Assignment 6: Star Pickers


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CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++
The objective of this assignment is to let you practice the usage of inheritance, polymorphism,
dynamic casting, and basic file I/O. Your task is to write some classes and a client program to
implement a board game that we conceive and call Star Pickers. We borrow some terminology from
the Star Wars novel to dress up the game.
In the board game, an 8 × 8 grid contains treasures known as “stars” in the squares. The stars are
represented by uppercase letters A–Z. There are two teams of players to compete to grab as many
stars as possible from the board. The team getting more stars will win the game. A player may grab a
whole horizontal or vertical sequence of two or more stars of the same letter, e.g., AAA, BBB, etc. in
one turn. An example board and its ASCII-based representation are shown below in Figure 1. We
highlighted some good picks (horizontal and vertical sequences of three or more stars of the same
symbol) enclosed in round rectangles in the figure. In the program, the board is represented by a 2-D
char-array. After the stars (letters) are taken from the board, their containing cells become empty
cells, which are represented by the dot characters in the array. For x and y in the range [0, 7], each
cell at position (y, x) on the board corresponds to the array element cells[y][x]. This array is a
data member of a Board object (its details to come in next section).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 C C B D A C A C
1 C D D D
2 A C C A D C C C
3 D D D D D C B B
4 B C D B C A D B
5 D A D B B A B D
6 C D C C C A C C
7 C D B A A A D A
Console Representation
(Dots represent empty cells.)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 C C B D A C A C
1 C D D . . . . D
2 A C C A D C C C
3 D D D D D C B B
4 B C D B C A D B
5 D A D B B A B D
6 C D C C C A C C
7 C D A A A A D A
Figure 1: An example game board with good picks enclosed in round rectangles,
and its console representation
Each player is called a star picker, who have different skill levels. Table 1 shows the terms we use to
denote each type of star pickers and summarize their skills.
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2022/23
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Copyright © 2022 CSE, CUHK Page 2 of 14
Table 1: Different subtypes of star pickers
Type Picking Skill
of Picking
Youngling Low Horizontal
3 Due to their young age, younglings are not
able to pick too many stars. They can pick
horizontal lines of up to maxStars same
stars only.
Padawan High Horizontal
or vertical
6 Padawan are more well-trained than
younglings and can pick more stars at a
time. They can pick horizontal or vertical
lines of up to maxStars same stars.
Master Best Horizontal
or vertical
Board size Masters are the most skillful type of star
pickers. The maxStars limit does not apply
to them. They can pick the entire row or
column of stars in the grid at a time. Apart
from picking stars, they also have a special
ability to select two rows in the grid to swap
before picking any stars. This skill can help
improve the reward of his pick or his
teammates’ picks, or can be used to spoil
good picking targets of the opponent’s
round to come next.
* maxStars refers to the maximum number of stars (of the same letter) that can be picked by the star picker
at one pick. It is a data member in the Youngling class.
We will create three classes to model these three types of players. Using inheritance, we can achieve
code reuse to save coding effort in the subclasses. We first define an abstract base class called
StarPicker as the top-level interface in the class hierarchy. The following class diagram shows the
relationship between the classes.
Figure 2: The class diagram for this program
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2022/23
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Program Specification
You are to write a program which consists of the source files listed in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Header and source files of this program
File Description Remarks
1 StarPicker.h The StarPicker class interface (an abstract base class) Provided. Don’t
change the content
of these files.
2 Youngling.h The Youngling class interface (inheriting StarPicker)
3 Padawan.h The Padawan class interface (inheriting Youngling)
4 Master.h The Master class interface (inheriting Padawan)
5 Board.h The Board class interface
6 StarPicker.cpp An abstract base class implementation
7 Youngling.cpp The StarPicker class implementation You are to create
these source files
by yourself.
8 Padawan.cpp The Youngling class implementation
9 Master.cpp The Padawan class implementation
10 Board.cpp The Master class implementation You are to fill in
11 game.cpp The client program (containing the main function) some TODO parts.
All the header files and implementation of StarPicker.cpp have been fully given to you.
