CMIS 242 Intermediate Programming Project 2


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The second project involves writing a program that implements an ATM machine. The interface to the program should be a
GUI that looks similar to the following:
The program should consist of three classes. The first class should define the GUI and should be hand-coded and not
generated by a GUI generator. In addition to the main method and a constructor to build the GUI, event handlers will be
needed to handle each of the four buttons shown above. When the Withdraw button is clicked, several checks must be made.
The first check is to ensure the value in the text field is numeric. Next a check must be made to ensure the amount is in
increments of $20. At that point an attempt to withdraw the funds is made from the account selected by the radio buttons.
The attempt might result in an exception being thrown for insufficient funds, If any of those three errors occur a
JOptionPane window should be displayed explaining the error. Otherwise a window should be displayed confirming that
the withdrawal has succeeded. When the Deposit button is clicked the only necessary check is to ensure that the amount
input in the textfield is numeric. Clicking the Transfer button signifies transferring funds to the selected account from the
other account. The checks needed are to confirm that the amount supplied is numeric and that there are sufficient funds in
the account from which the funds are being transferred. Clicking the Balance button will cause a JOptionPane window to be
displayed showing the current balance in the selected account. The main class must contain two Account objects, one for
the checking account and another for the savings account.
The second class is Account.It must have a constructor plus a method that corresponds to each of the four buttons in the
GUI. It must also incorporate logic to deduct a service charge of $1.50 when more than four total withdrawals are made from
either account. Note that this means, for example, if two withdrawals are made from the checking and two from the savings,
any withdrawal from either account thereafter incurs the service charge. The method that performs the withdrawals must
throw an InsufficientFunds exception whenever an attempt is made to withdraw more funds than are available in the
account. Note that when service charges apply, there must also be sufficient funds to pay for that charge.
The third class is InsufficientFunds, which is a user defined checked exception.
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Be sure to follow good programming style, which means making all instance and class variables private, naming all
constants and avoiding the duplication of code. Furthermore you must select enough scenarios to completely test the
Due Date
Jun 12, 2016 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: Assignment Rubric
Criteria Exceeds Meets Does not meet
Design 20 points
(18-20 points)
Employs Modularity
(including proper use of
parameters, use of local
variables etc.) most of
the time
Employs correct &
appropriate use of
structures (loops,
conditionals, classes
etc.) most of the time
Efficient algorithms
used most of the time
Excellent use of objectoriented design
17 points
(15-17 points)
Employs Modularity
(including proper use of
parameters, use of local
variables etc.) some of
the time
Employs correct &
appropriate use of
structures (loops,
conditionals, classes
etc.) some of the time
Efficient algorithms
used some of the time
Good use of objectoriented design
14 points
(0-14 points)
Rarely employs
Modularity (including
proper use of
parameters, use of local
variables etc.)
Rarely employs correct
& appropriate use of
structures (loops,
conditionals, classes
Poorly structured and
inefficient algorithms
Rarely uses good
object-oriented design
Functionality 40 points
(36-40 points)
Program fulfills all
All requirements were
Extra effort was
35 points
(29-35 points)
Program fulfills most
Most requirements
were fulfilled
28 points
(0-28 points)
Program does not fulfill
Few requirements were
Test 20 points
(18-20 points)
Comprehensive test
17 points
(15-17 points)
Good test plan included
14 points
(0-14 points)
No test plan included
Documentation 20 points 17 points 14 points
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(18-20 points)
Excellent comments
Comprehensive lessons
Excellent possible
improvements included
Excellent approach
discussion and
(15-17 points)
Good comments
Some lessons learned
Some possible
improvements included
Some approach
(0-14 points)
No comments
No lessons learned
No possible
No approach discussion
Overall Score
90 or more
70 or more
Does not meet
0 or more
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