COMP 1405 C&D Assignment 4 


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This assignment slowly evolves the functionality of our program, one step at a time.
1. Read in game map data and store it in a useful way – as a dictionary
2. Write a helpful function that takes in a chat message and returns only the useful parts
3. Write a function which uses the previous helper function to reduce a full file worth of chat
4. Write a function which goes through that simplified chat log and outputs the player’s
votes for the round
5. Write a function which goes through that simplified chat log to check if the paths people
claim to have taken are actually valid, based on the map information
Like in A3, you must follow naming conventions and function signatures precisely. This means
using a main() function correctly, naming functions exactly as written in the specification,
accepting the right types of inputs, and returning the correct values. You should only have print
statements where explicitly mentioned in the assignment – if mentioned in the assignment at all.
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 1: Loading the Map
Background Information
The map of the game is represented by the image below:
The blue boxes represent each room of the space ship and the gray lines are hallways that
connect the rooms. A room is said to be adjacent to another room if there is an uninterrupted
path from that room along the gray lines without crossing another room. This is to say, rooms
connected by one hallway are considered adjacent to each other.
Some examples:
● Medbay is adjacent to Upper Engine and Cafeteria
● Storage is adjacent to Lower Engine, Electrical, Cafeteria, Admin, Communications,
and Shields
Our first problem is finding a way to store this map data in Python in a way that we can use for
future questions. This is associative data – each room has a list of rooms you could move to.
More information about the question on the next page
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 1: Loading the Map (continued)
What are we doing?
You’ve been provided with a file called skeld.txt. This file represents every room on the map and
which rooms they are adjacent to. Each line lists the room name and a comma separated list of
rooms that it connects to.
Be aware that we should be able to load a different map with different room names and it will
work just fine.
Write a function called load_map(file_path).
● The function takes in a string representing the filepath of the map file
● You will create and return a dictionary which represents the map
○ The purpose of this dictionary is to let us look up a room and see which rooms
we could move to
○ The keys of the dictionary are the name of the room (string)
○ The values are a list of strings representing every room which is adjacent to the
room in the key
● To test it, you can write some code in your main() function
○ This is optional, but obviously highly recommended to make sure it works
○ Store the return value of load_map(“skeld.txt”) in a variable in your main()
function and print it out to see if it matches what you think it should.
● Tip: If dictionaries are still confusing, start by trying to hard code a small version of the
dictionary in Python (two or three rooms) by hand to get a better idea of what you’ll be
constructing when you read the file!
● Tip: One entry in your dictionary will be something like…
○ “room name”: [“another room”, “room”, “some other room”]
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 2: Simplifying Messages in Chat
Background Information
Every once in a while, our players will meet up to discuss what everyone has been doing –
usually because our alien has snacked on one of the crewmates.
The crew is expected to perform three basic tasks here:
● Talk about where they were throughout the round
● Talk about who they’ve seen throughout the round
● Vote for somebody they want to shoot out of the airlock… Presumably because they
think they are an alien.
The conversation can be difficult to follow, but this is your main place to find the alien. People
are expected to state where they were, and what rooms they passed through. If they claimed to
go to a room they couldn’t have reached, later on in the assignment we’ll identify them as a liar.
For the purposes of this assignment, assume that everyone is shockingly consistent in how they
● Assume crewmates can only have the following colours:
○ [“red”, “blue”, “green”, “yellow”, “brown”, “pink”, “orange”]
● If they do not mention a location name, assume it is useless information
● If they mention a location name and no colours, assume they are talking about
● If they mention a location and a colour, assume they are claiming another crewmate was
in a location
● Nobody will ever say the word “vote” or “voted”… for some reason.
More information about the question on the next page
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Side Note: But this isn’t accurate!!!
If you’ve played the game Among Us, you may notice some parts
of this assignment are… off. The program you are building for this
assignment is not intended to work with all chat logs, under all
circumstances, nor is it meant to improve your win rate.
To build something that can accurately parse fully unstructured
conversation is a much more complex task – but one I encourage
you to try out after completing the assignment! How would you
make a “lie detector” for real world game data? What challenges
might you face?
Problem 2: Simplifying Messages in Chat (continued)
What are we doing?
In this question, we want to take complex chat messages and reduce them to only their
important parts.
● We want to know who is speaking; what colour are they?
● We want to know who they are talking about; are they talking about themselves, or
someone else?
● We want to know where they are talking about; what room were they in?
You will be writing a function called simplify_testimony(chat, rooms) which:
● Takes in a chat message as a string
○ Messages are either of the form “speaker_colour: this is the message”
○ …Or the form “colour voted colour”
○ Assume each chat message will only ever refer to at most one colour and one
location at a time
● Takes in the spaceship rooms dictionary that you built in Problem 1
● It returns a string, which is a simplified version of the message of the form:
○ “speaker: colour in room”, explaining who was in which room, and who made
the claim
○ If no room was mentioned, return an empty string, “”
○ If it’s a vote, simply return the vote line without any newline characters.
