CECS 229 Programming Assignment 4


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1. Apply vector operations to translate, scale, and rotate a set of points representing an
2. Perform various operations with or on vectors: addition, subtraction, dot product, norm.

1. Unless otherwise stated in the FIXME comment, you may not change the outline of the
algorithm provided by introducing new loops or conditionals, or by calling any built-in
functions that perform the entire algorithm or replaces a part of the algorithm.
2. You may import and use the Python math module to obtain the value for and to
calculate sine, cosine, and tangent functions, if needed.

Problem 1:
Create a function translate(S, z0) that translates the points in the input set by
. The function should satisfy the following:
S – set S
z0 – complex number
2. OUT:
T – set T consisting of points in S translated by
z0 = a0 + b0i
In [ ]:
def translate(S, z0):
translates the complex numbers of set S by z0
:param S: set type; a set of complex numbers
:param z0: complex type; a complex number

Problem 2:
Create a function scale(S, k) that scales the points in the input set by a factor of :
S – set S
k – positive float, raises ValueError if k 0.
a set consisting of points in S scaled by .
Problem 3:
Create a function rotate(S, tau) that rotates the points in the input set by radians:
S – set S
tau – float. If negative, the rotation is clockwise. If positive the rotation is
counterclockwise. If zero, no rotation.
2. OUT:
a set consisting of points in S rotated by
:return: set type; a set consisting of points in S translated by z0
# FIXME: Implement this function
# FIXME: Return correct output
return None
S k

In [ ]:
def scale(S, k):
scales the complex numbers of set S by k.
:param S: set type; a set of complex numbers
:param k: float type; positive real number
:return: set type; a set consisting of points in S scaled by k
:raise: raises ValueError if k <= 0
# FIXME: Implement this function.
# FIXME: Return correct output
return None
S τ
In [ ]:
def rotate(S, tau):
rotates the complex numbers of set S by tau radians.
:param S: set type; – set of complex numbers
:param tau: float type; radian measure of the rotation value. If negative, the rot
If positive the rotation is counterclockwise. If zero, no rotation.
:returns: set type; a set consisting of points in S rotated by tau radians
# FIXME: Implement this function.
# FIXME: Return correct output
return None

Problem 4:
Finish the implementation of class Vec which instantiates row-vector objects with defined
operations of addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, and dot product. In addition, Vec
class overloads the Python built-in function abs() so that when it is called on a Vec object, it
returns the Euclidean norm of the vector.
In [ ]:
class Vec:
def __init__(self, contents = []):
Constructor defaults to empty vector
INPUT: list of elements to initialize a vector object, defaults to empty list
self.elements = contents

def __abs__(self):
Overloads the built-in function abs(v)
:returns: float type; the Euclidean norm of vector v
# FIXME: Implement this method
# FIXME: Return correct output
return None

def __add__(self, other):
overloads the + operator to support Vec + Vec
:raises: ValueError if vectors are not same length
:returns: Vec type; a Vec object that is the sum vector of this Vec and ‘other
# FIXME: Finish the implementation
# FIXME: Return correct output
return None

def __sub__(self, other):
overloads the – operator to support Vec – Vec
:raises: ValueError if vectors are not same length
:returns: Vec type; a Vec object that is the difference vector of this Vec and
# FIXME: Finish the implementation
# FIXME: Return correct output
return None


def __mul__(self, other):
Overloads the * operator to support
– Vec * Vec (dot product) raises ValueError if vectors are not
same length in the case of dot product; returns scalar
– Vec * float (component-wise product); returns Vec object
– Vec * int (component-wise product); returns Vec object


if type(other) == Vec: #define dot product
# FIXME: Complete the implementation
# FIXME: Return the correct output
return None

elif type(other) == float or type(other) == int: #scalar-vector multiplication
# FIXME: Complete the implementation
# FIXME: Return the correct output
return None

def __rmul__(self, other):
“””Overloads the * operation to support
– float * Vec; returns Vec object
– int * Vec; returns Vec object
# FIXME: Complete the implementation
# FIXME: Return the correct output
return None

def __str__(self):
“””returns string representation of this Vec object”””
return str(self.elements) # does NOT need further implementation