Assignment 2 – Translating Virtual Machine Code


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5/5 - (3 votes)

Project Descripon
In this assignment you will complete a variation of projects 7 and 8 in the nand2tetris course. You will complete a program, translator,
which will read a Hack Virtual Machine file and output a Hack Assembly Language translation of each Virtual Machine command. The
output will be in a form suitable for testing by the precompiled executable program bin/simulator.
SVN Repository
Note: this assignment assumes that you have already created directories for every assignment, workshop, project and exam in your
svn repository, as described on the Startup Files for Workshops and Assignments
( page.
1. If required, checkout a working copy of the assignment2 directory from your svn repository.
2. Change directory to the working copy of the assignment2 directory.
3. Copy the newest zip file attached below into the updates sub-directory and add it to svn.
4. Run the following command to place the assignment’s startup files in the correct locations:
% make install
10/6/2020 Assignment 2 Description: Computer Systems (2000_7081 Combined) 2/5
5. Add the tokensier.cpp file and an empty tests directory to your svn repository:
% svn add translator.cpp
% svn add –depth=empty tests
% svn commit -m “Assignment 2 Startup Files”
Assignment 2 Files and Directories
In addition to the generic Makefile and updates sub-directory, the assignment2 directory should now contain the following files and
translator.cpp – C++ source file.
translator – executable script that will run your compiled translator program.
bin – this directory contains precompiled programs and scripts.
includes – this directory contains .h files for the library.
lib – this directory contains precompiled library components.
originals – this directory contains the original version of the translator.cpp.
tests – this directory contains test data, you can add your own tests here.
Note: you need to edit the translator.cpp file to complete this assignment. All the other files are automatically regenerated every time
you run make, they must not be changed or added to svn. You can add extra test inputs to the tests directory but those are the only
additional files that you may add to svn.
Note: if a newer version of the startup files is made available, it must be placed in the updates sub-directory and added to svn. The
next time make is run, all of the files will be updated except for transator.cpp.
Submission and Marking Scheme
Submissions for this assignment must be made to the web submission system (
assignment named: Assignment 2 – Submit Here. The assessment is based on “Assessment of Programming Assignments
( “.
Note: the Submit Here assignment will show a breakdown of your marks by category but it will always show your total mark as 0.
10/6/2020 Assignment 2 Description: Computer Systems (2000_7081 Combined) 3/5
Your programs must be written in C++. Your programs will be compiled using the Makefile included in the zip file attached below.
The translator program will be compiled using the file translator.cpp file. No other .cpp or .h files should be present in your svn
directory. Your programs will then be tested using a small set of Hack Virtual Machine files. You may assume that the first command in
each test will be a function command so that you will always know the correct class and function name to use when constructing
Note: the simulator tests each virtual machine command implementation separately so the overall failure of a test could still result in a
significant number of marks for those individual virtual machine command implementations that behaved correctly.
Assignment 2 – Milestone Submissions: due 11:55pm Tuesday of week 9
The marks awarded by the web submission system ( for the milestone
submission contribute up to 20% of your marks for assignment 2. Your milestone submission mark, after the application of late
penalties, will be posted to the myuni gradebook when the assignment marking is complete.
Automac Marking
The Milestone Tests are the same as the Final Tests but, marks will only be recorded for those tests that require a complete
implementation of the following virtual machine commands:
push constant
push static
pop pointer
You can view the Milestone Tests marks in the Milestone assignment but submissions must be made using the Assignment 2 –
Submit Here assignment.
10/6/2020 Assignment 2 Description: Computer Systems (2000_7081 Combined) 4/5
Assignment 2 – Final Submissions: due 11:55pm Friday of week 9
The marks awarded for the final submission contribute up to 80% of your marks for assignment 2.
Your final submission mark will be the geometric mean of three components, the marks for the Final Tests, a mark for your logbook and
a mark for your code. It will be limited to 20% more than the marks for the Final Tests. See “Assessment – Mark Calculations
( ” for examples of how the marks are
combined. Your final submission mark, after the application of late penalties, will be posted to the myuni gradebook when the
assignment marking is complete.
NOTE – A logbook mark of 0 results in a Final Submission mark of 0.
You can view the Final Tests marks in the Final assignment but submissions must be made using the Assignment 2 – Submit
Here assignment.
Logbook Marking
Important: the logbook must have entries for all work in this assignment, including your milestone submissions. See “Assessment –
Logbook Review ( ” for details of how your logbook will
be assessed.
Code Review Marking
For each of your programming assignments you are expected to submit well written code. See “Assessment – Code Review
( ” for details of how your code will be assessed.
Assignment 2 – Parcipaon Marks
Any submissions to assignment 2 that are made before the due date for Milestone Submissions may be awarded up to 10 participation
marks. The participation marks will be the marks awarded for the Final Tests divided by 10. You can view the participation marks
awarded in the Pre Milestone assignment but submissions must be made using the Assignment 2 – Submit Here assignment. The
participation marks will be allocated to week 8.
Virtual Machine Translator
10/6/2020 Assignment 2 Description: Computer Systems (2000_7081 Combined) 5/5
This assignment requires you to complete the implementation of the Hack Virtual Machine translator program. You should have
started working out how to implement VM commands in Hack Assembler in workshop 07. It would be a good idea to revisit workshop
07 before continuing with this assignment.
The translator.cpp file contains a recursive descent parser that will recognise Hack VM commands and call a C++ function to output a
Hack Assembly language implementation of each kind of VM command it parses. You are required to edit the translator.cpp file and
complete each of the translation functions. Do not modify the other parts of the translator.cpp file.
The translation functions must output Hack Assembly language by calling the function, output_assembler(), which is passed a single
line of Hack Assembly language or a comment. Each translation function starts and ends with start_* and end_* functions so that
program output will be in a form suitable for testing by the precompiled executable program bin/simulator.
Remember to keep your logbook up to date when working on this assignment and make svn commits when you add new logbook
Startup Files
The newest of the following zip file(s) must be placed in the updates sub-directory and added to svn. When make is run, the newest zip
file in the updates directory is used to update the startup files. Any files you are required to edit will not be updated but, a copy of the
latest version of those files will be placed in the sub-directory originals. (