So far, we’ve got this lovely dungeon. And we can. . . save and restore it. And, you know. . . look at it.
And that’s about it. Nice for mom’s fridge, but otherwise kind of boring.
Once you have monsters (next week), they (at least the smart ones) will need to find a path to the player
through the dungeon. To find that path, you’ll need to implement a path-finding algorithm. We’re going to
have some monsters that can tunnel through walls and others that can only move through open space, so we’ll
actually need two slightly different pathfinding algorithms. In both cases we’ll use Dijkstra’s Algorithm,
treating each cell in the dungeon as a cell in a graph. For the non-tunneling monsters, we’ll give a weight
of 1 for floor and ignore wall cells (i.e., don’t try to find paths through walls; this actually degenerates
to BFS, and you’re welcome to use that, but we will not require you to implement two different–if very
similar–algorithms for this assignment). For the tunnelers, we’ll have to use weights based on the hardness;
cells with a hardness of 0 have a weight of 1, and cells with hardnesses in the ranges [1, 84], [85, 170], and
[171, 254] have weights of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. A hardness of 255 has infinite weight. We don’t have to
assign a value to this. Instead, we simply do not put it in the queue.
A na¨ıve implementation will call pathfinding for every monster in the dungeon, but in practice, every
monster is trying to get to the same place, so rather than calculating paths from the monsters to the player
character (PC), we can instead calculate the distance from the PC to every point in the dungeon, and this
only needs to be updated when the PC moves or the dungeon changes. Each monster will choose to move to
the neighboring cell with the lowest distance to PC. This is gradient descent; the monsters move “downhill”.
Unless the monster is already collocated with the PC, there is always at least one cell with a shorter distance
than its current cell. In the case of multiple downhill cells having the same distance, the monster may choose
any one of them.
Take the following map with PC, ‘@’.
….. ….
…. ….. ….
…. ….. ….
…. # ….
….####### ………. ##### ….
….# ##……….######………. ….
…. # …….@.. #########….
## # ………. # #
…… # # ##### #
…… # # # ###
…… # ……….# #
…… # ………. #
…… …. ………. ##
…… …. ………. ##
…… ………. ##
…… ……….#####….
Distances from the PC are marked with a single letter in the order 0–9, a–z, A–Z.
9999a vvvv
zyyy 8889a uuuu
zyxx 7789a tttt
zyxw 6 ssst
zyxwvutsrqp nmlkjihgfe 23456 rrst
zyxwv ponmlkjihgfedcba987654321112 qrst
zyxw g 7654321012 iijklmnopqrst
Az h 7654321112 h r
FEDCBA i 2 defgh q
FEDCBB j 3 c ppq
FEDCCC k 44456789abc o
FEDDDD l 55556789ab n
FEEEEE mmno 66666789ab mn
FFFFFF nnno 77777789ab lm
GGGGGG 88888889ab kl
HHHHHH 99999999abcdefghijk
A distance map for tunneling monsters would include the rock cells.
Dijkstra’s Algorithm is described here: algorithm Scroll down
to find the pseudocode under “Using a priority queue”. Obviously, you’ll need a priority queue, one with a
decrease priority operation. You may use the Fibonacci queue that I provided with my solution to 1.01. You
may use the binary heap that I’m posting with this assignment. Or you may implement any other priority
queue you like.
My corridor building code uses Dijkstra’s algorithm, so you may start with that (it won’t require much
modification) or start from scratch.
To test your code, select a random floor point in the dungeon for your PC, which you will render with
an ‘@’. Render your dungeon with the PC. Then render your non-tunneling monster distance map, marking
distances as above. For distances greater than 61 (‘Z’), render the dungeon normally. Repeat for the tunneling monster distance map. Note that your distance maps will be integers from zero to some max value. We
are only displaying them using the values above, not storing them that way.
Your submission, when run, should generate a dungeon, calculate all distance maps, render all three
views of the dungeon, and exit.
All code is to be written in C.