CMPUT 379 – Assignment #4 A Demand Paging Virtual Memory Simulator


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This programming assignment is intended to give you experience in developing a discrete event
simulation program that enables the study of key performance measures of a conceptual demand
paging virtual memory system.
The Simulator
In this assignment you are asked to design, implement, and test a C/C++ program, called ’a4vmsim’,
that simulates a number of local page replacement algorithms for managing a conceptual demand
paging virtual memory system. Each run of the program reads from the standard input a synthetic
reference string that models the behaviour of some hypothetical process and, upon termination,
the program writes to the standard output a number of statistics about the performance of the system in processing the input reference string. More specifically, the simulator makes the following
1. The length of each page in the system is a power of two between 256 bytes and 8192 bytes.
2. The CPU generates 32-bit addresses. Correspondingly, the reference string generator program generates a sequence of 32-bit binary words where each word encodes the page number used in a memory reference.
3. The CPU has a special accumulator register that is cleared to zero before the processing of
any reference string.
4. Since a valid page length is at least 256 bytes, the least significant byte of each generated
32-bit word is not used in computing the referenced page number. The generator program
utilizes such least significant byte in each generated word to encode information about the
operation performed by the CPU in that particular memory reference. In particular, the
generator utilizes the most significant two bits of each such byte to classify the operation
performed by the CPU as follows:
(a) 00 b5b4 · · · b0 : The operation increments the accumulator with the (unsigned) integer stored in bits b5b4 · · · b0.
(b) 01 b5b4 · · · b0 : The operation decrements the accumulator with the (unsigned) integer stored in bits b5b4 · · · b0.
(c) 10 ∗ ∗ · · · ∗ : The operation modifies the same page containing the reference word.
The least significant 6 bits are not used.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
(d) 11 ∗ ∗ · · · ∗ : The operation reads data from the same page containing the reference
word. The least significant 6 bits are not used.
Example. Assuming a 1024-byte page size, and a 32-bit reference word of 0x01220179, the
word is decoded into a page number, operation code, and operation value as follows:
0000 0001 0010 0010 0000 00 | {z }
page number
unused bits
11 1001 | {z }
Since the operation code is 01, the reference specifies an operation that decrements the accumulator by a decimal value of 57.
Simulator Inputs
In each run, the simulator reads an input reference string from the standard input. As mentioned
above, the string is composed of a sequence of 32-bit binary words where each word encodes
a referenced page number and information about the operation performed by the CPU in that
particular reference.
Note. Reading from the standard input allows the output of the generator program to
be piped directly to the simulator to avoid storing a possibly huge reference string in a
The program should be callable using the following parameters:
a4vmsim pagesize memsize strategy
• pagesize: is a power of two between 256 bytes and 8192 bytes, inclusively.
• memsize: is the size of the physical memory in bytes. Internally, the simulator should round
up this value to the nearest multiple of page size. For example, if pagesize = 512 and
memsize = 1000 then the system has two pages.
• strategy: is one of the following strings: none, mrand, lru, or sec. The corresponding
strategies are as follows:
– none: is a strategy that ignores the specified physical memory size, and assumes that
the system has enough memory to simulate the reference string. (This strategy is used
mainly to test basic functions of the program.)
– mrand: is a modified version of RAND where the victim page is selected at random
from all pages present in the physical memory, except the page(s) that have been referenced in the k = 3 references that occurred immediately before the fault. This strategy
applies when the physical memory has more than k = 3 pages.
– lru: is the LRU strategy.
– sec: is the Second Chance strategy.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
Simulator Outputs
After processing a reference string, the simulator prints the following statistics on the standard
1. The total number of memory references in the input string, and the number of write operations in the input string.
2. The total number of page faults.
3. The total number of flushes, i.e., cases when a victim page has been modified since the last
time it was brought into memory.
