CAAM 420/520 – Homework 6 solved


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Problem 1 Parallel Speed-Up (30 pts)

Consider the following parallel speed-up results from the posted solution for the 520
version of HW2 shown in Figure 1. The data for this plot is given in the auxiliary file

Figure 1. Parallel speed-up for the solutions to Problem 3 of HW2 for various number of threads and

These timings were run on a laptop with 4 cores and maximum of 8 threads. Note the
number of threads reported in the laptop’s specs refers to the number of threads that
can be active at once/the computer can actually actuate. A program can ask for more
threads (and thus oversubscribe the systems resources) but no more than 8 can actually
be active at once.

(a) (5pts) Recall the formula for strong scaling speed-up can be expressed as
S(NT ) = 1
(1 − p) + p
where p is the fraction of the program that is parallelizable. For the case where
Nx = Ny = NT (the blue data), what is an approximate value of p based on the

(b) (5pt) Using only the data for NT < 24, what is an approximate value of p for the
Nx = Ny = 2NT case?

(c) (5pt) When the program uses more than approximately 24 threads (keeping in
mind the computer can only actuate 8) the performance of the setups where
Nx, Ny > NT degrades while the case where Nx = Ny = NT remains
approximately asymptotic. Why might this be the case?

Hint: Consider the number of blocks in the fully spun up region.

(d) (5pts) The laptop the timings came from can only actuate 8 threads at once. As a
result, some of the runs are in a sense equivalent:
ˆ NT = 8, Nx = N + y = 16 vs NT = Nx = Ny = 16
ˆ NT = 8, Nx = N + y = 24 vs NT = Nx = Ny = 24.
In both cases the NT = 8 scenario was faster. Assuming that relationship was not
due to timing error, what may be causing the time difference?

(e) (5pts) The parallel fraction p is a parameter of both the problem and program.
The timings we used to derive it were for the function wavefront520 only, not the
entire the program. All of the interior of wavefront520 was in a parallel region.
Why isn’t p = 1? What could you change about the problem to change p?

Hint: There are things every thread does, like declare variables, find its thread ID,
etc. This work has to be done by every thread, so the time it takes to do it remains
constant no matter how many threads are used.

(f) (5pts) How does the phenomena enforcing p < 1 in a fully parallel region affect a
program’s ability to achieve it theoretical strong scaling limit?

Problem 2 Domain Decompositione (30 pts)

Suppose you are working on a ni × nj FD problem
that requires a halo exchange. You would like to parallelize this problem using MPI
on a computing cluster. Suppose you are working on a computing node with three
processors with the connections and connection speeds given in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Example processor cluster for use in Problem 2.

(a) (5pts) Suppose the FD problem is the time-dependent (spatially) centered-ref
problem shown in class (2D advection) where nodes can be updated independently
of one another. How many blocks (Ni × Nj ) should you split the domain into
(provide a picture) and why? Assume communication is extremely expensive.

(b) (5pts) Using your answer to part (2a), what processor would you assign to each
block and why? Assume explicit (Dirichlet) boundary conditions are given on all
edges of the domain.

(c) (5pts) What information would need to be sent and received in the halo exchange
for part (2a)? Assume periodic boundary conditions (periodic boundary conditions
yield a halo exchange like what we did in HW4, where you wrap around to find
your neighbor so long as Ni
, Nj > 1).

(d) (5pts) Suppose the FD problem is the backwards-ref problem from HW2 where
nodes need to be updated in order using a wavefront approach. Now how many
blocks (Ni × Nj ) would you split the domain into (provide a picture)? Assume
communication is extremely expensive (note that synchronization in MPI is a form
of communication).

(e) (5pts) Using your answer to part (2d), what block would you assign to each
processor and why?

(f) (5pts) What information would need to be sent and received in the halo exchange
for part (2d)? Assume boundary conditions are given for nodes with i = 0 and
j = 0.