Assignment 5: Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint and SQL Select Statements


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Project 1: Microsoft Access
Copy the “shoppingmall.mdb” file using “youraccountname_shoppingmall.mdb ” as the name of the
copy and use this file to complete Project 1.
1. Change the name of store “Nancy’s Fish House” to your to “Your Lastname Fish House ”
(example: Smith’s Fish House).
2. Create a query that lists only those stores that have a lease that will end in 2014. Show the
results from the query listing the stores in chronological order by start date of the lease, with
the earliest date shown first. In the query calculate the monthly rent based on the Square
Footage (SqFt) of the store multiplied by the Price Per Square Foot (PricePerSqFt). Change
the name of the calculated field to Monthly Rent. The query should include only the following
fields: store name, manager name, lease start date, lease end date and monthly rent.
3. Create the report in a tabular format based on the query. The report can be created using the
Report wizard and then modified as needed. In the descriptive header include “Trantor City
Shopping Mall”, “Leases Ending in 2014” and the date of the report. (PricePerSqFt). Include
the store name, manager name, lease start date, lease end date and monthly rent fields on the
report. Adjust the field widths to ensure all of the data is visible. The report should have a
format similar to the following:
4. Save your database in the file named “youraccountname_shoppingmall.mdb (.accdb)” and
attach the file to your submission.
Project 2: Microsoft PowerPoint
Create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following criteria:
– presentation will contain (at least) six slides describing your favourite electronic device
– the first slide of the presentation will be a Title slide, containing the name of the electronic
device being profiled in the presentation, your name and an appropriate image (clip art or
– the second slide will provide information on the function of the electronic device and add
speaker notes in the Notes pane to this slide containing features (or description) of the device
– add a minimum of four additional slides providing additional information about the electronic
– on the last slide of the presentation place a hyperlink to a web page related to the electronic
– add a footer to all of the slides except the Title page that contains the date the assignment is
due and the slide number.
– apply an appropriate design template to the presentation
– apply a different transition effect to each slide
Save your presentation in a file named “youraccountname.ppt(x)” and attach this file to your
Project 3: SQL Statements
Using the database shown above, create a Microsoft Word document containing the SQL statements
(as shown in the lecture materials) to do the following:
a. Find the Employee Name, Employee Address for all employees who work in Department
Number 124430.
b. Find the Employee Number (ENumber), Employee Name, Employee Birthdate and
Department Name for all employees working in a Toronto office.
c. Modify the employee information for Employee number (Enumber) equal to 706421 to your
name, address, birth date and gender.
d. Find the Project Location, Project Name and Employee Name for all projects who have an
employee working on the project that has a salary greater than $50,000.
e. Find the number of projects that are controlled by a department located in Vancouver.
f. Find the Department Name and Project Name for all projects that have you working on them
(your name will appear in the criteria).
Save your SQL statements in the Word file named “youraccountname_sql.doc(x)” and attach the file
to your submission.
Project 4: Queries in Microsoft Access
Create a copy of the file “university.mdb” in a file called “youraccountname_university.mdb (.accdb)”.
Update the student table by replacing the student name “Ima Dunsull” with your own name.
Create in the database the following relationships enforcing referential integrity:
1. SID in the Student table related to the SID in the Takes table.
2. CID in the Course table related to the CID in the Takes table
3. CID in the Course table related to the CID in the Teaches table.
4. PID in the Prof table related to the PID in the Teaches table.
Create a query for each of the following (name each query as follows: QueryA, QueryB, etc..):
a. Find the subject, course number, term and section for all of the second year B term courses
(courses in the ‘B’ term) in the database. Second year courses all have a course number
that begins with a “2”.
b. Find the Course Identification number (CID), course subject, course number, and term for all
of the courses taken by the student with the SID= 2986574.
c. Find the student number (SID), first name and last name for all students who have taken a
Journalism course. In addition to showing the student number, student first name and
student last name, show the course number and term as part of the resulting dataset. If a
student has taken more than one Journalism course that student will appear more than once
in the resulting dataset.
d. Find the total number of students who have taken a Journalism course. Students who have
taken more than one Journalism course will be included in the answer for each Journalism
courses that they have taken.
e. Find the professor first name, professor last name, subject name, course number, term and
mark for all of the courses that you have taken (use your last name in the query not the SID).
List the professors in ascending order by the professor’s last name.
Save your database in the file named “youraccountname_university.mdb (.accdb)” and attach the file
to your submission.
Project 5: Information Systems Questions about Your Company
Create a one page MS Word document and complete the following questions pertaining to the
business you described in Assignment One (1).
1.) Does your company have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system?
– if yes, then was it developed in house or purchased from a vendor (and briefly why)?
– if no, then how do you manage customer service?
2.) What mechanism do you use to provide business data for your company?
– when a corporate decision has to be made, how (and/or with what) do you gather
information required to make that decision?
(i.e. we need to advertise more – where do you get data to say if this is a good decision?)
3.) List any mechanisms you use to increase your companies Social Capital.
The format of this document should be identical to format you used in Assignment One (1).
Place your name, followed by the company name at the top.
Fill in the required information after.
At the end of the document, include your name, Student number and Western ID (the first part of your
Western email (i.e. if your email was – your ID would be – derntwis)
Formatting is not important as long as the document is easy to follow:
This document must be a Word file saved and submitted as a .doc (or .docx) file
The name must be a combination of your Western Account Name and the name of your company.
The file name must be youraccountname_companyname.doc (or .docx)
Submission Instructions:
You must upload, attach and submit, via the CS1032 OWL/Sakai course site, the following files:
• youraccountname_shoppingmall.accdb (for later versions) (.mdb – for Access 2003)
• youraccountname.pptx (for later versions) (.ppt – for Access 2003)
• youraccountname_sql.docx (for later versions) (.doc – for Access 2003)
• youraccountname_university.accdb (for later versions) (.mdb – for Access 2003)
• youraccountname_companyname.docx or youraccountname_companyname.doc
NOTE: This description of the assignment contains instructions that tell you to create files with names
that have a specific format. In these file names; the “youraccountname” is your university username.