4. The final value stored in the accumulator.
Reference String Generation
To generate synthetic reference strings, download and compile program ’mrefgen’ from the
WEB page. The program can be invoked as follows:
% mrefgen -m memsize -l locality -f focus -w wr -n nref
• memsize: specifies the maximum address to be generated. All addresses are in the range
[0, memsize − 1].
• locality: is a single digit [0 − 9] specifying the degree of locality of the generated reference
• focus: is a single digit [0 − 9] specifying the likelihood of referencing a small “permanently
needed” memory area.
• wr: (the write ratio) is a floating point number in the range 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the fraction
of write references in the generated string.
• nref: is the total number of references generated.
The program writes the generated reference string to its standard output file descriptor, and
some statistics about the generated string to its standard error file descriptor. So, the reference
string alone (without the statistics) can be piped directly to the simulator program or saved in a
Note. You don’t have to worry about the byte order (e.g., small or big endian) used to
represent the generated 32-bit binary values since the generator and the simulator will
be tested on the same machine.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
Example: Running a script “” that has the following settings:
memsize=25600 # 100*page
virtual=2560000 # 100*memsize
nref=25600000 # 10*virtual address space
mrefgen -m $virtual -l 3 -f 3 -w 0.4 -n $nref | a4vmsim $page $memsize $policy
a4vmsim [page=256, mem= 25600, lru]
[mrefgen] 25600000 references generated, write count= 10239762
[mrefgen] Accumulator final value= -72878
[a4vmsim] 25600000 references processed using ’lru’ in 36.25 sec.
[a4vmsim] page faults= 15707259, write count= 10239762, flushes= 6943146
[a4vmsim] Accumulator= -72878
Note: mrefgen generates a new pseudo random reference string each time it runs.
Running Time
The running time of your solution is not an issue as long as it can process reference strings of 20
million references in less than 2 minutes when executed on a lab machine with no other major
programs running.
More Details
1. This is an individual assignment. Do not share code.
2. Although many details about this assignment are given in this description, there are many
other design decisions that are left for you to make. In such cases, you should make reasonable design decisions that do not contradict the specifications and do not significantly change
the purpose of the assignment. Document such design decisions in your source code, and
discuss them in your report. Of course, you may ask questions about this assignment (e.g.,
in the Discussion Forum) and we may choose to provide more information or provide some
clarification. However, the basic requirements of this assignment will not change.
3. When developing and testing your program, make sure you clean up all processes before
you logout of a workstation. Marks will be deducted for processes left on workstations.
1. All programs should compile and run on the lab machines.
2. Make sure your programs compile and run in a fresh directory.
3. Your work (including a Makefile) should be combined into a single tar archive ’submit.tar’.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
(a) Executing ‘make’ should produce the required executable file(s).
(b) Executing ‘make clean’ should remove all files produced by compilation, and all unused files.
(c) Executing ‘make tar’ should produce the ‘submit.tar’ archive.
(d) Your code should include suitable internal documentation of the key functions.
4. Typeset a project report (e.g., one to three pages either in HTML or PDF) with the following
(minimal set of) sections:
– Objectives: state the project objectives and value from your point of view (which may be
different from the one mentioned above)
– Design Overview: highlight in point-form the important features of your design
– Project Status: describe the status of your project; mention difficulties encountered in
the implementation
– Testing and Results: comment on how you tested your implementation
– Acknowledgments: acknowledge sources of assistance
5. Upload your tar archive using the Assignment #4 submission/feedback link on the course’s
web page. Late submission (through the above link) is available for 24 hours for a penalty
of 10%.
6. It is strongly suggested that you submit early and submit often. Only your last successful
submission will be used for grading.
Roughly speaking, the breakdown of marks is as follows:
17% : successful compilation of a complete program that is: modular, logically organized, easy
to read and understand, and includes error checking after important function calls
03% : ease of managing the project using the makefile
70% : correctness of executing the program (tentatively, around 20% for ’none’, 15% for ’mrand’,
20% for ’lru’, and 15% for ’sec’)
10% : quality of the information provided in the project report