Class Board (Board.h, Board.cpp)
The Board class models the game board, i.e., the grid of cells containing the stars. Its interface is
given as follows.
class Board
static const int W = 8; // board width
static const int H = 8; // board height
Board(const char* filename);
void print() const;
int wipeLine(int y, int x, int cap, bool vertical = false);
void swapRows(int r1, int r2);
int getStars() const;
int stars;
char cells[H][W];
void loadFromFile(const char* filename);
Data Members
int stars;
The count of stars that are still on the board.
char cells[H][W];
The 2-D array of char type holding the letters representing the stars. W is the board’s width and H is
board’s height. Both are static members defined in this class. In this program, they are both set to 8.
But make sure your program is scalable to changes in the values of W and H.
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Constructor and Member Functions
Board(const char* filename);
The constructor of this class performs initialization of the cells array. It accepts a c-string argument
passed by the client to specify the file path of an input text file which defines the board’s content.
The content of the file will be loaded into the cells array if the file can be opened successfully. If
the filename c-string passed from the client is empty (containing ‘\0’ only), this function will skip
file loading and “hardcode” the array as the following grid of letters. This arrangement is to ease our
testing effort such that we don’t need an input file for every round of program testing.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A B B B B B B B
1 A C C C C D D D
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
Figure 3: The hardcoded board content in the Board constructor
void print() const;
This function is to print the game board.
int wipeLine(int y, int x, int cap, bool vertical = false);
This function is to facilitate a pick action (support the implementation of the pick() virtual method
defined in the various subclasses of StarPicker). The return value is the score gained by the pick
action, which equals the number of stars grabbed by this pick which starts at position (y, x).
First, it checks whether (y, x) may fall off the board (e.g., negative indexes or indexes greater than H
and W). If so, it returns 0 as the score obtained. Another case is that if (y, x) is targeting an empty
cell (a dot symbol instead of A-Z), then it also returns 0. This is the validation part. This time, no error
messages are required for off-the-board or empty cell accesses.
Then it wipes the cells of the same letter starting at (y, x) up to the cell at distance of cap apart. The
Boolean parameter vertical is used to control whether it is to process the cells in the horizontal
line, from left to right, or the cells in the vertical line, from top to bottom, which are next to (y, x).
For example, suppose (y, x) = (2, 5), cap = 4, and vertical = true, then this pick will grab the 4
letter-E stars as highlighted in yellow and replaces the letters with dots (marking them empty).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A B B B B B B B
1 A C C C C D D D
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
pick 4 stars vertically
at (2, 5)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A B B B B B B B
1 A C C C C D D D
2 A E E E B . C B
3 A B E B B . C B
4 A B E D D . C B
5 A C E F F . F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
Figure 4: An example pick realized by the wipeLine() method
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2022/23
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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In this example, the function will also deduct 4 from the stars data member, which keeps track of
the number of stars remained on the board. The return value of the function is 4 because 4 stars are
picked successfully. The caller of this function may use the return value to accumulate the total score
obtained by a team thus far.
void swapRows(int r1, int r2);
This function is to facilitate the “swap two rows” action (which a Master object can perform). It
swaps the two rows specified via indexes r1 and r2 passed from the caller. For example, Figure 5
shows the updated board content after calling swapRows(0,7) on the board on the left.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A B B B B B B B
1 A C C C C D D D
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
Calling swapRows(0,7)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A C A B B D C B
1 A C C C C D D D
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A B B B B B B B
Figure 5: An example row-swap realized by the swapRows() method
int getStars() const;
Returns the stars data member.
Class StarPicker (StarPicker.h, StarPicker.cpp)
The StarPicker class models a star picker. Its interface is given as follows.
class StarPicker {
string getTeam();
void setTeam(string t);
bool getInt(int &z);
virtual int pick(Board &board) = 0;
virtual string info();
string team;
Data Members
string team;
The data member team is the name of the team this star picker belongs to.
Constructor and Member Functions
Nothing to do or initialize.
string getTeam(); void setTeam(string t);
The getter and setter methods for the team attribute. The setter assigns team with the argument t.
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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bool getInt(int &z);
This function is used to get an integer into the reference parameter z from the user via console input
with basic validation. If the user input is an integer, this function returns true. The function caller can
obtain the user input via the output parameter z, which is an alias of some integer variable declared
on the caller side. Otherwise, the function resets the state of cin, discards the values that we don’t
want on the cin stream, prints an error message “Invalid input: …”, and return false to the caller.