● Tip: Start by recognizing the different cases you will need to account for
● Tip: Whenever I do text processing, I find it helpful to play around in the Python
interpreter with some sample strings to try and hone in on how the text breaks apart in
different situations.
● Tip: Nobody will ever say the words “vote” or “voted”. This means the only time they will
show up is in votes.
● Tip: It is highly likely, but not required, you will need to use these tools:
○ strip()
○ split()
○ find()
○ format()
● Tip: You can store the list of possible colours as a global constant; we will assume these
colours will be in every game and will never change
Example test cases for this function are on the next page
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 2: Simplifying Messages in Chat (test cases)
Examples (note: the “skeld_rooms” dictionary is much larger than shown, it is for demo
purposes only. Use the dictionary outputted in Problem 1)
chat_message: “red: I ran out of cafeteria”
skeld_rooms: {“cafeteria”: [“admin”, “storage”, “medbay”], “storage”: [“admin”, “caf…}
Actual: simplify_testimony(chat_message, skeld_rooms)
Expected: “red: red in cafeteria”
chat_message: “red: On my way, I saw blue in admin.”
skeld_rooms: {“cafeteria”: [“admin”, “storage”, “medbay”], “storage”: [“admin”, “caf…}
Actual: simplify_testimony(chat_message, skeld_rooms)
Expected: “red: blue in admin”
chat_message: “orange: Where were you after that?”
skeld_rooms: {“cafeteria”: [“admin”, “storage”, “medbay”], “storage”: [“admin”, “caf…}
Actual: simplify_testimony(chat_message, skeld_rooms)
Expected: “”
chat_message: “green voted orange”
skeld_rooms: {“cafeteria”: [“admin”, “storage”, “medbay”], “storage”: [“admin”, “caf…}
Actual: simplify_testimony(chat_message, skeld_rooms)
Expected: “green voted orange”
Problem 3: Loading Chat from a File
Simplifying individual messages is fine, but really we want to use that function to process a
bunch of chat messages at one time.
What are we doing?
For this problem, you will write a function called load_chat_log(filename, rooms) which:
● Takes in the filename of a chatlog; we’ll provide you with a sample called chatlog.txt
● Takes in the rooms dictionary that you built in Problem 1
● It will read the entire chat log and simplify each line using the simplify_testimony(…)
function you wrote in Problem 2
● It will return a list of strings representing the simplified chat log
● We’ll ignore any invalid messages (empty strings)
● For example: If the above four chat messages were in a file, we’d expect
load_chat_log(“chatlog.txt”, skeld_rooms) to return:
○ [“red: red in cafeteria”, “red: blue in admin”, “green voted orange”]
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 4: Tallying Votes
Background Information
Once we have all of our chat information collected and simplified, we want to actually do
something with it. A critical piece of COMP1405’s favourite game, Amidst Ourselves, is that
players will vote for who they think should be thrown out of the airlock. This usually takes the
form of a message in the chat log saying something like, “blue voted orange”. They may also
vote to skip if they don’t think there’s enough information to eject someone to their doom. This
looks like, “orange voted skip”
What are we doing?
Write a function called tally_votes(chat_log) which:
● Takes in the simplified chatlog, which is returned from load_chat_log(…) written in
Problem 3; this should be a list of simplified strings
● Create a dictionary to track how many votes each character has, and how many votes
there are for skipping
○ This dictionary should include “zero” votes for people who were not voted for, and
still include “skip” even if nobody voted skip
● Return the dictionary with the voter information
● Remember: The crewmates can be these colours:
○ [“red”, “blue”, “green”, “yellow”, “brown”, “pink”, “orange”]
● Example:
○ Given the chat log:
■ red: I saw green in communications, acting pretty sus.
■ orange voted green
■ red: Then I went up to navigation and that’s where I found the body.
■ green voted orange
■ blue: I can also confirm that green was in communication.
■ orange: Where were you after that?
■ blue: I went straight to upper engine.
■ blue voted skip
■ red voted skip
○ We expect a dictionary that resembles:
■ {“red”: 0, “blue”: 0, “green”: 1, “yellow”: 0, “brown”: 0, “pink”: 0, “orange”: 1,
“skip”: 2}
● Tip: You will need to find a way to differentiate a chat line from votes
● Testing Tip: As usual, I suggest you try to test all of this in your main function any way
you see fit! You can even create multiple files to test different things at once.
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 5: Identifying Paths
Background Information
When crewmates are talking about what they did in a round, they usually say that they went
from one location to another, to another, to another. This path information is important, as the
alien has the ability to jump around the map and skip over rooms!
What we want to do is read through our chat data and see if we can list out the paths everyone
is saying they took. Some people might not speak up. Some people might call out where other
people were, instead of themselves. We don’t care about this! We only care about where people
said they were themselves.
