1. (12 points) Solve the following problem.
(a) Define an abstract class, called UtilityCustomer, that has one Integer instance variable, an account number,
and an abstract method, called calculateBill, that returns the bill amount as double. The UtilityCustomer
class implements the Comparable interface, and includes a constructor that is passed a parameter for
initializing the instance variable. It includes also accessor and mutator methods for the instance variable,
and a toString method that returns a string for displaying the account number. The UtilityCustomer class
has two non-abstract subclasses that inherit from the UtilityCustomer: GasCustomer and ElectricCustomer.
(b) GasCustomer class has two additional fields, the cubicMetersUsed instance variable, and a constant for the
price of gas per cubic meter of $2.75. Include appropriate constructor for initializing the class instance
variable, accessor and mutator methods for class’s instance variable, and implement the calculateBill
method. Write a toString method, that calls the toString method of the UtilityCustomer a formatted string
to display the gas customer’s account number, the gas consumption, and the amount charged.
(c) ElectricCustomer class has three additional fields, kWattHourUsed instance variable, along with two
constants, one for the price of electricity per kilowatt hour, and the other for a flat power delivery fee of
$30 that is added to every bill. Include appropriate constructor for initializing the class instance variable,
and accessor and mutator methods for class’s instance variable. Write a toString method, that calls the
toString method of the UtilityCustomer, and implement the calculateBill method.
(d) Write a client class, called CollectionOfUcustomers, that maintains a list of UtilityCustomer objects created
by a user. The client class prompts a user for the type of a UtilityCustomer and its corresponding parameters
to create. The program allows the user to specify up to 10 UtilityCustomer objects to be stored in an array.
The program should display the information of UtilityCustomer objects in descending order based on their
account numbers.
2. (8 points) Write a JavaFX application that allows a user to enter the food charge for a meal at a restaurant using
a text field. The application provides the user with four options for tip percentages to select from: 0%, 15%,
18%, and 20%. You can use controls for determining the tip percentage such as radio buttons, or choice box.
The application provides a button that is used to calculate and display the amount of tip on the meal charge, an
8% sales tax amount, and the total of all three amounts using Text objects. You can choose any layout to
organize the control elements. (Note: Radio buttons are introduced in section 5.10, and choice boxes are
introduced in section 8.9.)
Submission Requirements:
Your presentation in your report reflects great deal about you, your understanding of the assignment and on how
much this course means to you. I try very hard to look at the substance of the report but I will be lying if I said that
presentation does not influence my judgment. So, I expect your reports to be well organized and conform to the
following rules:
All reports must be submitted in PDF format. Each assignment should contain the following:
1. Title page with your name, assignment number and the day you are actually submitting this report (Not the
assignment due date).
2. A brief description of your solution of each problem of the assignment separately, you can also explain your
solution using a pseudocode. Number your descriptions according to the problem numbers.
3. A comprehensive set of snapshots showing the inputs submitted, outputs obtained in the case of a successful
output or a failure, including required output formatting, prompts, and messages.
4. Java source files that contain your solutions. It must be a “*.java” file. Source programs should contain
meaningful comments and variable names.
5. Please zip both the PDF document with the source code and submit one zipped file. Please name your zipped
file as “HWx_firstname_lastname.zzz”. Where, “firstname” and “lastname” refer to your first and last names,
“x” refers to the homework number (e.g., 1, 2, etc), “zzz” refers to the file name extension for the software used
for archiving.
6. Submissions after the due date are accepted with a penalty of 25% per day (weekend days are counted
as one-day delay).
Grading Table Summary
Problem Item Points
Problem 1
Report (Description of solution, discussion, & analysis) 1
Output snapshots (input/output, formatting) 1
Java Source Code
UtilityCustomer Class 2
GasCustomer Class 2
ElectricCustomer Class 2
CollectionOfUcustomers Class 4
Problem 2
Report (Description of solution, discussion, & analysis) 1
Output snapshots (input/output, formatting) 1
Java Source Code
start Method 4
Handler Methods 2
Total 20