You can make use of this function to compose other functions in the subclasses to keep prompting
the user to enter multiple integer values for some inputs like the target cell position (y, x) on the
board to access the target star or star sequence.
virtual int pick(Board &board) = 0;
This is a pure virtual member function to be overridden by the subclasses.
virtual string info();
This is a virtual member function that returns a string describing the star picker. At the StarPicker
class level, the only information to return is the team name this player belongs to.
Class Youngling (Youngling.h, Youngling.cpp)
The Youngling class models younglings and is a subclass of StarPicker. Its interface is given as
class Youngling : public StarPicker {
Youngling(int ms);
int getMaxStars();
void setMaxStars(int ms);
void getInputs(string prompt, int &y, int &x);
virtual int pick(Board &board);
virtual string info();
int maxStars;
Data Members
int maxStars;
This data member defines the maximum number of stars (of the same letter) that can be picked by
the youngling in one pick.
Constructors and Member Functions
Initialize maxStars to 3.
Youngling(int ms);
Initialize maxStars to ms passed from the client code. However, in case ms is smaller than 1, set
maxStars to 1, and if ms is greater than 3, then cap maxStars to 3 only.
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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int getMaxStars(); void setMaxStars(int ms);
The getter and setter methods for the maxStars attribute. The setter assigns maxStars with the
argument ms. For simplicity, we don’t implement any validation rules in the setter method for this
void getInputs(string prompt, int &y, int &x);
This function prints the prompt message (passed by the function caller) to the console to signal the
user to input two integer values for y and x respectively. It keeps repeated prompting until two
integers are successfully received via cin. The function caller can obtain the user inputs via the
output parameters y and x, which are aliases of two integer variables declared on the caller side.
Hint: you can make use of the getInt() function defined in the StarPicker base class.
virtual int pick(Board &board);
This member function overrides the abstract pick() declared in the base class. It calls the getInputs()
function with prompt message “Enter (y, x): ” to get y and x from the user via console input.
(y, x) is the coordinate to address the target cell on the board. Then it calls the wipeLine() method
of the board object to grab the stars on the board. Think about how to call wipeLine().
Hint: Remember that younglings can only pick stars up to maxStars and in horizontal lines only.
virtual string info();
At this subclass level, besides the team’s name, include the word “Youngling” and the maxStars
value in the information string to return. Look at sample output to see the expected format.
Class Padawan (Padawan.h, Padawan.cpp)
The Padawan class models padawans and is a subclass of Youngling (for reusing its attributes or
methods). Its interface is given as follows.
class Padawan : public Youngling {
Padawan(int ms);
void getInputs(string prompt, int &y, int &x, char &dir);
virtual int pick(Board &board);
virtual string info();
Data Members
Constructors and Member Functions
Initialize maxStars to 6. (How?)
Padawan(int ms);
Initialize maxStars to ms passed from the client code. However, in case ms is smaller than 1, set
maxStars to 1, and if ms is greater than 6, then cap maxStars to 6 only.
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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void getInputs(string prompt, int &y, int &x, char &dir);
This function prints the prompt message (passed by the function caller) to the console to signal the
user to input two integer values for y and x respectively, and one character for dir. For dir (i.e.,
direction), its expected value must be either ‘h’ or ‘v’ (lowercase) which represents “horizontal” and
“vertical” respectively. If other values are received, its prints an error “Invalid input for
direction!”. The function keeps repeated prompting until all two integers and either ‘h’ or ‘v’ are
successfully received via cin. The function caller can obtain the user inputs via the output
parameters y, x, dir which are aliases of two integer variables and one character variable declared
on the caller side.
Hint: is it possible to reuse the getInputs() function in the superclass of the class?
virtual int pick(Board &board);
This member function overrides the superclass’s pick(). It calls the getInputs() function with prompt
message “Enter (y, x, h/v): ” to get y, x and dir from the user via console input, and uses
them to make a call to the wipeLine() method of the board object to grab the stars on the board.
Think about how to call wipeLine().
Hint: Remember that padawans can pick stars up to maxStars in either direction.
virtual string info();
At this subclass level, besides the team’s name, include the word “Padawan” and the maxStars
value in the information string to return. Look at sample output to see the expected format.
