CMPSCI 689: Mini Project 3


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This is the third and last mini project, and covers the material on deep learning and reinforcement
learning. Read the entire document before starting the project. Your solutions must be computer
formatted and submitted online on Moodle by December 7 2015. There will be no extensions of this
deadline. Each student must turn in an individual solution based on their own work, with no joint
work. Do not wait until the last weekend to work on this project. You will not be able to
complete it!
Question 1 (25 points)
Consider a Markov decision process (MDP) defined by M = (S, A, P, R, γ), where S is a finite set of states,
A is a set of actions, P is the transition matrix where P(s
|s, a) gives the distribution of future states s
conditioned on doing action a in state s, and R is the expected reward where R(s, a) is the reward for
doing action a in state s.
part a: (10 points) Assume that π : S → A is a fixed policy mapping states to actions for which we
desire to compute its associated value function V
. Bellman’s equation tells us that V
is the fixed point
of the Bellman operator
(V ) = R
π + γPπV
so that T(V
) = V
. Here, Rπ = R(s, π(s)) and P
π = P(s
|s, π(s)). However, when S is very large,
then it is preferable to compute an approximation Vˆ π = Φw, where Φ is a basis matrix where each column
is a basis function (e.g., radial basis function, polynomial, or some equivalent approximator). We can try
to find the weights w for the composition of the Bellman operator T
π and the orthogonal projector ΠΦ onto
the column space of the basis matrix Φ. In particular, show that the solution to the following minimization
wF P = argminwkΠΦT
(V ) − V k
is given by the weights wF P = (ΦT
(I − γPπ
T Rπ
part b: (15 points) Rather than computing the fixed point of the composition of the orthogonal
projector and the Bellman operator, a simpler approach is to solve the fixed point equation T(Φw) = Φw
in the least-squares sense. Show that the least-squares projection is defined by Vˆ = ΦwLS where
wLS = (ΦT
(I − γPπ
(I − γPπ
(I − γPπ
Question 2 (25 points)
The goal of this question is to read the paper Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning
(download it from and answer the following questions.
Part a (10 points): Derive the gradient based Q-learning algorithm given in the paper as Equation 3.
Part b (5 points): What is the difference between the deep learning approach to Atari game playing
and the earlier feedforward neural net Q-learning technique for playing backgammon?
Part c ( 5 points): Why does Deep Mind use experience replay in their Atari game learner?
Part d (5 points): Comment on the graphs shown in Figure 2. What does each curve show, and are
there differences in the performance on Breakout vs. SeaQuest?
Question 3: Programming Project (50 points)
This question asks you to test a deep reinforcement learner that trains a simple 2D robot on a spatial
task that requires navigating through the environment and picking up rewarding objects. The code is
written entirely in Javascript and can be run from a browser. You can run the code from the web site The goal of this task is to
experiment with various parameters that specify the architecture of the deep learning as well as the learning
algorithm used (Q-learning). The parameters for this task are given as:
var tdtrainer_options = {learning_rate:0.001, momentum:0.0, batch_size:64, l2_decay:0.01};
opt.experience_size = 30000;
opt.start_learn_threshold = 1000;
opt.gamma = 0.7;
opt.learning_steps_total = 200000;
opt.learning_steps_burnin = 3000;
opt.epsilon_min = 0.05;
opt.epsilon_test_time = 0.05;
Part b (10 points): Vary the learning rate and momentum and plot the the improvement or lack of
improvement as a function of discount factor. You can measure performance using the average reward.
Part a (10 points): Vary the discount factor γ from 0.7 to 0.99, and measure the improvement or lack
of improvement as a function of discount factor. You can measure performance using the average reward.
Part b (10 points): Vary the experience size, and measure the improvement or lack of improvement as
a function of discount factor. You can measure performance using the average reward.
Part c (10 points): Vary the experience size, and measure the improvement or lack of improvement as
a function of discount factor. You can measure performance using the average reward.
Part d (10 points): Show examples of learned weights from your trained neural network.