1. (Graphs, 2-page limit – your solutions should fit on two sides of 1 page).
You are managing the creation of a large software product. You have the following information:
(a) A set V of n small projects that are part of your software product.
(b) A set E of pairs of projects in V . A pair (u, v) is in E if project u must be completed before
project v is started. There are no cycles in E.
(c) For each project u ∈ V , a duration tu ∈ N. This is the amount of time the project will take
from start to finish.
You can do any number of projects in parallel, but you can’t start a project before all of its
predecessors (according to the list E) are completed.
Given this information, you want to know two things: First, how soon can each of the projects
be completed? Second, which projects are critical? We say a project is critical if increasing its
duration by 1 would delay the completion of the entire product.
For example, in the following picture, nodes represent projects, and numbers inside nodes are
durations. Critical nodes are colored gray.
Give an algorithm that takes the inputs above and returns:
(a) For each project u ∈ V , the earliest possible completion time c(v).
(b) A list of the critical projects.
Give the running time and space complexity for your algorithm. Prove that your algorithm is
correct. (Hint: You may want to compute the completion times c(v) first, then look for critical
2. (Dynamic Programming, 2-page limit – your solutions should fit on two sides of 1 page).
You are managing the construction of power plants along a river. As opposed to the last problem
that involved construction along a river, this time around the possible sites for the power plants
are given by real numbers x1, …, xn, each of which specifies a position along the river measured
in miles from its spring. Assume that the river flows in a completely straight line. Due to
differences in the water flow, the position of each power plant influences its capacity for energy
production. In other words, if you place a power plant at location xi
, you will produce a quantity
of electricity of ri > 0 MW1
Environmental regulations require that every pair of power plants be at least 5 miles apart. You’d
like to place power plants at a subset of the sites so as to maximize total energy production,
subject to this restriction. The input is given as a list of n pairs (x1, r1), …,(xn, rn) where the
’s are sorted in increasing order.
(a) Your foreman suggests some very simple approaches to the problem, which you realize will
not work well. For each of the following approaches, give an example of an input on which
the approach does not find the optimal solution:
i. Next available location: put a power plant at i = 1. From then on, put a power plant
at the smallest index i which is more than five miles from your most recently placed
power plant.
ii. Most profitable first: Put a power plant at the most profitable location. From then on,
place a power plant at the most profitable location not ruled out by your current power
(b) Give a dynamic programming algorithm for this problem. Analyze the space and time
complexity of your algorithm.
To make it easier to present your answer clearly, try to follow the steps below (as with any design
process, you may have to go back and forth a bit between these steps as you work on the problem):
i. Clearly define the subproblems that you will solve recursively (note: weighted interval
scheduling should be a good source of inspiration here).
ii. Give a recursive formula for the solution to a given subproblem in terms of smaller
subproblems. Explain why the formula is correct.
iii. Give pseudocode for an algorithm that calculates the profit of the optimal solution.
Analyze time/space and explain why the algorithm is correct (based on previous parts).
iv. Give pseudocode for an algorithm that uses the information computed in the previous
part to output an optimal solution. Analyze time/space and explain why the algorithm
is correct.
3. (Dynamic Programming, 2-page limit – your solutions should fit on two sides of 1 page).
Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph with nodes v1,…,vn. We say that G is an ordered graph if it
has the following properties.
this stands for megawatts, but don’t concern yourself with the unit of measurement
(i) Edges go from a node with a lower index to a node with a higher index. In other words,
every directed edge has the form (vi
, vj ) with i < j.
(ii) Each node with the exception of vn has at least one edge leaving it. In other words, for
every node vi
, i = 1, 2, …, n − 1, there is at least one edge of the form (vi
, vj ).
The length of a path is the number of edges in it. See the following example.
v1 v2
The correct answer for the above graph is 3: The longest bath from v1 to vn uses the three edges
(v1, v2), (v2, v4), and (v4, v5). The goal in this question is to solve the following problem.
Given an ordered graph G, find the length of the longest path that begins at v1 and ends at vn.
(a) Show that the following algorithm does not correctly solve this problem, by giving an
example of an ordered graph on which it does not return the correct answer.
Set a = v1
Set L = 0
While there is an edge out of node a
Choose the edge (a, vj ) for the smallest possible j
Set a = vj
Increase L by 1
Return L as the length of the longest path
In your example, say both what the correct answer is and what the algorithm above finds.
(b) Give an efficient algorithm that takes an ordered graph G and returns the length of the
longest path that begins at v1 and ends at vn.
4. (Graphs, 2-page limit – your solutions should fit on two sides of 1 page).
Suppose that you have a directed graph G = (V, E) with an edge weight function w and a
source vertex s ∈ V . The weights can be negative, but there are no negative weight cycles.
Furthermore, assume that all edge weights are distinct (i.e. no two edges have the same weight).
The single source shortest path problem is to find the shortest path distances from s to every
vertex in V .
(a) Suppose that you also guaranteed that for all v ∈ V , a shortest path from s to v has
increasing edge weights. Give an algorithm to find the shortest path distances from s to
every vertex in V . Analyze the running time of your algorithm and explain why it is correct.
For full credit, your algorithm should run in time O(V + E log E).
(b) A sequence is bitonic if it monotonically increases and then monotonically decreases, or
if by a circular shift it monotonically increases and then monotonically decreases. For
example the sequences (1, 4, 6, 8, 3, −2), (9, 2, −4, −10, −5), and (1, 2, 3, 4) are bitonic, but
(1, 3, 12, 4, 2, 10) is not bitonic. Now, suppose that the sequences of edge weights along the
shortest paths are no longer guaranteed to be increasing, but instead are guaranteed to be
bitonic. Give a single source shortest path algorithm, explain why it is correct, and analyze
its running time. For full credit, your algorithm should run in time O(V + E log E).