Class Master (Master.h, Master.cpp)
The Master class models masters and is a subclass of Padawan (for reusing its attributes or
methods). Its interface is given as follows.
class Master : public Padawan {
void getInputs(string prompt, char &swap, int &r1, int &r2);
virtual int pick(Board &board);
void magicSwap(Board &board);
virtual string info();
Data Members
Constructor and Member Functions
Initialize maxStars to the maximum of Board’s H and W. (How?) This is to make a master be able to
grab stars of the entire row or column. This are no parametrized constructors for the client to
customize the maxStars value because this limit does not apply to a master.
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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void getInputs(string prompt, char &swap, int &r1, int &r2);
This function prints the prompt message (passed by the function caller) to the console to signal the
user to input one character for swap first, followed by two integer values for r1 and r2 respectively,
and. For swap, its expected value must be either ‘y’ or ‘n’ (lowercase) which represents “yes” or “no”
respectively. The function keeps repeated prompting until either ‘y’ or ‘n’ and two integers are
successfully received via cin. The function caller can obtain the user inputs via the output
parameters swap, y, x, which are aliases of one character variable and two integer variables
declared on the caller side.
virtual int pick(Board &board);
This implements the Master’s version of the pick action, which is now basically no different from its
superclass Padawan’s pick(). (Then why keep this function here? From an OO design viewpoint, it is
better to define it here for easier extensibility in the future, say, if a master knows how to pick stars
in diagonal lines over padawans one day, then we just add more code to this function body.) How
can you reuse the Padawan’s pick() to greatly simplify the implementation here.
void Master::magicSwap(Board &board);
It prompts the user with message “Swap rows? ” using the getInputs() function defined above.
If the swap answer is ‘y’, then it calls the board’s swapRows() method passing the user-entered row
indexes r1 and r2.
virtual string info();
At this subclass level, besides the team’s name, include the word “Master” but skip the maxStars
value in the information string to return. Look at sample output to see the expected format.
The Client Program (game.cpp)
The client program first asks the user for the file name of an input text file for loading the board
content. The user may simply press the Enter key to skip file loading and use the hardcoded initial
board. Then it prompts the user for the number of rounds to play.
In the client program, there are two teams of three star-pickers. One is labeled “Jedi”, and the other
labeled “Sith”. Each team is implemented as a vector of StarPicker pointers pointing to one
Youngling object, one Padawan object and one Master object. The two teams will run the game in
rounds. In one round, every player of the same team grabs stars from the board by their skills. So,
one round equals a series of three picking actions done by a team. When the current round finishes,
the turn is passed to the opponent team to run their round (3 picking actions). This goes on until the
board has no more stars or the number of rounds entered via console input at the program start is
All client code except one function’s body has been provided to you. You need to implement the
following function:
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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int runRound(Board &board, vector<StarPicker*> &team);
This function loops over the input vector team, and print the information string of each team
member. It checks if the current vector element is pointing to a Master object. If so, it calls the
magicSwap() function, and print the board to show the board content after rows swap. Of course,
the most important action to do here is to call the pick() function of each subclass via the vector
element of StarPicker* type. After each pick action, the board should be printed. The function
also accumulates the scores obtained by each team member’s pick and return the total back to the
File input
Some sample input files for loading the initial board content can be found on Blackboard. Below is
one example:
The file format is having one space between each pair of letters. The number of letters per line is
always equal to Board::W and the number of file records (rows) in the file is always equal to
Board::H. Now, both H and W are 8 but your code should be written scalable to changes to H and W.
void Board::loadFromFile(const char* filename)
Use ifstream object to open the file specified by filename. Print “File could not be opened” if there
exists failure when opening the file and call exit(1) to stop the program immediately. Perform file
reading operations to load each letter into the cells array of Board.
• For more details of how to get started, read the starter code provided on Blackboard.
• When you write the classes, implement the member functions and test them individually one by
one. Your classes could be graded separately, so you should not mix the functionalities between
classes or do something other than specified under each function.
• Don’t use any global variables.
Sample Runs
In the following sample runs, the blue text is user input and the other text is the program printout.
You can try the provided sample program for other input. Your program output should be exactly the
same as the sample program (same text, symbols, letter case, spacings, etc.). Note that there is a
space after the ‘:’ in the program printout.
