CECS 326 Group Project 4: CPU scheduler


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1. Summary

This project follows the topic of CPU scheduling, where it requires to design and implement several
classic CPU scheduling algorithms.

2. Description

This project involves implementing several different process scheduling algorithms. The scheduler
will be assigned a predefined set of tasks and will schedule the tasks based on the selected
scheduling algorithm. Each task is assigned a priority and CPU burst.

The following scheduling
algorithms will be implemented:
• First-come, first-served (FCFS), which schedules tasks in the order in which they request
the CPU.
• Priority scheduling, which schedules tasks based on priority.
• Round-robin (RR) scheduling, where each task is run for a time quantum (or for the
remainder of its CPU burst).

Priorities range from 1 to 10, where a higher numeric value indicates a higher relative priority. For
round-robin scheduling, the length of a time quantum is 10 milliseconds.
You need to complete the three scheduling algorithms in the attached sample code (schedule_fcfs.c,
schedule_priority.c, schedule_rr.c) or (FCFS.java, Priority.java, RR.java).

3. Implementation
The implementation of this project should be completed in C or java, and supported program files
are provided in the sample code. These supporting files read in the schedule of tasks, insert the
tasks into a list, and invoke the scheduler.

The schedule of tasks has the form [task name] [priority] [CPU burst], with the following
example format:
T1, 4, 20
T2, 2, 25
T3, 3, 25
T4, 3, 15
T5, 10, 10

Thus, task T1 has priority 4 and a CPU burst of 20 milliseconds, and so forth. It is assumed that all
tasks arrive at the same time, so your scheduler algorithms do not have to support higher-priority
processes preempting processes with lower priorities. In addition, tasks do not have to be placed
into a queue or list in any particular order.

There are a few different strategies for organizing the list of tasks. One approach is to place all
tasks in a single unordered list, where the strategy for task selection depends on the scheduling
algorithm. Alternatively, a list could be ordered according to scheduling criteria (that is, by priority).

One other strategy involves having a separate queue for each unique priority. It is also worth
highlighting that we are using the terms list and queue somewhat interchangeably. However, a
queue has very specific FIFO functionality, whereas a list does not have such strict insertion and
deletion requirements. You are likely to find the functionality of a general list to be more suitable
when completing this project.

4. C Implementation Details (You can also use the java repo)
The file driver.c reads in the schedule of tasks, inserts each task into a linked list, and invokes the
process scheduler by calling the schedule() function. The schedule() function executes each task
according to the specified scheduling algorithm.

Tasks selected for execution on the CPU are
determined by the pickNextTask() function and are executed by invoking the run() function
defined in the CPU.c file. A Makefile is used to determine the specific scheduling algorithm that
will be invoked by driver. For example, to build the FCFS scheduler, we would enter
make fcfs
and would execute the scheduler (using the schedule of tasks schedule.txt) as follows:
./fcfs schedule.txt

Refer to the Makefile in the source code download for further details. Before proceeding, be sure
to familiarize yourself with the source code provided as well as the Makefile.

3: The Required Deliverable Materials
(1) Your source code, must be submitted in the required format.
(2) Your report, which discusses the design of your program. Report should display the outputs of
different scheduling algorithms from your code.

3. Submission Requirements
You need to strictly follow the instructions listed below:
1) This is a group project, please submit a .zip/.rar file that contains all files, only one submission
from one group.
2) The submission should include your source code and project report. Do not submit your binary
code. Project report should contain your groupmates name and ID.

3) Make a video to record your code execution and outputs. The video should present your name
or time as identification.
4) Your code must be able to compile; otherwise, you will receive a grade of zero.
5) Your code should not produce anything else other than the required information in the output

6) If you code is partially completed, please explain the details in the report what has been
completed and the status of the missing parts, we will grade it based on the entire performance.
7) Provide sufficient comments in your code to help the TA understand your code. This is
important for you to get at least partial credit in case your submitted code does not work properly.

Grading criteria:
Details Points
Submission follows the right formats 5 pts
Have a README file shows how to compile and test your submission 5 pts
Submitted code has proper comments to show the design 5 pts
Screen a video to record code execution and outputs 10 pts
Have a report (pdf or word) file explains the details of your entire design 25 pts
Report contains clearly individual contributions of your group mates 5 pts
Code can be compiled and shows correct outputs 45 pts

4. Policies
1) Late submissions will be graded based on our policy discussed in the course syllabus.
2) Code-level discussion is prohibited. We will use anti-plagiarism tools to detect violations of
this policy.