CECS 342 Assignment 5 – Ancient Languages with Fortran 77 solved


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Assignment Description. The purpose of this assignment is to give you some experience programming
with older programming languages. You will be using Fortran 77 for this assignment (and not a newer
version of Fortran!).
Write a program in Fortran 77 to sort an array of numbers entered from the keyboard and then using
binary search, search for a number in the array. If the number is not found then it should ask for another
number. The program should work in a loop to search for multiple numbers one by one without having to
execute the program again. Your program must use the 77 standard of Fortran–you may not use a later
version of Fortran to complete this assignment (eg. Fortran 95).
A good reference (probably one of the only remaining) on Fortran 77 can be found here.
Deliverables. Submit your .f source code (some compilers use *.f77 as the file extension, which is also
fine), a screenshot of a sample run and output of your program, and a text file with a writeup about your
experiences with Fortran 77 to Beachboard Dropbox.