your second assignment will be marked out of 10. I will randomly select some functions from this assignment and mark them. For full marks, you must:
1. (5) Correctly implement the requirements described in this document for each function I mark.
2. (3) Correctly write and execute doctests for each function I mark that unambiguously describe the
function’s correct use, and correctly write and execute unit tests to thoroughly test each function I
3. (1) Correctly commit and push your code to git and GitHub at regular intervals, i.e., after you
complete each function.
4. (1) Correctly format and comment your code. Eliminate all warnings offered by PyCharm, use good
function and variable names, write code that is easy to understand, use whitespace wisely, employ
good grammar in your comments, use inline comments (comments that start with #) inside functions
to describe complicated code blocks, make sure functions are brief and only do one thing (I’m
looking at combat_round for example and my first thought is it should have a helper function
called attack), etc.
Please remember that this is an individual assignment. I strongly encourage you to share ideas and concepts (please!), but sharing code or submitting someone else’s work is not allowed.
Good luck, and have fun!