assignment 3, a script file….


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In assignment 3, a script file should be created to contain a set of
queries that the Pretty Prints Company executes each month to better manage their business. Use the
database created for Print Prints that was created in Assignment 2. The script file can be created within the MySQL Workbench. Any
SQL commands used to prepare the database for queries must be included in the script.
The following queries should be included in the script:
1. List all customer along with their address, city, state and zip
2. List all customers and their phone numbers that live in GA
3. List all customers along with their zip codes that live in NC or SC
4. List all titles that have been sold along with the artist, order date and ship date
5. List all item id, title, artist, unit price, and on hand in ascending order by price
6. List all item id, title, artist, unit price, and on hand for all items with a unit price that is more than $100.00
7. List all item id, title, artist, unit price, and on hand for all items where there are more than 300 on hand
8. List all titles along with their unit price and retail price (retail price is unit price doubled)
9. List all customers that have placed an order in 2014 along with their phone numbers
10.List all artists with the number of their prints that have been sold
11.List all titles that have a unit price between $40.00 and $100.00.
12.List all customers, title, artist, quantity ordered
13.List all customers along with the total revenue received from that customer (revenue would be total retail price)
14.List each state and the number of customers from that state
 Each student must work independently on this assignment. No group work is allowed.
 Submit completed work into Moodle2.
 Take a screenshot of the submission verification in the event you need proof of submission.