COEN 178 lab 3 solved


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                               Part 1

In this part, you will use staff_2010 table with the data you have loaded in Lab1.

Step 1: Create a folder structure called COEN178\labs\lab3.

Step 2: Create a text file called queries_part1.sql. This file will contain the SQL statements that you want to execute.

Exercise 1 (10 pts)

 Write a query to show the full names of employees with maximum salary.

Approach 1: Complete the subquery below and run it.

Select first||last AS fullname, salary

from Staff_2010

where salary >= ALL(Select salary from Staff_2010);

Approach 2: Complete the subquery below and run it.

Select first||last AS fullname, salary

from Staff_2010

where salary = (Select max(salary) from Staff_2010);

What is the output?





The following table is shown twice from both queries:

FULLNAME                                                        SALARY

—————————————-                       ———-

 Michael M.Hash                                              179700

 Timothy P.Love                                                179700

Exercise 2 (10 pts)

 Using the query below, find the last names of people with the same salary as “Zichal”.

Select last, salary

from Staff_2010

where salary = (select salary from Staff_2010 where last = ‘Zichal’);

  1. Rewrite and run the query so that the last name comparison will work, whether it is stored in uppercase, lowercase or mixed case.


SELECT last, salary

FROM Staff_2010

WHERE salary = (SELECT salary FROM Staff_2010 WHERE UPPER(last) = ‘ZICHAL’);


  1. Substitute the last name “Young” for “Zichal” and run the query again. Did it work? If it did not work, why?

It does not work since there are two people with the last name “Young”.

Fix the query and re run the query.

SELECT last, salary

FROM Staff_2010

WHERE salary IN (SELECT salary FROM Staff_2010 WHERE UPPER(last) = ‘YOUNG’);


What is the output?

LAST                                  SALARY

——————–              ———-

Young                                 58511

Exercise 3 (5 pts) 

Write and run a query to find the number of people with salaries greater than 100,000.

       Note: the output should be like something given below (the count may vary for your table)






FROM Staff_2010

WHERE salary > 100000;


Exercise 4 (10 pts) 

Write and run a query to find the number of people with salaries greater than 100,000 and grouped by a salary number. See the example output below:


——–                  ——————-

140000                   2

120000                   8

105211                   1

179700                   2

150000                   3

110000                   2

102829                   1

144868                   1

107770                   1


SELECT salary, count(salary) AS SALARIES_100K_ABOVE

FROM Staff_2010

WHERE salary > 100000

GROUP BY salary;




Exercise 5 (15 pts)

Write and run a query to find the number of people with salaries greater than 100,000, grouped by a salary number, where the no. of people in the group is >= 10. See the example output below:

    SALARY                       SALARIES_100K_ABOVE

———-                        ——————-

130500                                     27

172200                                     23


SELECT salary, count(salary) AS SALARIES_100K_ABOVE

FROM Staff_2010

WHERE salary > 100000

GROUP BY salary

HAVING count(salary) >= 10;

Exercise 6 (5 pts)

Examine the query below. It uses regular expressions (regex) to show the last names where the same vowel repeats itself.


FROM Staff_2010

WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (last, ‘([aeiou])\1’, ‘i’);

Examine the output.  What is the option “i” for?

The “i” specifies case-sensitive matching. As seen from the output, there is not a single name that begins with a capital vowel.

Regex – A reference

                                         Part 2

In this part, you will create two tables and load them with values given.

Creating Tables

Create the tables, L_EMP and L_DEPT using the DDL statements below:

Create table L_EMP (empNo Integer Primary Key, empname varchar(10),deptId varchar(5));

Create table L_DEPT (deptId varchar(5) Primary Key, deptname varchar(10));

Note: We have not defined any foreign key constraint in these tables.

Inserting Tuples

Add the following tuples into the tables (use a script file to add the data).

insert into L_EMP values(1,’smith’,’d1′);

insert into L_EMP values(2,’jones’,’d2′);

insert into L_EMP values(3,’wayne’,’d1′);

insert into L_EMP values(4,’moor’,’d3′);

insert into L_EMP values(5,’king’,’d1′);

insert into L_EMP values(6,’chen’,’d1′);

insert into L_EMP values(7,’winger’,’d3′);

insert into L_DEPT values(‘d1′,’Research’);

insert into L_DEPT values(‘d2′,’Devt’);

insert into L_DEPT values(‘d3′,’Testing’);

insert into L_DEPT values(‘d4′,’Advert’);


Create a text file called queries_part2.sql. This file will contain the SQL statements that you want to execute.

Exercise 7 (15 pts)

In this query, we want to show the deptid and the number of employees in each dept. This information comes from L_EMP table. Write the Select query to show deptid and count(*) from L_EMP. Make sure that you group by deptid. Name deptid column as deptno and the count(*) column as empcount . Show the results of query.  



—–        ———-

d3                 2

d1                 4

d2                 1



Exercise 8 (10 pts)

In this query, we want to show the deptname (note the change from the previous exercise) and the number of employees in each dept. This information comes from both L_EMP and L_DEPT tables.

To write this query, we will use the fact that a subquery can be given in the FROM clause.

  1. Use the query in exercise 7, as the subquery below. This will go in to the from clause of the query below:

Select deptno,deptname,empcount

          from (SELECT deptid AS deptno, count(*) AS empcount

               FROM L_EMP

               GROUP BY deptid),L_DEPT

          where deptno = L_DEPT.deptid

Execute the query. Does it give you the correct results?

It does produce the results we expected.


—–       ———-                   ———-

d3    Testing                        2

d1    Research                    4

d2    Devt                            1

  1. Add the statement to show the rows displayed in ascending order, sorted by empcount (think of order by in the outer clause). Execute the statement.

SELECT deptno, deptname, empcount

FROM (SELECT deptid AS deptno, count(*) AS empcount


GROUP BY deptid), L_DEPT

WHERE deptno = L_DEPT.deptid

ORDER BY empcount ASC;


Exercise 9 (10 pts)

In this exercise, we will find the deptid of the department with maximum number of employees.

Attempt 1:  Try the query below. Will it work?

Select deptid, max(count(*)) from L_EMP

Group by deptid;

It will not work since it is not a single-group group function.

Attempt 2:  Try the query below. Will it work?

Select deptid from L_EMP

Group by deptid

Having count(*) = (Select count(*) from L_EMP

Group by deptid);


The query will not work since the single-row subquery returns more than one row.

  1. What is the problem with the above query? Fix the query in approach 2 and run it.


GROUP BY deptid

HAVING count(*) = (SELECT max(count(*)) FROM L_EMP

GROUP BY deptid);

  1. Find the name of the department with maximum number of employees.

The maximum number of employees belong in the department: “Research”.


Exercise 10 (10 pts)

Write a query, to show the employee and dept. information only where there are employees working in a dept. Include only those tuples that have a common deptid in both relations

  1. Run the query ( using natural join) below.


     Show the output.



—– ———- ———- ———-

d1             1  smith     Research

d2             2  jones     Devt

d1             3  wayne     Research

d3             4  moor      Testing

d1             5  king      Research

d1             6  chen      Research

d3             7   inger    Testing

  1. The query (incomplete) query below accomplishes the same thing using cartesian product. Complete it and run to display the same output as shown by the query in a).

SELECT L_EMP.deptid, empno, empname, deptname


WHERE L_EMP.deptid = L_DEPT.deptid;


Run the queries and capture the results in lab3_output.lst, using spool.