In this assignment, you will implement a C++ class called SmallVector which is a basic
Vector class with small-size optimization.
Vector is a container, which can hold data of arbitrary sizes. The difference between a
standard C++ Vector and the SmallVector class that you are going to implement in this
assignment is that you will avoid dynamic memory allocation for small sized data. Since
dynamic memory allocation is a time consuming process compared to static memory
allocation, it is generally a good idea to avoid dynamic allocation for small sized data.
Implementation Details
In the class, you will define two buffers: Static Buffer (which is an integer array) and Dynamic
Buffer (which is an integer pointer). For this assignment, the static buffer’s size should be 32.
You should put the given data in the static buffer as long as it is not full. When the static
buffer reaches its maximum capacity, you will allocate new memory space to store new
values. For example, let’s say you need to keep 35 elements (integers) in the vector. Since
the size of the static buffer is 32, you should allocate new memory space to store the
remaining 3 elements.
Additionally, you should keep track of the size and capacity of vector. The size of the vector
is the number of elements in the vector, while the capacity of the vector is the allocated
memory space. For example, assume there are 10 elements in the vector. In this situation,
although the vector’s size is 10, its capacity is 32 since we can keep 32 elements in the static
buffer (as pre-allocated). However, when there is some dynamically allocated memory, you
should also take into consideration that memory space for calculating capacity.
You are expected to implement following functionalities:
Constructor: The constructor should optionally take an integer array and its size as
parameters. In addition, you are expected to provide a copy constructor.
push_back: takes an element (integer) as parameter and adds it at the end of the
SmallVector. Furthermore, you need to implement an overloaded version of this
function that takes an integer array and its size as parameters.
pop_back: removes the last element from SmallVector and returns its value.
reverse: returns current elements in reverse order as a SmallVector object.
+ operator: concatenates two SmallVectors and returns the resulting
* operator: takes an integer and replicates the elements in the SmallVector
accordingly and returns them as a SmallVector object. For example, suppose you
void printSmallVector(const char* const message, const SmallVector& in_vector) {
std::cout << message << ": ";
for (int i = 0; i < in_vector.getSize(); i++)
std::cout << in_vector[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
int main() {
int temp[35];
for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
temp[i] = i;
SmallVector test(temp, 10); // Creating SmallVector with 10 elements
SmallVector test2(temp, 35); // Creating SmallVector with 35 elements
// print test in reverse order
printSmallVector("Printing test in reverse", test.reverse());
SmallVector test3; // Empty SmallVector
test3 = test2 + test; // Concatenate two SmallVectors
printSmallVector("Printing test3", test3);
SmallVector test4(test); // Copy SmallVector
SmallVector test5(temp, 2);
test5 = test5 * 5; // Replicate elements
test5.push_back(12); // Add 12 at the end
test5[0] = 4; // Modify the first element of test5
std::cout << "Printing test5 in reverse: ";
for (int i = 1; i < test5.getSize() + 1; i++)
// Testing negative numbers as indices
std::cout << test5[-i] << " ";
return 0;
have [0] in a SmallVector. Calling * operator with 5 as parameter means that it
should return a SmallVector object that contains five 0’s ([0] * 5 = [0,0,0,0,0]).
Check the given code below for a better understanding.
[] operator: This operator takes an integer and acts as in arrays for positive numbers.
However, for negative numbers, it should act in reverse order. For example, [-2]
should return the second last element of a SmallVector. You may want to check
the figure below for a better understanding.
0 1 2 3 4
32 42 45 87 13
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1
If the given index number is out of the SmallVector’s range, it should return the
last element for positive numbers and the first element for negative numbers. Note
that, it should be possible to modify the elements of a SmallVector by using the
subscript operator.
= operator: You need to provide an assignment operator that supports chaining (see
your lecture notes).
Please go through the sample main function given below and its output to make sure that
your output matches the given output.
Also, you may want to add more test cases to make sure that you wholly implemented the
functionality described above.
You may want to implement additional private methods to handle memory
operations (for expanding and shrinking).
You can use memcpy function to copy data between two memory locations.
Implementation Notes
Make sure that there is no memory leak in your code. You will lose a portion of your
grade for every memory leak.
Be careful with the methods/attributes that are supposed to be constant, static,
Use comments wherever necessary in your code.
Please follow a consistent coding style (indentation, variable names, etc.). You can
check this link for further information. (This isn’t mandatory but it may help you in
the future.)
You are not allowed use STL containers.
Your program should compile and run on Linux environment using g++ (version 4.8.5
or later). You can test your program on ITU’s Linux Server using SSH protocol. Include
all necessary header files to your code. Do not use precompiled header files and
Windows specific header files and functions.
Submission Notes
You should put your class declarations and definitions in the “SmallVector.h” and
“SmallVector.cpp” files respectively. After that, you should compress into an archive
file named “
files in the archive file. You should only submit necessary files.
Submissions are made through the Ninova system and have a strict deadline.
Assignments submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted. If you send your
homework via e-mail, you will NOT get any points. Don’t wait until the last minute.
Upload whatever you have, you can always overwrite it afterwards.
This is not a group assignment and getting involved in any kind of cheating is subject
to disciplinary actions. Your homework SHOULD NOT include any copy-paste
material (from the Internet or from someone else’s paper/thesis/project). Check the
“Academic honesty” section in the syllabus.
For any questions about the assignment, contact Talha Çolakoğlu via e-mail