What are we doing?
In this problem, you’ll be writing a function which reads our simplified chat data and returns a
dictionary containing the path that each crewmate claims to have taken.
You will write a function named get_paths(chat_log) which:
● Takes in the simplified chat log from Problem 3
● Returns a dictionary with all of the path information
○ The keys should be the colours of each crewmate; even if they didn’t mention
their path data
○ The values for each colour will be a list
■ The list will be a list of strings
■ Each string is a room name
■ The list should be ordered with 0 being the first room they entered, and
then the next room, and the next room…
○ If a crewmate did not mention their path, the value should be an empty list.
● Tip: You will need to find a way to differentiate chat lines from votes
● Tip: A crewmate will only mention another colour if they are calling out that colour’s
path. Ex. red: blue was in reactor, calls out blue, and shouldn’t be considered in
anyone’s path. We only care about someone talking about themselves
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 6: Who is Lying?
Background Information
The alien is motivated to lie about where they were. Unfortunately for them, it can be really hard
to lie about what path you took! What we want to do is look at all of our paths from Problem 5
and compare it to the map that we built in Problem 1.
Did red try to say they went from one room to a different one, that isn’t connected to it? For
● red: So I was hanging around cafeteria
● red: then I moved over to upper engine
● red: I saw blue in security
● red: I did a task in reactor
● red: and then I went straight to navigation
On our map, that path looks like:
Cafeteria to Upper Engine to Reactor is a fine path, but navigation isn’t connected to reactor!
How in space did they get there? That’s a suspicious (or sus) path.
More information on next page
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4 DUE: Tue. Nov. 24 @ 11:55PM EDT
Problem 6: Who is Lying? (continued)
What are we doing?
Luckily for us, we’ve already built functions that will help here: our load_map(…) provides us
with a dictionary containing which rooms are connected to which, and get_paths(…) tells us
where people claimed to be walking around. We want to write a function which takes in that data
and returns a list of every colour that appears to have lied about where they went.
Write a function called get_sus_paths(path_dict, rooms) which:
● Takes in the dictionary of paths that were returned by our get_paths(…) function, telling
us where everyone went
● Takes in the dictionary of rooms that were returned by load_map(…), telling us which
rooms are connected to each other
● Returns a list of strings, where each string is the colour of suspicious crewmates
● A crewmate is considered suspicious if at some point they claimed to have moved from
one room to the next – but that room was not attached to the room they came from.
● Tip: It may help to draw out your dictionaries and walk through the problem.
● Tip: There are many ways to do this, but it can be accomplished in as little as 10 lines of
code; don’t feel obligated to keep it small, but recognize when you’re going way too long
and there’s likely a simpler solution.
● Tip: You will almost certainly need to go through the chatlog data by hand to see which
characters lied – before you start coding.
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4
Final Notes
You are not asked to print anything throughout this code – this doesn’t mean you absolutely
shouldn’t. You shouldn’t print anything out if we didn’t tell you to within the functions, but please
feel free to print data and test things out in your main() function!
If you are struggling with problem solving, that’s okay. You are likely to spend most of your
time on this assignment trying to work out the problem. As we go further in the assignments,
you will be provided with less guidance. This is to say, just because you don’t get it at first –
keep trying! Look at it from different angles. Look at the problem solving steps from Lectures 14
and 15 and see if you can solve it in that way.
To print dictionaries and lists nicer for testing, you can use the module pprint which is included
in Python. You can see an example of that in Lecture 14. You can import pprint, like: from
pprint import pprint and then use pprint() as if it were a regular print statement (for a
single value), like pprint(my_dictionary). This isn’t required, but I find it helps me!
Updates to this assignment may come out over time, if there are issues with the data that
weren’t noticed at first. Pay attention to course announcements and the assignment
clarifications forums to keep up to date on info!
In addition to the sample data: I will provide what each function should return for that data. As
with assignment 3, you are expected to either modify this data or build your own in order to test
different situations. This is for reference only. It is acceptable to submit just the sample data we
sent. You do not need to output the data to a file, or resubmit the example output – this is for
your reference only.
● Your cuLearn submission should be a single file,
● Your zip file should contain one Python file,
● Your zip file should contain the sample data used to test your program
● Late submissions will receive a 2.5%/hour deduction up to an 8 hour cut-off period
● Invalid submissions (incorrect name, incorrect function names) will receive a 10%
deduction immediately
● As usual, you are expected to submit periodically; as you complete questions, try to
submit to cuLearn, just in case of data loss or last-minute submission problems.
● It is your responsibility to verify the submitted files work correctly – redownload and try
them again
COMP 1405 C&D Fall 2020 Assignment 4
Updates and Clarifications
● Nov. 12
○ In Problem 2 and Problem 3, updated examples to use the dictionary computed
in Problem 1, not a list of rooms.