Assignment 5: CS 663


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1. Suppose you are standing in a well-illuminated room with a large window, and you take a picture of the scene
outside. The window undesirably acts as a semi-reflecting surface, and hence the picture will contain a reflection
of the scene inside the room, besides the scene outside. While solutions exist for separating the two components
from a single picture, here you will look at a simpler-to-solve version of this problem where you would take two
pictures. The first picture g1 is taken by adjusting your camera lens so that the scene outside (f1) is in focus
(we will assume that the scene outside has negligible depth variation when compared to the distance from the
camera, and so it makes sense to say that the entire scene outside is in focus), and the reflection off the window
surface (f2) will now be defocussed or blurred. This can be written as g1 = f1 + h2 ∗ f2 where h2 stands for
the blur kernel that acted on f2. The second picture g2 is taken by focusing the camera onto the surface of the
window, with the scene outside being defocussed. This can be written as g2 = h1 ∗ f1 + f2 where h1 is the blur
kernel acting on f1. Given g1 and g2, and assuming h1 and h2 are known, your task is to derive a formula to
determine f1 and f2. Note that we are making the simplifying assumption that there was no relative motion
between the camera and the scene outside while the two pictures were being acquired, and that there were no
changes whatsoever to the scene outside or inside. Even with all these assumptions, you will notice something
inherently problematic about the formula you will derive. What is it? [7+8 = 15 points]
2. Consider a 1D image (for example, a single row from a 2D image). You know that given such an image,
computing its gradients is trivial. An inquisitive student frames this as a convolution problem to yield g = h∗ f
where g is the gradient image (in 1D), h is the convolution kernel to represent the gradient operation, and f
is the original 1D image. The student tries to develop a method to determine f given g and h. What are
the fundamental difficulties he/she will face in this task? Justify your answer. You may assume appropriate
boundary conditions. Now consider that you are given the gradients of a 2D image in the X and Y directions,
and you wish to determine the original image. What are the difficulties you will face in this task? Justify your
answer. Again, you may assume appropriate boundary conditions. [5+10 = 15 points]
3. Consider the image with the low frequency noise pattern shared in the homework folder in the form of a .mat
file. Your task is to (a) write MATLAB code to display the log magnitude of its Fourier transform, (b) to
determine the frequency of the noise pattern by observing the log magnitude of the Fourier transform and
guessing the interfering frequencies, and (c) to design and implement (in MATLAB) an ideal notch filter to
remove the interference(s) and display the restored image. To this end, you may use the fft2, ifft2, fftshift and
ifftshift routines in MATLAB. [10 points]
4. Consider the barbara256.png image from the homework folder. Implement the following in MATLAB: (a) an
ideal low pass filter with cutoff frequency D ∈ {40, 80}, (b) a Gaussian low pass filter with σ ∈ {40, 80}. Show
the effect of these on the image, and display all images in your report. Display the frequency response (in log
Fourier format) of all filters in your report as well. Comment on the differences in the outputs. Make sure you
perform appropriate zero-padding! [15 points]
5. Consider a set of N vectors X = {x1, x2, …, xN } each in R
(N > d). Assume their mean vector is 0.
Let V ∈ R
d×d be the orthonormal matrix containing the principal components of this dataset arranged in
descending order of the eigenvalues (assume all eigenvalues are distinct). Let us denote the order k (k < d)
linear approximation of vector xi using V as L(xi
; V) = Vkα
i where Vk is a d × k matrix containing the
first k columns of V, and α
i = Vk
txi. Let us denote the order k (k < d) non-linear approximation of vector
xi using V as N(xi
; V) = Vαi where αi = arg minci
subject to the constraint that vector ci has
at the most k non-zero elements. The total reconstruction errors for the linear and non-linear approximations
are respectively EL(V) = PN
i=1 kxi − L(xi
; V)k
2 and EN (V) = PN
i=1 kxi − N(xi
; V)k
. Which of the
following statements is true and why:
(a) EL(V) ≤ EN (V)
(b) EL(V) ≥ EN (V)
(c) EL(V) = EN (V)
(d) One cannot make a conclusion about which error is greater.
Also devise an efficient algorithm to obtain the order k non-linear approximation of xi given V, and state its
time complexity. Argue why your algorithm is correct. [5+5+5 = 15 points]
6. In this part, we will apply the PCA technique for the task of image denoising. Take the barbara256.png image
present in the corresponding data/ subfolder – this image has gray-levels in the range from 0 to 255. Add
zero mean Gaussian noise of σ = 20 to it using the MATLAB code ‘im1 = im + randn(size(im))*20’. (Do
not clamp the values in im1 to the [0,255] range as that alters the noise statistics). Note that this noise is
image-independent. If during the course of your implementation, your program takes too long, you can instead
work with the file barbara256-part.png which has size 128 by 128 instead of 256 by 256.
(a) In the first part, you will divide the entire noisy image im1 into overlapping patches of size 7 by 7, and
create a matrix P of size 49 × N where N is the total number of image patches. Each column of P
is a single patch reshaped to form a vector. Compute eigenvectors of the matrix PPT
, and the eigencoefficients of each noisy patch. Let us denote the j
th eigen-coefficient of the i
th (noisy) patch (i.e. Pi)
by αij . Define ¯α
j = max(0,
i=1 α
ij ] − σ
), which is basically an estimate of the average squared
eigen-coefficients of the ‘original (clean) patches’. Now, your task is to manipulate the noisy coefficients
{αij} using the following rule, which is along the lines of the Wiener filter update that we studied in class:
ij =
1 + σ2
. Here, α
ij stands for the j
th eigencoefficient of the i
th denoised patch. Note that
is an estimate of the ISNR, which we absolutely need for any practical implementation of a Wiener
filter update. After updating the coefficients by the Wiener filter rule, you should reconstruct the denoised
patches and re-assemble them to produce the final denoised image which we will call ‘im2’. Since you chose
overlapping patches, there will be multiple values that appear at any pixel. You take care of this situation
using simple averaging. Write a function myPCADenoising1.m to implement this. Display the final image
‘im2’ in your report and state its mean squared error with respect to ‘im’.
(b) In the second part, you will modify this technique. Given any patch Pi
in the noisy image, you should
collect K = 200 most similar patches (in a mean-squared error sense) from within a 31 × 31 neighborhood
centered at the top left corner of Pi
. We will call this set of similar patches as Qi (this set will of course
include Pi). Build an eigen-space given Qi and denoise the eigen-coefficients corresponding to only Pi
using the Wiener update mentioned earlier. The only change will be that ¯α
j will now be defined using only
the patches from Qi (as opposed to patches from all over the image). Reconstruct the denoised version of
. Repeat this for every patch from the noisy image (i.e. create a fresh eigen-space each time). At any
pixel, there will be multiple values due to overlapping patches – simply average them. Write a function
myPCADenoising2.m to implement this. Reconstruct the final denoised image, display it in your report
and state the mean squared error value.
(c) Now run your bilateral filter code myBilateralFiltering.m from Homework 2 on the noisy version of the
barbara image. Compare the denoised result with the result of the previous two steps. What differences
do you observe? What are the differences between this PCA based approach and the bilateral filter? [10
+ 10 + 10 = 30 points]