P1. (15 points) The temperature at any point in the plane is given by the
T(x, y) = 100
2 + y
2 + 1
(a) What shape are the level curves of T?
(b) Where on the plane is it hottest? What is the temperature at that
(c) Find the direction of the greatest increase in temperature at the
point (3, 2). What is the magnitude of that greatest increase?
(d) Find the direction of the greatest decrease in temperature at the
point (3, 2).
(e) Find a direction at the point (3, 2) in which the temperature does
not increase or decrease.
P2 (20 points). Consider the following function:
f(x, y) = 10x
y − 5x
2 − 4y
2 − x
4 − 2y
(a) Find and classify the critical points of the function (into local minimum, local maximum, or saddle points). Also, find the corresponding function values at the critical points.
(b) Plot the level curves of f(x, y) using matplotlib’s contour() function. Please make sure you have level curves passing nearby each
of the five critical points. You can do this by setting the parameter
levels for the contour() function to be an array of values, e.g.,
levels=[-40, -20, -1, 3]. Your chosen array for levels should
contain values near the function values at the critical points.
Hint: You will need the optimality conditions.
Necessary Conditions: Let w
∗ ∈ R
n be an unconstrained local minimum
of f : R
n → R. Assume f is continuously differentiable in an open set S
containing w
. Then, ∇f(w
) = 0.
If in addition f is twice continuously differentiable within S, then ∇2f(w
is positive semidefinite.
Sufficient Conditions: Let f : R
n → R be twice continuously differentiable in an open set S. Suppose there is a vector w
∗ ∈ S satisfying the
) = 0, ∇2
) is positive definite.
Then, w
is a strict unconstrained local minimum of f.
You also need the following facts to test whether a symmetric matrix is
positive definite, negative definite, positive semidefinite or negative semidefinite.
Sylvester’s Criterion: (i) A symmetric matrix is positive definite if and
only if all its leading principal minors are positive. (ii) A symmetric matrix
is positive-semidefinite if and only if all its principal minors are nonnegative.
The kth leading principal minor of a square matrix M (not necessarily
symmetric) is the determinant of its upper-left k × k sub-matrix.
Example: For a 2 × 2 matrix M =
a b
c d
, there are two leading principal
minors, which are: a and det(M) = ad − bc.
A principal minor of a square matrix M is the determinant of a submatrix of M obtained by striking out the rows and columns of M of the
same set of indices.
Example: For a 2×2 matrix M =
a b
c d
, there are three principal minors,
which are: a, det(M) = ad − bc, and d.
At some point, you will need to find the roots of a third degree polynomial.
You can use numpy.roots() for the numerical computation.
P3. (10 points) For an n × n matrix A = (aij ), let Mij the determinant
of the (n − 1) × (n − 1) matrix after removing the ith row and jth colummn
of A. Mij is called a minor. Then, for every i,
det(A) = Xn
aijMij . (1)
The above expression of a matrix determinant in terms of the determinants
of smaller matrices is called Laplace expansion.
Consider the following A matrix:
A =
2 1 2 6
6 4 3 5
8 1 4 9
9 8 7 8
Use Python (numpy.linalg.det()) to verify the formula for Laplace expansion by expanding along the first row, i.e., i = 1.
P4. (10 points) Consider the following A matrix:
A =
2 −1 0
−1 2 −1
0 −1 2
Write down and expand the characteristic equation of the matrix A, which
should give a third-degree polynomial. Find its eigenvalues by finding the
roots of the characteristic equation.
From the eigenvalues, can you tell if the matrix A is positive definite?
What is the condition number of A?
P5. (10 points) Consider the following A matrix:
A =
6 5 3
4 1 5
6 3 6
5 3 6
6 6 3
Use the linear algebra tools in numpy to answer the following.
(a) What are the singular values of A?
(b) What are the eigenvalues of AT A? How are these eigenvalues related
to the singular values of A?
(c) Based on the answer of (a), what is the rank of A?
(d) If, for a given vector b, the equation Ax = b has a solution, is the
solution unique?
(e) Let b = (−1, 2, 0, 3, 1)T
. For the equation Ax = b, is there a solution
to the equation? If yes, is it unique? If not, we can find an x that
minimizes ∥Ax − b∥. What is the value of minimizing x?
P6. (5 points) Suppose A and B are n × n matrices and x ∈ R
n are the
variables. What is the gradient of the dot product of Ax with Bx? What
about the Hessian?
P7. (30 points) Implement the mini-batch gradient descent algorithm for
linear regression. In your code, please keep track of the training results at
each step of the algorithm iteration, including the estimated parameters θ
and the training error (MSE) under the current θ.
Apply your code to the given data. The input is in the file named X.csv;
the output is in the file named y.csv.
Load the data from the files. Run the mini-batch gradient descent algorithm for batch sizes equal to 1, 5 and 10, separately.
At the end of the algorithm iterations, show the final fitted results for the
three batch sizes: 1, 5 and 10.
Also, plot the traces of the estimated model parameters. Please do so in
a 2-d plot, that is, plot the sequence of points of (θ0, θ1) that you collected,
where θ0 is the intercept and θ1 is the slope. Please do so for the three
different batch sizes: 1, 5, and 10.
Also, plot the training errors as a function of the iteration index for the
three batch sizes.
From the above two types of plots, you should be able to see the effects
of increasing the batch size.
Hint: You can build on the code that we discussed during the lectures,
which can be downloaded from the github page: