Assignment #4 COSC 4351


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You have been asked to build an admin portal that will allow your company internal employees to access the portal and perform admin functions on behalf of company clients.

Here are additional details:

(a) Application is accessible only on company network.
(b) Access to the links is role based i.e. only authenticated internal admins are able to access the portal and what links you can access once on the portal is determined based on what roles you have. So, same link will not be visible to other admin who doesn’t have appropriate role to access the link.
(c) There are some global links that are available to all admins.
(d) The links redirect users to the admin application that is not developed by you.

Based on above requirements provide followings:

1. Provide project planning tasks document related to above requirements. Document must include:
– Project scope
– Risk analysis and recommendations
– Resourcing plan
– Implementation plan (discuss development methodology, technologies, etc)
– Project schedule
– Solution architecture
– Provide User Stories / Scenarios with effort estimate (large, medium, low), resources count (developer + tester), target release for each story. I recommend using a table.
– Make sure you provide enough stories to cover 100% functional requirements.
– Story example: “As an internal admin I should be able to access the Admin Portal”
– Testing plan
– Quality measurement plan
– Deployment plan
– Maintenance plan

NOTE: you completed majority of this is previous assignments. Now put it all together in this assignment and start preparing for implementation.