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2022/23
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Enter board file name: ↵
How many rounds to play? 100↵
Initial board:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A B B B B B B B
1 A C C C C D D D
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
Round 1:
Sith: Youngling, maxStars: 3
Enter (y, x): 1 5↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A B B B B B B B
1 A C C C C . . .
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
Stars left: 61
Sith: Padawan, maxStars: 6
Enter (y, x, h/v): 0 1 h↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A . . . . . . B
1 A C C C C . . .
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
Stars left: 55
Sith: Master
Swap rows? n↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 A . . . . . . B
1 A C C C C . . .
2 A E E E B E C B
3 A B E B B E C B
4 A B E D D E C B
5 A C E F F E F B
6 A D A B B E C B
7 A C A B B D C B
Enter (y, x, h/v): 0 0 v↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . . . . B
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++, Fall 2022/23
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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1 . C C C C . . .
2 . E E E B E C B
3 . B E B B E C B
4 . B E D D E C B
5 . C E F F E F B
6 . D A B B E C B
7 . C A B B D C B
Stars left: 47
Score: Jedi 0 vs. Sith 17
Round 2:
Jedi: Youngling, maxStars: 3
Enter (y, x): 2 1↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . . . . B
1 . C C C C . . .
2 . . . . B E C B
3 . B E B B E C B
4 . B E D D E C B
5 . C E F F E F B
6 . D A B B E C B
7 . C A B B D C B
Stars left: 44
Jedi: Padawan, maxStars: 6
Enter (y, x, h/v): 2 5 v↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . . . . B
1 . C C C C . . .
2 . . . . B . C B
3 . B E B B . C B
4 . B E D D . C B
5 . C E F F . F B
6 . D A B B . C B
7 . C A B B D C B
Stars left: 39
Jedi: Master
Swap rows? y 0 1↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . C C C C . . .
1 . . . . . . . B
2 . . . . B . C B
3 . B E B B . C B
4 . B E D D . C B
5 . C E F F . F B
6 . D A B B . C B
7 . C A B B D C B
Enter (y, x, h/v): 1 7 v↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . C C C C . . .
1 . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . B . C .
3 . B E B B . C .
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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4 . B E D D . C .
5 . C E F F . F .
6 . D A B B . C .
7 . C A B B D C .
Stars left: 32
Score: Jedi 15 vs. Sith 17

(some output skipped)

Round 8:
Jedi: Youngling, maxStars: 3
Enter (y, x): 5 6↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . .
5 . . . . . . . .
6 . . . . . . C .
7 . . . . . D . .
Stars left: 2
Jedi: Padawan, maxStars: 6
Enter (y, x, h/v): 6 6 h↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . .
5 . . . . . . . .
6 . . . . . . . .
7 . . . . . D . .
Stars left: 1
Jedi: Master
Swap rows? n↵
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . .
5 . . . . . . . .
6 . . . . . . . .
7 . . . . . D . .
Enter (y, x, h/v): 7 5 h↵
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . .
5 . . . . . . . .
6 . . . . . . . .
7 . . . . . . . .
Stars left: 0
Score: Jedi 29 vs. Sith 35
Game Over!
Sith wins!
Use our provided sample executables to provide more outputs for your testing and comparison.
Submission and Marking
• Your program file names should be Youngling.cpp, Padawan.cpp, Master.cpp,
Board.cpp, and game.cpp. Submit the five files in Blackboard
( We assume that you won’t modify the .h files (which are not
recommended and may lead to mark deductions), but in case you really need to modify them,
please submit all your modified .h files.
• You can surely create other client program versions to test the game with more star pickers with
different initialized team name or maxStars. But when you submit the game.cpp file, make sure
that the other code besides the runRound() function in that file stays the same as what we
provided in the starter code version for our easier grading although we may also plug in other
client versions on our own design to test your classes.
• Insert your name, student ID, and e-mail as comments at the beginning of all your files.
• You can submit your assignment multiple times. Only the latest submission counts.
• Your program should be free of compilation errors and warnings.
• Your program should include suitable comments as documentation.
• Do NOT plagiarize. Sending your work to others is subject to the same penalty for copying work.