Assignment 2 CS5370: Deep Learning for Vision/AI5100: Deep Learning/AI2100: Deep Learning


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1 Theory (15 marks)
You can submit your response as a PDF document, which can be typed out in LaTeX/Word, or
handwritten and scanned. If handwritten, please ensure legibility of answers.
1. (2 marks) Consider the problem of computing a homography from point matches that include outliers.
If 50% of the initial matches are correct, how many iterations of the RANSAC algorithm would we
expect to have to run in order to have a 95% chance of computing the correct homography?
2. (1 mark) Consider a 3-layer neural network (as shown in the diagram below):
1 = σ(W1x), h2 = σ(W2h
), f(x) =< w3 , h2 >
where W denotes a matrix, w denotes a vector and σ(·) is applied elementwise. Compute ∂f
3. (1 mark) You are training a 3-layer neural network and would like to use backprop to compute the
gradient of the cost function. In the backprop algorithm, one of the steps is to update ∆(2)
ij :=

ij + δ
∗ (a
for every i, j. Can you rewrite the above equation for all the weights in layer 2 in
vector form? (HINT: ∆(2) := ∆(2) + · · ·??)
4. (2 marks) Consider a neural network with 1 hidden layer, d inputs, M hidden units and c output
units. Write down an expression for the total number of weights and biases in the network. Consider
the derivatives of the error function with respect to the weights for one input example only. Using
the fact that these derivatives are given by equations of the form ∂En/∂wkj = δkzj
, write down an
expression for the number of independent derivatives.
5. (4 marks) It is possible to mathematically show that minimizing the sum-of-squared error in a neural network is equivalent to/derived from the principle of Maximum Likelihood Estimation. (Read
the first few chapters of http: // neuralnetworksanddeeplearning. com/ if you need help understanding this.) Now, consider a model in which the target data has the form:
yn = f(xn; w) + n
where n is drawn from a zero mean Gaussian distribution having a fixed covariance matrix Σ.
Derive the likelihood function for this dataset drawn from this distribution, and write down the
corresponding error function. Such an error function is called generalized least squares. The usual
sum-of-squares error function corresponds to the special case Σ = σ
I, where I is the identity matrix.
6. (2.5+2.5=5 marks) One of the major concerns while training a large neural network is the presence
of symmetries in the weight space. For a given set of model parameters {θ}, assuming a simple
scaling i.e. {γθl}, γ ∈ R for weights in layer l, and multiplying the next layer’s weights by 1/γ, the
loss function value remains the same for both weight configurations. This is called scale symmetry.
(a) Can you give any one problem caused by scale symmetry while training deep networks? Substantiate your answer with a proper reason or example.
(b) Provide any one other symmetry that a deep neural network suffers from (other than scale
symmetry) in its weight space. Substantiate your answer with a proper reason or example.
2 Programming (35 marks)
• The programming questions are shared in “Assignment”. Please follow the instructions in the
notebook. Turn-in the notebook via Google Classroom once you finish your work.
• Marks breakdown is as follows:
Part 1
– Question 1: 2 marks
– Question 2: 9 marks
– Question 3: 4 marks
Part 2
– Implementation of the network: 8 marks
– Question 4: 2 marks
– Question 5: 2 marks
– Question 6: 2 marks
– Question 7: 2 marks
– Question 8: 2 marks
– Question 9: 2 marks
Part 3: Ungraded