1. Balanced Parentheses [10 marks]
A stack is a data structure where data is accessed using the LIFO (last in first out) principle. In this problem, you will use a stack to check whether a string has balanced
parentheses `(`, `)` and brackets `{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, or not.
A string that has balanced parentheses and brackets will be said to be __balanced__. Any character that is __not__ one of `(`, `)`, `[`, `]`, `{`, or `}` is not important when deciding if
a string is balanced and can be ignored.
We will define balanced as follows. A string `str` is balanced
– if `str` does not contain a parenthesis or bracket symbol, or
– `str` consists of a balanced string surrounded by opening and closing parentheses or matching brackets. That is, `str` is `(b)`, `{b}` or `[b]`, where `b` is any balanced string, or
– if `str` is the concatenation of any two balanced strings. That is,
`str` is `bc`, where `b` and `c` are any balanced strings.
You will complete the provided `Balanced` class that has two
static methods `isBalanced(String)` and `numberOfBalancedStrings(String[])`.
Your `isBalanced` method must use the `java.util.Stack` class (in a way that solves the problem) to receive any grades
for this problem.
#### Examples
The following strings have balanced parentheses
– `()`, `()()`
– `cat`, `c(at)`, `(hello)(kitty)`
– `if( ((x-y) < 4) || (x > 12))`
– `()(((s)))()()()()(x()((y))(x))()(ccccc(w))ssss()`
The following strings do __not__ have balances parentheses
– `)`, `)(a)`, `)a(`
The following strings have balanced parentheses and brackets
– `a`, `[]`, `{}`, `[()]`, `[]{}({[{}]})`,
– `for(int i=0; i<12; i+=1){x[i]+=f(1);}`
The following strings do __not__ have balanced parentheses and brackets
– `(]`, `{)`, `[}`, `[}`, `(]`, `({)}`h, `[(]())`
– `for(int i=0; i<12; i+=1){`
Note: You will receive partial marks if you code only works for parentheses (and not brackets).
## 2. Linked Lists [10 marks]
Create a concrete `LinkedList` class that extends the provided `ALinkedList` class. You will need to override the `extract` method in your class. You can use your `main` method for testing your method (although you do not need to provide a main method).
Recall that a list is an ordered collection of data
X_0, X_1, X_2, …, X_n
The `extract(int start, int end)` method removes all elements
X_start, X_start_1, …, X_end-1
from the list. It also returns all removed elements as a new list (`LinkedList`) that retains the same ordering.
For example, if the initial list called `animals` was
cat, dog, eel, cow, owl, pig, pip
then `animals.extract(1,5)` would return the new list
dog, eel, cow, owl
and `animals` would now be the list
cat, pig, pip
## 3. Draw a Picture [10 marks]
Draw a picture.
Think about your experience so far in COMP1006/1406.
Your task in this problem is to draw a picture that expresses this reflection.
My hope in asking you to draw a picture is that you will critically reflect on the learning
objectives you have achieved in this course so far. It should also make this assignment a bit lighter than the others. The intention is that this problem should not cause you stress. Do not worry about your
_artistic ability_. You will not be graded on that at all. Have fun.
Your submission should be in PDF format (if you prefer to hand in a physical copy then contact me and we will make arrangements for this). Ideally, the size of your drawing should be a standard letter size in horizontal orientation. If you submit your picture in a file called `Public.pdf` then you agree to have your picture
shown to the class. If you prefer that your picture not be shown then submit it in a file called `Private.pdf`.
Note: Offensive/rude/insensitive
submissions will receive zero marks and may be forwarded to the Dean’s office depending on the severity.
(This has never happened before and I trust it will not now.)
# Summary
Submit a single zip file called `` to cuLearn (in the a6 submission link). IDNUMBER is your Carleton ID number. A complete assignment will consist of
– Public.pdf or Private.pdf